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After losing election, 15 States form petitions to secede

In a few more election cycles when the latino population turns that red state purple, I'm sure plenty of Texans will want to split it up.
In a few more election cycles when the latino population turns that red state purple, I'm sure plenty of Texans will want to split it up.

I don't think it's necessarily a given that latinos will always vote democrat. GWB carried the Latino vote twice, right? If the Conservative Party dumps or even tones down the immigrant amnesty hostility that vote might split or even swing. I mean we're talking about cowboy hat wearing blue-collar gun owning truck driving Catholics here. Not to stereotype :)
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ok this is coming from an overgrown emo comedian whose only lighthearted material is about masturbation, and he even gets depressing about that
The thread title is deceptive. No STATES are petitioning to secede; just certain nutcases from those states are.

I don't think this is much different from all the white liberals who threatened to move to Canada after W's 2 elections. The only difference is that we conservatives hate Canada because of their socialized medicine and French-speaking twits. And we hate to move because we all have excellent mortgage rates and school districts already.
except one person threatening to move to canada is different from petitioning to move your whole state fromthe union
There is nothing surprising at all to me about why the Republicans are taking these two losses to Obama so hard. The Republican Party has always felt, deep down, that it is superior in several ways....morally, with their religiosity, and financially, as they have more overall wealthy supporters. I call it kind of a "CEO-mindset" party. They really look down on Democrats as not being their equals...and, therefore, feel that compromising with these people is somehow beneath them. So, since they obtained some power, they had no inclination to compromise it with the other party. Now they are losing that power.....and they would have lost it eight years ago if not for the 9/11 attacks.....they are in a quandry, and are lashing out with all these bitter, desperate attacks....because they became drunk with the power that came to them, really, due to that tragic attack on 9/11.

In 2000, after some degree of Clinton-fatigue, the Republicans were able to gain power and take control of government....though just barely, and under the most dubious of circumstances. And look how they immediately reacted to their newly found, but narrowly-held power: With total arrogance. However....and this can never be emphasized enough....the Republicans could never have risen to the levels of power that they obtained after that without one critical event: The 9/11 attack. Try to deny it if you wish, but the 9/11 attack was the most beneficial thing that has happened to the Republican Party in my lifetime. 9/11 was absolutely critical to everything the Republicans have done in the last 10 years. It was a watershed event in the rise of the Republican Party, short-lived though it is going to be. It enabled them to pursue all of their goals, while using political pressure to shame any potential adversaries to those goals into submission with charges of lack of patriotism against anyone who dared stand up against them.....just like the gameplan that Hermann Goering had laid out in Germany. I'm sure that all of you know the quote....and it is true. Bush/Cheney & the Republicans followed it to a tee.

Hmmm ... so secession is Bush's fault?
ok this is coming from an overgrown emo comedian whose only lighthearted material is about masturbation, and he even gets depressing about that

Louis C.K. is far, far from emo. He's a self deprecating pessimist.
I don't think it's necessarily a given that latinos will always vote democrat. GWB carried the Latino vote twice, right? If the Conservative Party dumps or even tones down the immigrant amnesty hostility that vote might split or even swing. I mean we're talking about cowboy hat wearing blue-collar gun owning truck driving Catholics here. Not to stereotype :)

No, Bush never carried Latinos. He got 41% in 04, McCain got 31% in 08, Romney got 21%. Not a good trend for thr GOP. However if we could just get back to only white men voting

Love that map. We need to get back where we white men can own black people, where women can't vote and can't hold property and where yellow people stay in Asia (unless of course we need to build us some railroads).
Love that map. We need to get back where we white men can own black people, where women can't vote and can't hold property and where yellow people stay in Asia (unless of course we need to build us some railroads).

You forgot genocide against red people. Ahhh, the good ol' days
Damn ! we are under attack.

What began as a pair of parallel stunts appears to have gathered steam. Other than Louisiana and Texas, states with secession-related petitions pending on the White House website now include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee.

Three states — Georgia, Missouri and South Carolina are each represented by two competing petitions.
Let's let the Confederacy be its own country again and refuse them foreign aid like they would do to others and not let them back into the union this time.

exactly. i have long held the position that all the states that boarder the gulf or mexico sans FL are more than welcome to secede if they ever feel like it.
Let's let the Confederacy be its own country again and refuse them foreign aid like they would do to others and not let them back into the union this time.

yeah losing 4.4 trillion in gdp wouldn't hurt the US at all.

that number grows to 5.1 trillion if you count territory claimed by the confederacy. still insignificant.
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yeah losing 4.4 trillion in gdp wouldn't hurt the US at all.

that number grows to 5.1 trillion if you count territory claimed by the confederacy. still insignificant.

Take a joke. You white people are so sensative.
I know it's very popular to rip white men but good god if you look at the achievements of white men it's unbelievable. Democracy, electricity, the intertubes, Ryan Seacrest...the list goes on.