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Mod Emeritus
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
1) Does anybody care about debate number 1 between that guy that has a name synonymous with semen leaking out of an anus, "oops" man, woman that ruined HP, Indian Mr. Rogers, Senator Scarlett, and who? He's still alive? Good for him.

No? OK. Moving on.

2) Rules for tonight's debate:

1. Donald Trump mentions his wealth, or how smart he is.
2. A candidate mentions Benghazi
3. A candidate says, "This president..."
4. A candidate whines about not getting called on enough.
5. Someone promises to "take America back."
6. Trump interrupts someone by saying, "Excuse me, let me answer that…"
7. Anyone mentions Hitler, Nazis or Neville Chamberlain. Includes related imagery, e.g. "ovens."
8. The crowd cheers a racist/bigoted statement by a candidate.
9. A candidate mentions his poor/hardscrabble upbringing, or a parent who "worked every day of his life."
10. A candidate talks about "stopping Hillary Clinton."
11. Anyone warns the U.S. is becoming Greece.
12. Trump refers to himself in the third person.
13. Anyone invokes St. Ronald Reagan.

Drink EVERY time a candidate:

14. Claims a positive relationship with a minority. Also known as the, "Some of my best friends are…" rule.
15. Tries to speak Spanish
16. Tries to warm up to the Ohio crowd with an awkward LeBron shout-out.

Drink EVERY TIME you hear the word(s):
17. "I'm not a scientist."
18. "You can keep your doctor."
19. "ACORN."
20. "The war on Christians."
21. "Thug."
22. "Right here in Ohio."
23. "Culture of dependency."


24. "Kenya."
25. "All Lives Matter."
Edit the title a little and make this the OFFICIAL DEBATE WATCHING THREAD.

So you just start chugging and don't quit until you are dead. Got it.
Hopefully this isn't being built up so much that it ends up being disappointing. It is also sad that all of these people are trying to become the president, like this is what we got.
I am really looking forward to watching this tonight. Hopefully, it gives some of these folks a reason to just shut it down. I think there are 4-5 candidates that would have a good shot (50/50ish) against Hillary... Would prefer everyone else to GTFO ASAP.

In the meantime, there will certainly be comedic value from the fringe guys.
4-5 candidates = about half of the people on stage tonight during the main event.

or all you including the 7 on the undercard as well?
To clarify: The 7 on the undercard need to go away immediately

A few others on the stage tonight need to go away after they get no bounce.

The rest can stay as long as they'd like, I guess. You can probably have a decent debate w/ 6-7 candidates. Decent meaning enough time for everyone to speak.
Oh, and 4-5 is probably generous... I realize that. Was giving the benefit of the doubt to a couple.
It would be much cooler if the debates also included relegation rules... such that the worst two performers from the main debate get relegated to the next undercard... and two new ones move up! Of course, polling may take care of that anyway...
Jindal's pretty lucky that Trump is running. Otherwise more attention would be paid to how Jindal, who was once thought to be a rising star, has completely imploded. Jindal says and does as much ridiculous stuff as Trump, Huckabee, Carson, and Santorum, and nobody cares or even notices. His approval ratings are so low, he couldn't even win the GOP Senate nomination in LA. Makes George Allen, Tim Pawlenty, and Bob McDonnell look like huge successes.
I just want to see Trump insult Christie's weight, followed by Christie insulting Trump's hairpiece.
Can't wait and I don't even follow politics that much.
I am really looking forward to watching this tonight. Hopefully, it gives some of these folks a reason to just shut it down. I think there are 4-5 candidates that would have a good shot (50/50ish) against Hillary... Would prefer everyone else to GTFO ASAP.

In the meantime, there will certainly be comedic value from the fringe guys.

Which ones are the fringe guys?
1) Does anybody care about debate number 1 between that guy that has a name synonymous with semen leaking out of an anus, "oops" man, woman that ruined HP, Indian Mr. Rogers, Senator Scarlett, and who? He's still alive? Good for him.

No? OK. Moving on.

2) Rules for tonight's debate:

1. Donald Trump mentions his wealth, or how smart he is.
2. A candidate mentions Benghazi
3. A candidate says, "This president..."
4. A candidate whines about not getting called on enough.
5. Someone promises to "take America back."
6. Trump interrupts someone by saying, "Excuse me, let me answer that…"
7. Anyone mentions Hitler, Nazis or Neville Chamberlain. Includes related imagery, e.g. "ovens."
8. The crowd cheers a racist/bigoted statement by a candidate.
9. A candidate mentions his poor/hardscrabble upbringing, or a parent who "worked every day of his life."
10. A candidate talks about "stopping Hillary Clinton."
11. Anyone warns the U.S. is becoming Greece.
12. Trump refers to himself in the third person.
13. Anyone invokes St. Ronald Reagan.

Drink EVERY time a candidate:

14. Claims a positive relationship with a minority. Also known as the, "Some of my best friends are…" rule.
15. Tries to speak Spanish
16. Tries to warm up to the Ohio crowd with an awkward LeBron shout-out.

Drink EVERY TIME you hear the word(s):
17. "I'm not a scientist."
18. "You can keep your doctor."
19. "ACORN."
20. "The war on Christians."
21. "Thug."
22. "Right here in Ohio."
23. "Culture of dependency."


24. "Kenya."
25. "All Lives Matter."

I really wish I could play this game. I am not going to get home from work until after the debate has started and probably will have to fastforward through a lot of it. Going to be fun.

'All Lives Matter' is going to be a killer if they bring up PP. And if Trump brings himself up in the third person you should have to finish the bottle. That is a game over kind of reference.
Walker, Rubio, Jeb, Christie, and Paul are the only ones I am interested in hearing from to be honest. I don't like Jeb, but he is a legitimate contender. Walker is kind of blah to me, but want to hear him on a national stage. Rubio, Christie, and Paul are the most interesting to me. All 3 (especially Christie) need to make a stand and turn themselves into a real contender. This is the perfect opportunity, so I think we see some big moves tonight by these three to establish themselves. Wouldn't surprise me to see at least one of them fall flat on their face as they attempt a risky maneuver. If yo like politics, tonight's debate is a must watch event.