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Billboard Up Today

After reading this thread. All I can think of is this:

Stratton brothers=

It clearly is. Why drag the schools funding into athletics? A lot of us love the school for its academics too since we have a vested interest in the value of our degree and have a sentimental attachment to the university at large.

While I agree that both of these billboards suck I don't think the strategy of the second one is completely off the mark. I went to the launch of the Wake Will campaign a couple of weeks ago and was struck at how heavily athletics fit into the marketing for the campaign. It was a central focus at the event.

Wake Will is a much needed campaign and it is certainly Hatch's top priority. It might not hurt to point out to him that if he is going to use Wake's athletic history to help secure donations it might not be a bad idea to return Wake athletics to a more relevant position. There are certainly better ways to go about it than this billboard, but spotlighting the connection athletic success has with the overall success of the university is not a bad thing and is the only thing that might grab Hatch's attention.
How can the Wake brass be so tone deaf to use the lowest point of Wake athletics as a focus of a fundraising campaign? There have to be some things at Wake going better than athletics.
rapidly rising tuition doesn't scream give us more money either.
The Casstevens billboard will certainly get people's attention. He is a hated man to many in this town and most don't even realize Wellman hired him to run the finances of the AD. Word is, his favorite eating establishment is on Knollwood so he may have to drive past his own billboard several times a week. This could be the punishment he deserves.
So am I to understand that people don't like the billboards? Oh, well, true genius is rarely appreciated during the lifetime of the person possessing it. In a hundred years, those billboards will be recognized as the damn pieces of art that they are.

Mazel tov, gentlemen. Fucking mazel tov.
All I know is that some poor dude named Will is going to drive by this billboard and be like, "HOW DOES IT KNOW MY NAME?"

For whatever reason this just had me in tears with laughter. It's like several years' worth of agony at watching WF sports boiled over into a fit of hilarity because of this thread, and particularly this post.

WF Athletics = If you don't laugh, you'll cry. Or in some cases, both.
I just don't understand how so many people can't see how bad things are with Wake athletics even though the facts make it perfectly clear. We are at a historically low point across our entire athletic program. The majority of sports are at or near the bottom of the ACC. Basketball is at the lowest point since the 80s. This is the worst stretch of football since Grobe took over.

How can people delude themselves? The numbers don't lie.
I just don't understand how so many people can't see how bad things are with Wake athletics even though the facts make it perfectly clear. We are at a historically low point across our entire athletic program. The majority of sports are at or near the bottom of the ACC. Basketball is at the lowest point since the 80s. This is the worst stretch of football since Grobe took over.

How can people delude themselves? The numbers don't lie.

The billboards are a little goofy, and I think the product would've been better had this been a group effort like the first billboard was, but so what? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they're saying. It does, apparently, take a bunch of overanalytical WF nerds to parse it to death and whine about the Y axis and other dumb shit. Jeez, you'd think that those bitching actually paid for the billboard and should have a say (an exception made for Palma, apparently).

I wouldn't have signed off on these, but I didn't contribute like I did the first billboard. At this point, the AD's office is in a circle the wagons mode anyway and this just keeps them on the defensive. Mission accomplished. I'll be ready to put forth some more $ around ACC tourney time when we're sucking even more cock.
The billboards are a little goofy, and I think the product would've been better had this been a group effort like the first billboard was, but so what? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they're saying. It does, apparently, take a bunch of overanalytical WF nerds to parse it to death and whine about the Y axis and other dumb shit. Jeez, you'd think that those bitching actually paid for the billboard and should have a say (an exception made for Palma, apparently).

I wouldn't have signed off on these, but I didn't contribute like I did the first billboard. At this point, the AD's office is in a circle the wagons mode anyway and this just keeps them on the defensive. Mission accomplished. I'll be ready to put forth some more $ around ACC tourney time when we're sucking even more cock.
Exactly. Too much armchair quarterbacking here.

Is it perfect? No. Does it give a big "Fuck You" to Ron Wellman? Yes.

Good stuff.

Is it still up or did the assholes scare Stratt into taking it down?
The billboards are a little goofy, and I think the product would've been better had this been a group effort like the first billboard was, but so what? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they're saying. It does, apparently, take a bunch of overanalytical WF nerds to parse it to death and whine about the Y axis and other dumb shit. Jeez, you'd think that those bitching actually paid for the billboard and should have a say (an exception made for Palma, apparently).

I wouldn't have signed off on these, but I didn't contribute like I did the first billboard. At this point, the AD's office is in a circle the wagons mode anyway and this just keeps them on the defensive. Mission accomplished. I'll be ready to put forth some more $ around ACC tourney time when we're sucking even more cock.

I'm now officially embarrassed to be a Wake fan.

It took you long enough... Most of us reached that point a year or two ago.

@Stratt - Make whatever adjustments you feel need to be made to the billboards and let it roll.
The whole non-WFU alum thing keeps getting brought up in a joking or condescending tone, but I think there's a very valid point hidden within.

Fans of Wake sports that did not go to Wake and have little affiliation with the actual school can be the biggest of fans, however rarely do they care much about the university beyond athletics. Most non-alum Wake fans aren't going to be bragging to their friends or posting on their facebook about how Wake is ranked top 25 or how important it is to have great facilities and teachers in the classrooms. They can still be die-hard Wake fans, but their allegiance is to the sports program.

The Stratts probably had good intentions and felt that the best way to go after Wellman was to show the negative repercussion he has on the entire school. That's fine, however we've all gotten very upset because that attack goes beyond just Wake sports, but attacks a very important campaign for the future of Wake Forest, something far more important to the university than sports.

Stratts, glad you've continued the good fight but I hope you can step back and understand why there was such strong negative backlash. Your positive intent to get rid of Wellman was seen as far more of an attack on Wake Forest than simply the target at hand.
While I agree that both of these billboards suck I don't think the strategy of the second one is completely off the mark. I went to the launch of the Wake Will campaign a couple of weeks ago and was struck at how heavily athletics fit into the marketing for the campaign. It was a central focus at the event.

Wake Will is a much needed campaign and it is certainly Hatch's top priority. It might not hurt to point out to him that if he is going to use Wake's athletic history to help secure donations it might not be a bad idea to return Wake athletics to a more relevant position. There are certainly better ways to go about it than this billboard, but spotlighting the connection athletic success has with the overall success of the university is not a bad thing and is the only thing that might grab Hatch's attention.

I have traded emails with Hatch. He simply doesn't care. This was the way to get his and the BOT's attention.
To please everyone, Stratt toned down the ads.



RSF already did "Demand Accountability." I personally think it is a waste of time to run it again but it is what everyone wanted.
I emailed the billboard company and told them to run these. Hopefully, they will be up tomorrow morning. It is $2000 for 4 weeks. We can pick whatever weeks we want. Thoughts are to run again the week after we get clobbered by Kansas and then the week we begin getting clobbered in the ACC. The other is yet to be determined. I am done with this so someone else needs to manage the remaining three weeks.

By the way, to those smart asses who want to make fun on the banner, we gave up because it became a logistical nightmare. Air Signs screwed up the State game, so we hired another company who happened to have a plane in the area for the Maryland game. It was cloudy that day, so the pilot wasn't allowed to take off. No one has a plane in the area for the Florida State game. Game over. Move on to billboard.
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I think one other point w/r/t the Casstevens billboard is a distinction that we're going to have to make as a group soon. The problem that I have with the "Still want to donate to Wake athletics?" line is that it reads as us trying to negatively influence fundraising, which is sort of the definition of actively campaigning against the programs we claim to be supporting. Which is fine, and I totally understand the reasoning behind that, but it's definitely different than our past strategy, which was: "Let's point out how bad things are."

I'm not sure if making that distinction (i.e., attempting to negatively influence the department rather than point out its faults) is good or bad, but it's definitely a new direction. I don't think I'm on board with it, personally.