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BKF Bat Signal

Liquid Karma

Eat a dick, hackers!
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Mar 25, 2011
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I posted that almost 13 hours ago:

Today, 07:24 AM


Quote Originally Posted by ChrisL68

Dean was an also ran who bombed out early. Get over it.

You still evidently do not understand what went into that situation in November & December of 2003....after Dean had taken a commanding lead in the polls as well as fund-raising....and had been endorsed by President Carter, Al Gore & the SEIU. Everything was falling into place for a Dean nomination....and that's when Team Clinton & the DLC went into action to undermine the Dean campaign in many ways....but mostly by constantly spreading the insinuation that Dean was "too angry" to be president. This led to the culmination of the so-called "Dean Scream" that was brought about by using sophisticated electronic equipment to mute background noises in a noisy gym....and then replayed endlessly (no doubt at the urging of those Clinton forces) for maximum effect.

What happened on January 19th, 2004.....12 years ago today....did not happen in a vacuum. You are only looking at the final result without any consideration (or evidently knowledge) of everything that had been going on for 60 days or so before the Iowa caucuses.

Saying only that "Dean was an also ran who bombed out early" indicates that you are woefully uninformed about what was going on within the Democratic Primary process at that time.
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America was spared a free disaster

Yeah, the four more years of disastrous war and the economic collapse of 2008 that Cheney-Bush gave us worked out really well for the country.

This country will be paying for those four years for many years to come.
I posted that almost 13 hours ago:

Today, 07:24 AM


Quote Originally Posted by ChrisL68

Dean was an also ran who bombed out early. Get over it.

You still evidently do not understand what went into that situation in November & December of 2003....after Dean had taken a commanding lead in the polls as well as fund-raising....and had been endorsed by President Carter, Al Gore & the SEIU. Everything was falling into place for a Dean nomination....and that's when Team Clinton & the DLC went into action to undermine the Dean campaign in many ways....but mostly by constantly spreading the insinuation that Dean was "too angry" to be president. This led to the culmination of the so-called "Dean Scream" that was brought about by using sophisticated electronic equipment to mute background noises in a noisy gym....and then replayed endlessly (no doubt at the urging of those Clinton forces) for maximum effect.

What happened on January 19th, 2004.....12 years ago today....did not happen in a vacuum. You are only looking at the final result without any consideration (or evidently knowledge) of everything that had been going on for 60 days or so before the Iowa caucuses.

Saying only that "Dean was an also ran who bombed out early" indicates that you are woefully uninformed about what was going on within the Democratic Primary process at that time.

The "Dean scream" happened. That it was enhanced by so-called "sophisticated electronic equipment" is laughable. Even if it was it still happened!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0

That Bob Knight only threw a chair that one time is a pretty poor defense of the man. Kind of like saying I only beat the hell out of my wife that 1 time. (the chair went into the handicap section, btw) Also, after the incident all the chairs in Assembly Hall were chained together. Not sure what precautions were taken on the road. I loved Bob Knight when he was at Indiana, but we need to look at the bad as well as the good.
The "Dean scream" happened. That it was enhanced by so-called "sophisticated electronic equipment" is laughable. Even if it was it still happened!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0

That Bob Knight only threw a chair that one time is a pretty poor defense of the man. Kind of like saying I only beat the hell out of my wife that 1 time. (the chair went into the handicap section, btw) Also, after the incident all the chairs in Assembly Hall were chained together. Not sure what precautions were taken on the road. I loved Bob Knight when he was at Indiana, but we need to look at the bad as well as the good.

Dean was speaking in a noisy, crowded gym in a pep-rally atmosphere. He had to speak loudly to be heard. The problem was that his audio microphone blocked out the crowd noise. People who were actually there reported that they didn't even realize that Dean was speaking loudly or that this was any kind of a big deal until they heard the media talking about it later when they showed the video...with the audio from Dean's mic. This entire thing was much ado over nothing....other than it was part of a coordinated strategy by Team Clinton & the DLC to portray Dean as an angry candidate.....a strategy that had begun several weeks earlier after Dean had become a real threat to win the nomination from November polls & fund-raising numbers and endorsements from Carter, Gore & the SEIU. Then, of course, it was replayed 700 to 1,000 times in the next days by the media.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell. If there is anything I can do to help her get beat, you can be sure that I am going to do it.
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So Hillary Clinton orchestrated Dean losing so we could have 4 more years of Bush and she could be white knight in 08? Why didn't she undermine Kerry?
So Hillary Clinton orchestrated Dean losing so we could have 4 more years of Bush and she could be white knight in 08? Why didn't she undermine Kerry?

Kerry wasn't going to beat Cheney-Bush. Dean had the grassroots energy behind him that Sanders has now (and Trump, to some extent). Kerry in 2004 was much like Hillary today. Team Clinton & the DLC knew that. The only place they screwed up was that they didn't count on Obama bursting out of nowhere in 2008. If it hadn't been for Obama, it would have worked perfectly for them. After four more years of Cheney-Bush, any Democrat was going to win in 2008.

And the last thing that Team Clinton wanted was a President Dean running for re-election in 2008. That would have completely screwed up their schedule for Hillary. So they were willing to sacrifice four more disastrous years of Cheney-Bush to clear the way for Hillary in 2008. These people are about as damned evil as Cheney. That's why you've got such strong support for outsiders....finally. Both political parties are sorry as hell and only concerned with their own selfish interests....and a significant number of Americans seem to have finally had enough of it.
Can you cite a legit news source on this, and not some conspiracy theory blog?
Dean was speaking in a noisy, crowded gym in a pep-rally atmosphere. He had to speak loudly to be heard. The problem was that his audio microphone blocked out the crowd noise. People who were actually there reported that they didn't even realize that Dean was speaking loudly or that this was any kind of a big deal until they heard the media talking about it later when they showed the video...with the audio from Dean's mic. This entire thing was much ado over nothing....other than it was part of a coordinated strategy by Team Clinton & the DLC to portray Dean as an angry candidate.....a strategy that had begun several weeks earlier after Dean had become a real threat to win the nomination from November polls & fund-raising numbers and endorsements from Carter, Gore & the SEIU. Then, of course, it was replayed 700 to 1,000 times in the next days by the media.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell. If there is anything I can do to help her get beat, you can be sure that I am going to do it.

TEAM CLINTON AND THE DLC forced Howard Dean to use a microphone that he didn't understand would reduce crowd noise?

What a dastardly plan!!!
Can you cite a legit news source on this, and not some conspiracy theory blog?

Do you think these people post their intentions & strategy on a national news site? Just observe, use simple common sense....and connect the dots.

ETA: You can find confirmation of DLC members and/or Clinton supporters spreading the idea that Dean was too angry to be president in November & December of 2003...as well as meetings of some of these people during this time discussing strategy on how to stop Dean. This falls under what I called "connecting the dots".

I've posted links to some of these things in past threads on the subject, and I suppose I could look them up & post them again....but I don't know what point it would serve. We have basically the same posters we had then, so I presume that they saw those links already...and it hasn't seemed to register with them, so I don't think posting them again would be any different. And anyone else could find them just as easily as I if they were really interested in doing so. It's fairly common knowledge among anyone who was following the campaign closely from October, 2003 thru January, 2004.
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Do you think these people post their intentions & strategy on a national news site? Just observe, use simple common sense....and connect the dots.

I love your theory that cannot be proven or denied. Please tell me more.
I love your theory that cannot be proven or denied. Please tell me more.

It's really immaterial to me whether you or anyone else on this board agrees with me. I'm just telling you what I believe. You and everyone else here have a right to believe anything you wish. My actions are determined by my beliefs....which is why I would never vote for Hillary Clinton. (And as a matter of fact, I never voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 or 1996, either.)

ETA: See edit to post #11.
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Dean was speaking in a noisy, crowded gym in a pep-rally atmosphere. He had to speak loudly to be heard. The problem was that his audio microphone blocked out the crowd noise. People who were actually there reported that they didn't even realize that Dean was speaking loudly or that this was any kind of a big deal until they heard the media talking about it later when they showed the video...with the audio from Dean's mic. This entire thing was much ado over nothing....other than it was part of a coordinated strategy by Team Clinton & the DLC to portray Dean as an angry candidate.....a strategy that had begun several weeks earlier after Dean had become a real threat to win the nomination from November polls & fund-raising numbers and endorsements from Carter, Gore & the SEIU. Then, of course, it was replayed 700 to 1,000 times in the next days by the media.

Hillary Clinton can go to hell. If there is anything I can do to help her get beat, you can be sure that I am going to do it.

People who were at a Dean rally didn't have a problem with it? You don't say. #breakingnews
Dean finished 3rd in the Iowa caucuses. He was done before that gaffe. If a Vermont progressive can't finish higher than 3rd in Iowa, then how is he going to do in the South?

Progressives from NE states don't win Presidential Elections.
dean was a loser then and a loser now. not sure why we need to drag him from the toilet so often