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Chat Thread 1: Raptors in Walmart?

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thought re: the neverending chat thread. at some point the tags fill up I think, like there is a max amount of tags per thread (or there was on the MD board). will they be purged at some point? I think it's an argument for the chat thread having an ending.
My intent is to implement some sort of thread ending eventually. It's just not easy to do this so it's going to take a little while.
thought re: the neverending chat thread. at some point the tags fill up I think, like there is a max amount of tags per thread (or there was on the MD board). will they be purged at some point? I think it's an argument for the chat thread having an ending.

There is a 25 tag limit. We can increase or decrease it. Not sure if we can make them expire or overwrite old ones. I'll have to look when I get back from lunch.
i am in a generally crummy mood today. i find myself very irritable and believe i should be removed from the presence of others. this translates to me most likely peacing out the next hour/hour and half.

I need some alone time (on my bicycle).
Someone got stabbed at my high school today. Nice.
You are still in HS?

No, I meant to say the one I graduated from.

And yes, Drew.

Not really surprised at all. It's gone way downhill since I graduated in 06. Rough estimate that 80% of the teachers I had there are gone.

Not saying much though, considering I played basketball in gym class every day for a semester with a guy who ended up in an online chat room, luring a gay person to a park, murdering him and driving his car/wearing his shoes to school the next day.
Lots of coffee haters on this board. It's an acquired taste, for sure, but I enjoy it and the ritual behind it (especially when drinking a cup after dinner). I love the smell of coffee beans AND brewed coffee, but coffee breath is truly awful. To me, tea just tastes boring, but I wouldn't say no to sharing a cup with someone.
1st of all - RIVERSIDE, REPRESENT (iLT has my back on that)

2nd of all - That's Durham for you.


I was one of maybe 2 or 3 people on my freshman hall of 20 at Wake that had legitimately been friends with a black person before coming to Wake. And out of habit I was maybe the only one who regularly locked my door or was aware of my surroundings when out at night. Durham Life Education.

I was one of maybe 2 or 3 people on my freshman hall of 20 at Wake that had legitimately been friends with a black person before coming to Wake. And out of habit I was maybe the only one who regularly locked my door or was aware of my surroundings when out at night. Durham Life Education.

My freshman year roommate was generally a waste of life. There are countless examples of stupid, terrible roommate things that he did, BUT I got it through his head to lock the damn door every time he left. For that, I am thankful.
Some people did start locking their doors after some things went missing on the hall.

TBDeac (my roommate) had his Xbox 360 jacked in roughly a 2 minute window during which I had gone to the Pit and he was in someone else's room. He had just bought it a week or two before.
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