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Chat Thread 504.3.14: Chat Thread you better take care if I find you've been creepin' 'round my back stairs.

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One fails to truly appreciate the rejuvenating nature of sleep until it is lost for a night and then are fully expected to function as a responsible adult the next day.
Out of all the health habits that I try to focus on, I think the most beneficial is knocking out 8 hours a night. It means going to bed at around 815, but all of my worst habits healthwise took place after that point in the night anyway.
You know things are going swimmingly for the Panthers when their tickets are on Groupon.
IDK how other people do their passwords, but I've found great success in using passwords that are 3 or 4 words back to back, with letters changed to symbols or numbers (E's to 3's, O's to 0's, i's to !'s, C's to ('s, L's to 7's, A's to @'s, stuff like that) and then throw in symbols or numbers to separate them. Like when I need a new password I just look around my room and either find 3 things, or think of something I ate for lunch that day, or just a random word. Here, I'll do it right now:


There, you can use that....I don't/won't, but there's a good one. It is "poster" + "rubiks" + "battery" and 92 at the end. So all I do is remember the 3 words, sometimes 4, and I'm good to go. Just a tip for those that want to create GREAT passwords but be able to remember them.
My dude, you are wasting way too much effort changing letters to symbols or numbers.

A PW like "p0$+3RrU8!k5B@t+eRy92" is definitely p secure and by itself would take 3 sextillion years to crack, but also just using something like "poster-rubiks-battery92!" (throwing one special character at the end and a number to satisfy any dumb PW character requirements) would take an order of magnitude more (3 septillion years), all while being about a million times easier to type and remember w/out having to translate to 1337 speak in your head.

Try it yourself!: https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/
i mean, the koch brothers have funded some of his stuff and he participated in their retreats with clarence thomas
Damnit juice why do you tell me things and ruin my happiness? Ken Burns, octopuses. Now you're gonna tell me that schnorkies were originally bred by the Khmer Rouge or something.
You know whats an underrated classic, Can't Hardly Wait. I remember thinking that was an amazing movie. I will not re watch it because I am sure it doesn't hold up, but man that was a great movie to my teenage brain.
Outside Providence is my favorite 90s teen flick.
You know whats an underrated classic, Can't Hardly Wait. I remember thinking that was an amazing movie. I will not re watch it because I am sure it doesn't hold up, but man that was a great movie to my teenage brain.
I have never seen the movie but I recall having a BURNED CD of the soundtrack
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