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Chat Thread CXIII: Watchin Yo! MTV Raps, What's the Haps on the Chats?

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so I got 8 hours of sleep last night. that never ever happens on a weekday or sober, so that was nice to wake up refreshed.

however, I did go to sleep so early (10:30!!) because I was feeling icky last night. had a fight with my gi tract on a run last night. boo.

forced myself to eat dinner even though I wasn't hungry, and for the sake of my tummy I went simple with two pieces of toast. I'm surprised I didn't wake up super hungry this morning so I guess I've been overeating dinner forever which probably explains a lot about my figure. I guess two slices of bread with butter doesn't sound like a small meal when I type it out, but my dinners are usually more caloric than that.

Lessons: sleep more and eat less. Probably good for everyone.
Beautiful morning in Raleigh. Headed to Charleston this afternoon. Weather is supposed to suck though. Myrtle Beach next week! :sick:
Guys, we're gonna see a new thread today.

Sadly, I won't get to try to repeat the win since the wife and I are headed north of the border for a long weekend to celebrate our 10th anniversary. I'll try to get a new thread title up to finish it off.
Sadly, I won't get to try to repeat the win since the wife and I are headed north of the border for a long weekend to celebrate our 10th anniversary. I'll try to get a new thread title up to finish it off.

CT CXIII, where nothing can possibl-i go wrong, possibl-y go wrong, that's the first thing that's ever gone wrong
Yo ladies, your lady bits are killing you

Sex Hormone Levels Linked to Breast Cancer Risk in Younger Women

Higher levels of certain estrogens and other sex hormones are shown to be associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women, according to an analysis from the University of Oxford that pooled seven prospective studies of hormones and breast cancer risk. A doubling of concentrations of those hormones increased the risk of breast cancer by 20% to 30%.

“This study suggests that, just like in older women, one of the major risk factors with breast cancer has to do with lifetime exposure to estrogen,” says Ann Partridge, MD, MPH, director of the program for young women with breast cancer in the Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA.

Studies have shown that factors contributing to higher levels of estrogen over a woman's lifetime—including beginning menstrual cycles at an earlier age, beginning menopause later, and not having children—pose higher risks of postmenopausal breast cancer. The increased risks associated with higher concentrations of sex hormones in premenopausal women identified in the new analysis are smaller but qualitatively similar to those previously reported in postmenopausal women, the researchers say.

Uncovering this similar link in younger women has been more challenging because only about 20% of breast cancers are diagnosed in women younger than 50. “You have to use a pooled analysis to get enough data,” says Partridge, who was not involved in the analysis.

The study, published in The Lancet Oncology, examined the levels of hormones in blood from 2,466 women under 50 years of age, 767 of whom had breast cancer. Collaborators in the Endogenous Hormones and Breast Cancer Collaborative Group at the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford in Oxford, UK, controlled for fluctuations of the blood hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. Most of the women were of white European descent.

The group found that higher concentrations of estradiol, estrone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and testosterone were associated with increased breast cancer risk.

Lead author Timothy Key, PhD, notes that because hormone levels fluctuate widely during the menstrual cycles of younger women, these findings cannot be used to classify the breast cancer risk for individual women.

Even for older women, hormone levels generally are not used as part of the risk assessment process. “It's a fairly robust predictor, but it's not clear it adds information that will change a woman's decision,” says Partridge. “It's complex. Essentially a lot of estrogen is a carcinogen. But figuring out which particular person is at high risk and how to prevent cancer in them is the future.”
my gf is in the wedding i'm going to at 5 today. pretty sure she's already drunk. shitshow: engage.
Yo ladies, your lady bits are killing you

Sex Hormone Levels Linked to Breast Cancer Risk in Younger Women

Higher levels of certain estrogens and other sex hormones are shown to be associated with a higher risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women, according to an analysis from the University of Oxford that pooled seven prospective studies of hormones and breast cancer risk. A doubling of concentrations of those hormones increased the risk of breast cancer by 20% to 30%.

“This study suggests that, just like in older women, one of the major risk factors with breast cancer has to do with lifetime exposure to estrogen,” says Ann Partridge, MD, MPH, director of the program for young women with breast cancer in the Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA.

So... being a woman and having female hormones can increase risk of a mostly-female cancer? Hardly seems surprising, but I'm no scientist or cancer researcher.

Probably good that science keeps coming up with birth control pills with ever-decreasing estrogen levels though.
Been here since 6, but off at 12 and so ready for the weekend right meow

So... being a woman and having female hormones can increase risk of a mostly-female cancer? Hardly seems surprising, but I'm no scientist or cancer researcher.

Probably good that science keeps coming up with birth control pills with ever-decreasing estrogen levels though.

The news here is that it goes for younger women, since women under 50 only make up 20% of the incidence of breast cancer. Your latter statement is so, so true, and for more reasons than just breast cancer.

5:00 Friday wedding? that seems a bit unfriendly for guests. probably a good way to keep the guest list small though.

It is a bit unfriendly; this week has been nutso at work, and I had planned to take a half day for months now knowing about it, but it ended up meaning working a lot of 8-9 shifts and then coming in at 6. I know all the out of towners had to take at least a day off work, my gf in the wedding had to take 2.

It's already a small wedding, though, only about 75 guests invited. Should be really fun music-wise though. The bride and groom both went to U-Arts for music, one for voice and the other for jazz sax, her dad is in the Philly pops and chair of music at U Arts, etc. So the band is some of the best jazz musicians on the east coast. And the wedding and ceremony are in Audubon, PA, in a nature conservancy, which should be pretty cool, too.
5:00 Friday wedding? that seems a bit unfriendly for guests. probably a good way to keep the guest list small though.

it's also a great way to save some money. i was pretty dead set on having a saturday wedding, but it would have been WAY cheaper to have a wedding on any other night. it also makes a lot more venues available. since most people want saturday, it's difficult to get availability then. but any other day of the week is usually wide open.
5:00 Friday wedding? that seems a bit unfriendly for guests. probably a good way to keep the guest list small though.

maybe he means like "wedding weekend?" friday at 5 wouldn't be too weird of a time for the rehearsal to start. oooorrr maybe it's a jewish wedding?

ETA: just saw townie's post. nope, just a regular friday wedding, nevermind!
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it's also a great way to save some money. i was pretty dead set on having a saturday wedding, but it would have been WAY cheaper to have a wedding on any other night. it also makes a lot more venues available. since most people want saturday, it's difficult to get availability then. but any other day of the week is usually wide open.

Yeah I know it makes it a lot cheaper. I'm sure saving wads of cash would be nice, but my pipe dream future wedding will almost definitely be on a Saturday to make it more convenient for guests. My sister went to a Friday wedding in New Orleans this spring and grumbled a little about having to take extra time off work to fly in and such. It was a family wedding (her husband's family) so there wasn't as much of a choice on whether to attend.
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