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Chat Thread: I worked out with a dumbell yesterday, I feel vigorous

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I was in DC for a conference a couple years ago and got lunch with an old high school friend who left her job working at the World Bank to start doing breathwork classes.

in case you want her contact information
I appreciate the offer but I’m not really interested in breathwork at present. Any time I try focusing on my breath I inevitably have a panic attack. Just thinking about the lungs has a measurable effect on my blood pressure and heart rate.
Today's post-workout lunch is a gyro and seasoned fries. Wonder if there is a decent amount of protein in gyro meat.
I have a pretty good group of dudes that I play pick up with, and I used to play in a flag football and softball league, but they're both 50 minutes away and I just don't have time anymore.
The sparkling water I had with lunch may be the end of me, serious trapped gasses feeling. When did life become so fraught with danger?
I know I'm just some guy on the internet but damn Townie I hope you get a chance to explore/process/resolve that.
OK, I did a hang clean at 185. I even took a video, but you don't get to see it because I look fucking ridiculous.

Today's workout was 5 rounds of:
8 power cleans (95#)
12 box jumps
8 power cleans (95#)
12 box jumps
rest 1 minute

So I already had the bar set up for cleans and decided to give it a whirl.

Long story short... Your move, bro.
game on. Tomorrow:

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 bench 185
after each set 5 hang cleans at 95#
same number of burpees as bench sets

No rest
I appreciate the offer but I’m not really interested in breathwork at present. Any time I try focusing on my breath I inevitably have a panic attack. Just thinking about the lungs has a measurable effect on my blood pressure and heart rate.
You ever try some box breathing? It’s good stuff
game on. Tomorrow:

10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 bench 185
after each set 5 hang cleans at 95#
same number of burpees as bench sets

No rest

Let me know your time and I'll beat it by 1 second.

And then mako will beat it by 3 minutes.

And then my wife will beat that by another 2 minutes.
I know I'm just some guy on the internet but damn Townie I hope you get a chance to explore/process/resolve that.
Thanks. It doesn’t pose too many challenges for me; it was good to identify a trigger like that. Much of my generalized and social anxiety challenges that really crushed me in college have abated significantly over the years, so I feel in generally a good place. I know there are meditative techniques that don’t focus on the breath, so I’m interested to explore those instead.
i learned that when your exhales are longer than your inhales that it helps alert the brain you aren't in danger and can help with some of the biological triggers for anxiety

has helped me

I do 3-5 minutes of breathing like this at the end of every workout. For basically the same reason as you mention... To let my body know the stress is over and I'm about to return to my boring ass job in my basement cave.
Let me know your time and I'll beat it by 1 second.

And then mako will beat it by 3 minutes.

And then my wife will beat that by another 2 minutes.
please. My time will be terrible...50/50 chance i pass out doing the first 10 burpees.
I've never actually timed myself doing it But it's a "fun" workout
and the people at the gym look at you like your an animal.... helps that i wear a short sleeve Project Rock hoodie. absolutely unleashing the inner d-bag
i learned that when your exhales are longer than your inhales that it helps alert the brain you aren't in danger and can help with some of the biological triggers for anxiety

has helped me
Interestingly it is in thinking about the sympathetic nervous system that I start to really break down.

i learned that when your exhales are longer than your inhales that it helps alert the brain you aren't in danger and can help with some of the biological triggers for anxiety

has helped me
Pursed lip breathing! In through your nose, out through pursed lips like you’re blowing out candles. Great for anxiety
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