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chik fil a deserves a se7en style ass *******

BMI calculation and those charts and what not are bullshit IMO. People guess I weigh around 240-260 but I weigh 285 because of my build. Yes, some people are just blobs, but I was relating it to people in my life, and probably giving bias towards athletes that weigh alot but are not obese by any means.

I just said that in general it isn't bullshit across a population. I didn't say you were fat. I was saying that there are a lot of people in the world that are 6'2 250 and are fatasses. No way you have to get to 300 to be a fatass. You said almost everyone that is fat and over 6'2 is over three bills. I said that was wrong. Also, studies show most people underestimate their body fat %, fwiw.
BMI calculation and those charts and what not are bullshit IMO. People guess I weigh around 240-260 but I weigh 285 because of my build. Yes, some people are just blobs, but I was relating it to people in my life, and probably giving bias towards athletes that weigh alot but are not obese by any means.

If you deal mostly with athletes, then I am sure you are right that fatasses tend to be even heavier. I was relating it to the general population. BMI is ridiculous for any athletic population.
Just for a point of reference the record, this guy is 6'4 290. You gotta be pretty jacked to not be fat even at that height.

Oh yeah I was actually trying to show that he was both strong and still a fatass. Your picture does that better.
Huh? They maybe do a tiny amount of advertising of WinGate, but otherwise I am not really sure what you're talking about. Maybe the owner operator of your specific CFA is putting stuff out, but the closest the standard advertising packages come to being propaganda is mentioning the Christian couples counseling WinGate does.

Seriously? You guys are crazy. I eat at Chicfila several times a week.

Except for the "Truett Cathy" story on one of the interior walls of the place, there is never any propaganda.
I just said that in general it isn't bullshit across a population. I didn't say you were fat. I was saying that there are a lot of people in the world that are 6'2 250 and are fatasses. No way you have to get to 300 to be a fatass. You said almost everyone that is fat and over 6'2 is over three bills. I said that was wrong. Also, studies show most people underestimate their body fat %, fwiw.

You're right, I was taking it out of context.
I'll take 'Things that fat people say' for $800.

lol touche - I have never been skinny by any means, so I do has a bias against those things, especially when in elementary and middle school, no one thought you were really "fat" until a chart told them :tear:
the only people i see crying are the fatties that wont give up their chicfila. the "activist left" on here has just said they wont be seeing any of our dollars. thats the american way, son. money talks, your bullshit walks.

I'll make sure I take note of this next time I eat at Chick-Fil-A. I am sure that all the liberals that are going to abstain from the fried goodness of Chick-Fil-A is going to destroy their business model. This thread is ridiculous, but not surprising considering the source.
I'll make sure I take note of this next time I eat at Chick-Fil-A. I am sure that all the liberals that are going to abstain from the fried goodness of Chick-Fil-A is going to destroy their business model. This thread is ridiculous, but not surprising considering the source.

As soon as good Christians get word that the heathens are trying to destroy God-fearing Chick-Fil-A, every bible study in the bible belt will be held at a Chick-Fil-A or with a plate of nuggets.
The religious community loves Chick-Fil-A 10x more than the 'heathens' hate it.
The religious community loves Chick-Fil-A 10x more than the 'heathens' hate it.

Obesity, a penchant for nazi goose stepping and a love for white meat Jesus go hand in hand.

You dumb stupid fucks are wasting your lives away.
Obesity, a penchant for nazi goose stepping and a love for white meat Jesus go hand in hand.

You dumb stupid fucks are wasting your lives away.

Eating Chick-Fil-A is far from a waste.
Chick-Fil-A is a closeted homosexual who cheats on its wife on Sunday #ChristianValues
CEO Dan Cathy in town today to visit stores and give a quick interview.

Q: You've been criticized by some groups for your WinShape foundation's charitable giving, which people have said goes to groups that are hostile to homosexuals. Have you changed your giving at all in response, and what causes do you support?

We support a Biblical view of who the family is. We're in a crisis in America right now, where we're asking what constitutes a marriage, and we know that so many couples are having children but they're not married. Long term, that is devastating to a community and society. We have to employ these children, and when they walk in here it's very important for us to have the moral code kind of written into them, things like honesty, integrity, fairness.

It's a large task for us as employers to try to make up all the lost ground they didn't get when they didn't have a mom or a dad. So anything to shore up and to strengthen the family is what Chick-fil-A is all about.

We may be challenged with that, but that's our position and we're going to stay the course. We're not critical of others, we're simply saying we need to have a society and a culture that represents traditional family values.

Charlotte Observer
He gets kudos

For sticking to his beliefs and being open about it .

And my chicken minis were excellent today.