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Childress Speaking at Raleigh Deacon Club Tour Tomorrow, 4/25

- Ron's point, to me, was Jim Grobe did not have a big winning percentage when hired - he did have some good people left from Jim C. and that helped him get past the 1st years (bowl team)

Does Wellman really think that Grobe went to a bowl game his first year, or is he intentionally lying to spin the situation and hoping that we don't realize that it's incorrect?
Damn right!

You are right dimes! Wake sucks right now because of Wellman and bzz. A good leader would take the blame and stop blaming on gaudio and the transfers.

I'm not impressed and Randolph won't be able to save this bunch.

Posted this on another thread, but probably makes more sense here:
I would love it if someone asked Wellman or Bzz about this new mantra of "not compromising our values" in one of these Deacon Club sessions. Is that too imply that we have done so recently? If so, that would implicate Wellman and our entire coaching staff, aside from Bzz.

Perhaps not lumping in the few bad apples with our past players from the Skip/Dino era would do more for our image. Guys like AFA, JJ and Teague could be great representatives for Wake yet we sh*t on their legacy every time we talk about doing things the right way now as if they were part of the "wrong culture". In Bzz's interview earlier today he blatantly infers that our transfers also fall into the category of guys who don't fit the new Wake profile…

Earth to Wellman and Bzzz…look in the f*cking mirror. The problem is not the many people abandoning Wake Forest, it is from within. By their tone you'd think we were Miami football in the 80's/90's. It is okay to admit we're struggling, that we're working to fix it, that it's always difficult when young men leave the program…Be leaders, not hide behind your pathetic PR spin. These value/culture mantras anger me more than anything because we pretend like we hold ourselves to a different standard now that Bzzz is here--that's bullish*t. We just got unlucky with recruiting and it coincided with choosing a sub-par coach. At this point, I bet Bzzz would take a mass murderer if he could drop step and bang.
For Ron Wellman...
1) Specifically what was wrong with our previous "culture"?
2) When we were winning a few short years ago, specifically how were we "compromising our values" in order to do so?
3) Can you name a Division I basketball coach who is less able to connect with his players, fans, and alumni than Jeff [Redacted]?
4) Specifically what does Jeff [Redacted] have to accomplish next season to keep his job or will you give your friend another free pass?
5) Have you been considering retirement? And if so, when?

Question 4 is the only REAL question here that matters. Question 2 is not bad either. The others, they will just spin some BS to appease the crowd. Number 4 is a put up or shut up and we are not idiots (most of us) question. Win or GTFO. Just stop with keep his job and drop the free pass.

I would ask #4 like this and may have to wait until November to do so: "Ron, since Jeff [Redacted] has had a losing record for 6 of the past 7 years??? my apathy is so bad I don't even know is it 4 out of 5??? (or pick whatever AWFUL stat you want) and we have been embarrassed the past 2 years to the point where nobody shows up for our home games (or some awful attendance stat), what does [Redacted] need to accomplish next season to keep his job?" If he gives you some evasive BS about the incoming class or whatever, stay standing and just shake your head before sitting down.
Could it be that the "culture" and "values" talk is just BS, and Ron and Jeff aren't really changing anything, but just saying that crap to placate old rich people who are pissed that we've had a spate of run-ins with the law?
Could it be that the "culture" and "values" talk is just BS, and Ron and Jeff aren't really changing anything, but just saying that crap to placate old rich people who are pissed that we've had a spate of run-ins with the law?

That's just poppycock, whippersnapper.
It seems as though you're having similar problems over the same issue with different people. Just saying...

Since you decided to interject your comment, feel free to explain what problem I'm having and what issue it is over. Here's the conversation, for your reference:

Chill the coach thinks you get the players the rest is easy. He thinks he can get the players.

Chill can't even recruit in his current position.

His current position isn't his goal

Umm, ok...and what does that have to do with what I said?

palma - Where have you heard from Chill the coach to understand that his coaching philosophy is just "recruit the best players and let them play" is the way to win games? Sounds diametrically opposed to our current head coaching philosphy held by Bzz and Wellman.
Since you decided to interject your comment, feel free to explain what problem I'm having and what issue it is over. Here's the conversation, for your reference:

palma - Where have you heard from Chill the coach to understand that his coaching philosophy is just "recruit the best players and let them play" is the way to win games? Sounds diametrically opposed to our current head coaching philosphy held by Bzz and Wellman.

Glad to see we're sticking to the "keep it in the thread" high road that you advocated last week, Racer.

You've clearly got an issue with Chill and his accepting this role/people disagreeing with your opinion on it, to the extent that you're willing to argue a stupid semantic point at length for the point of being able to conflate like five different points and simultaneously knock/worship Chill.

Seems like most people are reading you the same way.

You and Chill should lock yourselves in a room together until you've figured your issues out
This is going to be my only contribution (as it were) to this thread. I just want to know about the "not going to compromise our values to win games" mantra.

If I were to attend one of these dog and pony shows, I would ask: 1) based on that statement, did we compromise our values to win games in the past....and if so, could you provide some specifics?

2) If not, then what does that have to do with our current situation?

3) When can we expect to win games? Is there a time frame or will we forever be basing our "success" on past failures? i.e. success is winning 4 games instead of 1.

Those would be my questions.
The LA event which palma and I went to was far more intimate (no homo) than the others, it seems.
Late arriving crowd and the program did not start until about quarter after 7. Probably contributed to shorter Q&A sessions, although everything that was asking in the open forum setting was a softball. I would guess there were about 75 or so people in attendance.

Bishop and I were probably the first two to arrive. The long networking session at least meant one on one time with pretty much everyone there on behalf of the AD. We spoke to Piscatelli, Faircloth, McCluney, [Redacted], and Wellman individually. Mostly just chit chat with the first three. I can't quite remember how we ended up on the subject but Bz offered that 6 of the 11 players he had inherited had been arrested. I asked if this is what we were talking about about the the win without compromising our values message. He said yes, looking for high character student-athletes. I did not get the sense the implication was that we had toed the ethical line with recruiting, mostly just that we did not want any more trouble makers. I overheard him use the 6 of 11 line of someone else a bit later. I asked him about recruiting overseas and he brought up a big man in the Canary Islands. He did not say a name. He mentioned a visit but I'm not sure if he was talking us going there or the recruit coming to Wake. He hoped to hear good news soon. Wellman asked us when we graduated (class of '07) and I said we were immediately hooked on Wake basketball because we entered with Chris Paul. He had good things to say about Chris and how much he loved Wake and this was a big talking point when he took the podium during the program. I asked him if a high character recruit along the lines of Chris who was an early entrant candidate was a good fit under our new vision. He said yes but emphasized they needed to be committed to working hard in the classroom.

We started out with a short video with various athletes thanking the Deacon Club for their donations and Coach took the stage. He exceeded my low public speaking expectations but it sounded pretty rehearsed and right from the playbook others have described with winning the right way and with a team we could be proud of being the big messages. He seemed genuinely excited about the future and told a few funny anecdotes about the current players or incoming recruits. He said they are hoping to add a 8th but did not elaborate. The questions he got really aren't worth mentioning.

Wellman hit some of the same win with integrity messages when discussing his vision for the program. He talked about Chris and his love for Wake as I mentioned earlier. Then he spent some time talking about Duncan, Louis Frazier, Alphonso Smith, and Michelle Sikes and their accomplishments. The point was none of them would have been able to attend Wake without our contributions. He brought up the new capital campaign, which is still in the silent phase. Sounded like a new rec center and strength and conditioning facility were the top priorities. Program ended with the video others brought up earlier. A bunch of our coaches video taped talking about the upcoming capital investments associated with their program.

That is about all I can remember for now but will try to answer any questions if folks have any.
Wellman is a much better speaker and spoke much more candidly. What he said had a real flow to it, while Coach seemed to be racking his brain at times to remember what he was supposed to say. I thought for sure someone would ask what he considers a successful season next year but nobody did.
I wanted to sack up and ask where he got his ties but just couldn't pull the trigger. FWIW, he looked pretty solid other than his tie was too long again.

Pisch said there is a decent chance the ND lottery opened up to General C members.
Faircloth told me he has the same jacket I wore. Bz asked where I was from and told me about his experience living in Florida and working as an assistant to Pat Riley. I chuckled at that one.
Thanks for the report. 6 of 11 arrested! That is staggering.

Tony Woods was arrested for striking his girlfriend. JT Terrell had a DUI. I guess that is being arrested. Melvin Tabb was arrested for stealing something. What three am I missing?