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CNBC: Treasury's financial intel unit to turn over financial records for Trump-Russia

Well thank you. I was trying to prove a point to Karl. He calls out everyone as liars. Just wanted to see if it's a habit. Not everyone here has all their facts in order and there is a lot of BS thrown around too.

The difference between someone saying Gowdy has HIV/AIDS and your posts is that you "believe" your posts and the Gowdy post is sarcasm.

You post things have been proven false as if they are true. When confronted with this, you often say, "I believe". Just because you "believe" something that is false doesn't give you the right to say it isn't. You can't you "believe" Obama went to a Muslim school when he didn't.

You can't say people grew up disadvantaged when they didn't.

You can't say Condi Rice was treated the way she was at Rutgers because she was a black woman or that the ACLU should have stood behind her. The reality is everyone who lied America into the Iraq War is treated is the way she was. It has nothing to with race or gender. The ACLU or others don't support people who lied like she and her cabal did.
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Quickest of questions: EVEN IF Obama was Muslim, why would that matter?
Well then Karllllll that includes your friend Hillary.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What does Hillary have to do with anything in my post about your posts?
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It doesn't matter.

The subject was brought up when I spoke about candidates and lies really Trump.

I touched on a few points and one was I thought President Obama was raised as a Muslim and may have converted to Christianity or may not have. I said that I wasn't fond of Jeremiah Wright, his spiritual adviser, who baptized his children. I though Wright wasn't a good mentor. I did not say Obama was bad because he may have been raised Muslim when he was a child. He did have two Muslim fathers.

I said that maybe he was more spiritually a Muslim but being a Christian would probably help him become president at the time than if he were Muslim. I was saying that as a possibility. Not accusing obama of being a Muslim as if pointing fingers and saying "SEE HES A LIAR HES A MUSLIM." That's it. Then all hell breaks loose. Lol oh well.

He wasn't raised a Muslim and went to a Catholic schools most of his life.

May or may not have converted to Christianity? This is utter BS. There is no doubt that he was NEVER a Muslim and had no reason to "convert to Christianity". Even bring this up shows you give total BS lies credence. This is the third or fourth time you have brought up things like "maybe he was more spiritually a Muslim ". The only who people think this are the wacko right.

You also neglect the fact that Obama hadn't been to Wright's church in years and completely denounced Wright in a nationally televised speech.
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i have never understood the BS Muslim stuff, just Fox racist shit. First of all, Kenya is 6% Muslim but only was with his father less than the first 6 months of his life. was raised my his mother and grandparents who were from Kansas...how many white Muslims were there in Kansas in the 60s? he grew up in Hawaii by a quick search there was not a Mosque in Hawaii until 1979. Obama was around 18 and off to college at that time in L.A..

just so dumb
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She also voted to go to Iraq. That's all. You mentioned lying to America. Hillary was a yes. That's all.

She and others voted based on the lies Bush and cabal presented to the Senate. It is an historical fact that the Bush cabal had 100% of the massive dissenting opinions about Iraq deleted from National Intelligence Estimate that was provided to Congress. The Senate was given a one-sided document that intentionally misled the body before they voted.

Further, Condi, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith and others spread lies to the nation on TV, radio and all other media to buttress the NIE and lies that were being told.

The vote in the Senate is not on those who voted to go to war, regardless of party. It's 100% on the Bush cabal liars. Lying to start a war of choice is the worst thing any POTUS can do. They sent young Americans to die for political reasons. This is totally inexcusable and unforgivable.
i have never understood the BS Muslim stuff, just Fox racist shit. First of all, Kenya is 6% Muslim but only was with his father less than the first 6 months of his life. was raised my his mother and grandparents who were from Kansas...how many white Muslims were there in Kansas in the 60s? he grew up in Hawaii by a quick search there was not a Mosque in Hawaii until 1979. Obama was around 18 and off to college at that time in L.A..

just so dumb

We don't even have the brown muslims here in Kansas.
We don't even have the brown muslims here in Kansas.

you are missing the point, namely that anything and everything bad needs to be thrown at Trump 24/7

start throwing and keep throwing, it does not have to make sense, just keep throwing

the fuck? Trump needs no one's help. If he just did his fucking job, he'd have few issues. Instead, he acts like a mentally stunted buffoon 24/7. Don't you conservatives believe in "personal responsibility" anyway?
Somebody on one of the NPR shows yesterday made a great point. All the controversies so far have been self-inflicted.

What happens when there is a real catastrophe?
Somebody on one of the NPR shows yesterday made a great point. All the controversies so far have been self-inflicted.

What happens when there is a real catastrophe?

He's going to step up and be the great business leaders that he played on The Apprentice.
He's going to step up and be the great business leaders that he played on The Apprentice.

I thought he was supposed to be running this whole country like one of his businesses. If this presidency were a business, it would be Enron.
Somebody on one of the NPR shows yesterday made a great point. All the controversies so far have been self-inflicted.

What happens when there is a real catastrophe?

He'll blame Obama and Democrats.
did you guys miss BKF's decree that it's exclusively the democrats fault for losing the election that the american people and the planet have to deal with Trump's poor performance