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Coach K whines again, drops F-bomb at fans

Here's a good one...
I don't get it. That's like the most protection I've ever seen for a team. At no point in that video is anybody remotely close to a Duke player other than a UVA player.

As a matter of fact, the Duke players and coaching staff were safer because the students rushed the court. If Duke wins that game, the team leaves the court with no security.
Um, that may be one of the most organized court stormings that I have ever seen. Look at the arena security and how well they protected Duke and the handshake line. What the fuck is K whining about?

I remember thinking as it happened, "sucks for Duke, they're gonna get rushed again, that must blow to have it happen every time you lose a game." Then I thought, "damn, UVA security did a very nice job with that one. Built a cordon, lots of presence, really made it look organized and safe."

All that said, every word K says here is reasonable, if you think about it. But he must be complaining about other court stormings, because the UVA one was like an organized polo match.

"Look, do you know how close you are to -- just put yourself in the position of one of our players or coaches," Krzyzewski said, according to the Raleigh News & Observer. "I'm not saying any fan did this, but the potential is there all the time for a fan to just go up to you and say, 'Coach, you're a [expletive],' or push you or hit you. And what do you do? What if you did something? That would be the story. We deserve that type of protection.

"I'm always concerned about stuff like that, especially at this time of the year. What if that happened and we get a kid suspended? That becomes the national story. It's not all fun and games when people are rushing the court, especially for the team that lost. Again, congratulations to them, and they should have fun and burn benches and do all that stuff. I'm all for that. They have a great school, great kids, but get us off the court. That's the bottom line."
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If Duke is so concerned about it they could always, I don't know, WIN THE GAME.
Coach K get all kinds of crap. But I would love for him to be our coach anyday.
After watching that ESPN video, it appears to me that K and company just didn't handle losing well but rather than take responsibility for their own actions, they tried to make themselves appear to be victims of poor security. But it is apparent from the video that there was more than adequate protection as they left the court.
Looking forward to having K and college basketball's other asshat prima donna, Boeheim, in the same league. Maybe Calhoun can come out of retirement and get the Florida State job and complete the triumvirate.
Hard to expect UVa to contain four thousand students when your basketball team couldn't handle Joe Harris. Choke on 36 big'uns up your rathole, K. Say hi to Reggie and Shane for us on Saturday.
U know I was thinking today, I sure will be glad when all these old bastards retire. K, Roy, Boeheim all of em.
I won't. I hate K as much as the next guy, but I can't imagine the ACC without him. Hell, I was 5 years old when he was hired. You really couldn't ask for a better heel.
Sure kaye has a point about safety, but this is just his way to deflect any focus on his f-bombing a student. Funny how the papers picked up on that but ESPN just focus' on the 'danger' to the dook team.

And it's all fine and good, but funny how kaye did not make this big of stink after the Miami and State games. And as ESPN did their special segment on court storming the video clip behind them shows this wall of security where the dook team is calmly walking off the court very protected from the mass on the court. Of course the 'tools' on ESPN don't bother to point out it looked like dook was well protected but just harp on kaye's 'fears' for team safety.

ESPN the dook network.
Anybody notice how Scott apparently hit his head on a camera when he was knocked down after making a shot on the baseline? When is kaye going to hold a presser about the safety of players because cameras and fans are too close to the action. Scott could have gotten a concussion or worse, but I guess it wasn't a dook player so it's ok.
Here is a video looks to be from the same area, and you can clearly see the security wall and all the dook players walking off with no fans anywhere near them. What a wanker!


I'm in that video at the end. My UVA friend and I are 7 rows up and 4 seats over from the tunnel. I thought I had posted about this on another thread. At no time was anyone from Dick in physical danger. The yellow vested security folks made a wall between the bench where the players were and the court. They protected both coaching staffs and teams. After the handshakes, Relationships and team walked toward the tunnel, and he had 2-3 cops in front of him. When they got to the end of UVA's bench, they ran up against the kids from the student section still filing onto the court, and it took approximately 10 seconds before a few more security folks were able to hold back the students so Relationships and team could proceed to the locker room. Relationships was obviously pissed and was shoving 1 of the cops in the back to get him to go forward, but the cop waited till the security folks stopped the students. And our section was booing him as he went by. That was as well protected as I've ever seen a visiting team during a court storming. And Littlepage said as much in response to Relationships.

And BTW, Coach Relationships, this is Cville. Neither benches nor couches are burned in Cville. We stick to wine and cheese. This is not West by God. Get your geography straight.