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This isn't too much of a coincidence, but years ago I went into a job interview, the first interviewer sits down and with a deadpan serious face says "So. You know my wife."

I had a moment of panic that I might be fighting my way out of there but it was just someone I went to college with. And only touched her boobs.
maybe it's instructional

A few weeks ago, based on YouTube and the Web, I downloaded some Blackberry Smoke albums on iTunes. Had some free time today and finally got around to listening to it. I'm feelin' it. I know they've sold out Ziggy's a couple of times, and checked their website to see if they were coming around soon. Turns out tonight is their live record release party. At Ziggy's. 4 miles from my house. Sold out, though, and I have a dinner date with the Mrs.
I have these happen to me all the time, in both Europe and the US. I am so, so, so, bad with names and contexts, but I can remember the faces of almost everyone with whom I have ever had a significant interaction. Usually it starts with a really awkward "I know you from somewhere", but after about five minutes of talking we figure out where we've met.

Most recent major one was a couple of months ago: it was recruitment for my phd program, and one of the recruits in my field looked very familiar. She was well younger than me, went to Penn, and dated a guy from Carolina that I'd never met. We chatted, and I thought that the Carolina connection must have been it, but there was none we could make out. After a while (and many more drinks), we figured out that she'd met the Carolina guy on her term abroad through Penn, at my alma mater in the UK -- turns out the very day I submitted my MA was the first day of her term as an undergraduate study abroad person. Somehow she'd ended up at our table at the student bar and we'd had a pint together. Ten minute interaction almost five years ago. So weird.

On the other hand, there was another girl on the visit who I am sure I'd met, but couldn't find the connection.
Lived in Nantucket in the summer of 1987. After the summer, I started to travel around the World going west to follow the seasons. A few months later, I was swimming in the ocean in Tahiti struggling with the current. After 30-45 minutes, I couldn't handle it physically any longer. I knew it was my time here on earth. I prayed to God and was prepared to put my head down and die. Out of nowhere came two girls that I met in Nantucket on a long board and called out my name. Saved my life. Incredible.
A couple of months ago this guy I met through facebook posted a video of a song from a grateful dead concert from 1990. I told this long story about this funny interaction I had with a stranger during this particular song at this concert in a baseball stadium.

A couple of hours later one if his friends posted that he was the stranger I was talking about. It was definitely the same guy.
I walked right into a friend from Wake a year after graduation in the middle of Victoria Station in London in rush hour.

Three months later was going down the escalator at the Pompidou Museum in Paris and saw the same guy going up the escalator.

Haven't seen him since, but I keep waiting for him to appear.
carlspackler88 and the Deacon have never been spotted in the same room at the same time
I was the best man in a wedding this weekend for one of Brasky/Townie/wakephan/other high school classmates and also met three others that were in the wedding party/attended.
I was on a train in France on my way from Paris to Nantes for the US/Yugoslavia game in the '98 World Cup and sat down in a section with four seats, two facing two. An older guy sits down next to me and says he's waiting for his sons. I was wearing a Columbus Crew shirt at the time and he noted that he used to live in Columbus and used to be a season ticket holder. At the time I lived in Columbus and was a season ticket holder so we thought that was cool.

He said he gave up his tickets because he moved to North Carolina to be closer to one of his sons. I said, oh nice, I am from NC originally and go to school there now.



Oh, another coincidence, my son is in med school there right now.

Wild, right? So the sons take their seats and we are remarking on this cool coincidence, and the dad goes, "and what's your name?" After I told him, the son goes -- are you related to so-and-so; I'm doing ob/gyn right now and he's the professor/head, whatever.

I am in fact related to said professor, he is actually my mother's distant cousin and delivered me because he was on-call the night I was born and my mom's usual ob/gyn was out of town.

So we're laughing about this, and the other guy asks me what I am doing at Wake. I tell him that I do this and that, work at the radio station (WFDD), and he asks if I know another so-and-so who works there because he was his high school English student at some high school in Florida. I knew that dude, too.
I was on a train in France on my way from Paris to Nantes for the US/Yugoslavia game in the '98 World Cup and sat down in a section with four seats, two facing two. An older guy sits down next to me and says he's waiting for his sons. I was wearing a Columbus Crew shirt at the time and he noted that he used to live in Columbus and used to be a season ticket holder. At the time I lived in Columbus and was a season ticket holder so we thought that was cool.

He said he gave up his tickets because he moved to North Carolina to be closer to one of his sons. I said, oh nice, I am from NC originally and go to school there now.



Oh, another coincidence, my son is in med school there right now.

Wild, right? So the sons take their seats and we are remarking on this cool coincidence, and the dad goes, "and what's your name?" After I told him, the son goes -- are you related to so-and-so; I'm doing ob/gyn right now and he's the professor/head, whatever.

I am in fact related to said professor, he is actually my mother's distant cousin and delivered me because he was on-call the night I was born and my mom's usual ob/gyn was out of town.

So we're laughing about this, and the other guy asks me what I am doing at Wake. I tell him that I do this and that, work at the radio station (WFDD), and he asks if I know another so-and-so who works there because he was his high school English student at some high school in Florida. I knew that dude, too.

Who was the prof/obgyn?
Before our son was born, the wife and I narrowed the list of possible names for him down to two. Let's say the names were Tim and Josh. We never told anyone about either name. Birthday arrives, and the moment I first lay eyes on him, I know immediately that he's a Josh. I just knew. My wife knew as well, she told me later. They wrapped him up and gave him to us but we never said out loud what we had both decided his name was. After that, they take him over to the examining table to clean him up, weigh him, etc., and the nurse asks me what his name will be. Not knowing that my wife and I were on the same page, I replied that we hadn't decided yet. The nurse responds, "Well I think he looks like a Josh." Again, we had not told a soul that we were considering that name, and she just called it. The look I gave her must have been priceless.
Before our son was born, the wife and I narrowed the list of possible names for him down to two. Let's say the names were Tim and Josh. We never told anyone about either name. Birthday arrives, and the moment I first lay eyes on him, I know immediately that he's a Josh. I just knew. My wife knew as well, she told me later. They wrapped him up and gave him to us but we never said out loud what we had both decided his name was. After that, they take him over to the examining table to clean him up, weigh him, etc., and the nurse asks me what his name will be. Not knowing that my wife and I were on the same page, I replied that we hadn't decided yet. The nurse responds, "Well I think he looks like a Josh." Again, we had not told a soul that we were considering that name, and she just called it. The look I gave her must have been priceless.

So Chupe, you worked at WFDD in the late 90's? We have to know each other, or at least have some friends in common. I had a few friends who were big into Wake Radio back then.
So Chupe, you worked at WFDD in the late 90's? We have to know each other, or at least have some friends in common. I had a few friends who were big into Wake Radio back then.

Well, I wasn't Wake Radio, I was the NPR station, but yeah, I did the football and basketball broadcasts the year that WFDD carried those, and then had a Saturday night 6-12 shift (awesome) and a Sunday 6AM to Noon shift (doubly awesome), where I would just have to make sure This American Life/Prairie Home Companion/Harmonium/WFU Baptist Church Service/whatever the schedule was started on time and stuff. I did the weather sometimes and got to fill empty time with tight jams occasionally. Then I did some odds and ends for them through my senior year, helped out on pledge drives, shit like that.
Last week I had a dream about Prince's On The Park, the old pizza place where that abomination The Tap is now. The owner had left and his ex-wife had re-opened the place with the same staff but a different style pizza -- which is kind of like a nightmare, but whatever.

Today I ran into a coworker with whom I had served on a committee, but we don't really work together. We asked about the usual Thanksgiving stuff and I mentioned I had been in Winston. He said he lived there and worked at the paper from '89-'94 and lived on Spring St, just up the street from Prince's On The Park. I just thought it was odd that he mentioned that as the random recognizable landmark after my dream.
(it's early sorry about the double post)

When I first moved to CA, I must have run into Rick James at least once or twice a month for a year. I'd go to a club and there he was. I went the Fatburger that used to be at LaCeinega and Santa Monica. I'm having a late afternoon bite to eat and in he walks.

I was even at a club in Boca Raton, FL. The bartender brought me a drink. There was a note on the napkin. It said something like,"Hey man, you've got to stop following me."

I looked and there was his ass at the other end of the bar. I smiled, took a sip, turned the napkin over and wrote, "Rick, it's seems like I'm always in the joint first. Are you following me?"
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I was picking up a friend at LAX. She was taking a while to get through customs. A guy taps me on the shoulder,"How have you been?"
"OK, do I know you?"
"Didn't you used to live in Havertown?"
I was puzzled. "Yep."
"You used to come into my pizza place."
It had been 20+years.

About ten years ago I was picking someone up at LAX at the Tom Bradley Terminal. A guy comes up from behind me. "How are you?"

I was puzzled, "I'm good. Pardon me, but who are you?"

"Didn't you used to live in Havertown?"


"You used to come to my pizza place."

Small world....

It's so sad to watch someone's memory go...