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Democratic Candidates for POTUS, 2016 edition

That you keep using this lyric underscores you don't understand this election or Dylan.

I have more than 30 Dylan albums and have been listening to his music for 52 years....since a freshman English Comp professor by the name of Clarence Ikerd introduced our class to Dylan's music during a class in the fall of 1964. I understand Bob Dylan. You, however, evidently do not understand this election...or the reason why a loudmouth like Trump has been able to become the unlikely GOP nominee for president. Yes, something is happening here, and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?
I have more than 30 Dylan albums and have been listening to his music for 52 years....since a freshman English Comp professor by the name of Clarence Ikerd introduced our class to Dylan's music during a class in the fall of 1964. I understand Bob Dylan. You, however, evidently do not understand this election...or the reason why a loudmouth like Trump has been able to become the unlikely GOP nominee for president. Yes, something is happening here, and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?

My recollection is that song is about a clueless music. Not sure what the overlap is, other than not understanding something.
With all the stuff thats been revived against Hillary, is anyone else surprised that no one has brought up "fucking jew bastard"?http://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/jul/18/uselections2000.usa

so you try to defray Trump's repeated racism, hate and bigotry that is done one at least a weekly, if not daily basis, by bringing up an urban legend that has no proof.

Does that help soothe your conscience for supporting a person who wants to institutionalize racism and hate as planks of his platform?
so you try to defray Trump's repeated racism, hate and bigotry that is done one at least a weekly, if not daily basis, by bringing up an urban legend that has no proof.

Does that help soothe your conscience for supporting a person who wants to institutionalize racism and hate as planks of his platform?

He doesn't support Trump. Settle the fuck down. Or go back to the fucking scout board.
I have more than 30 Dylan albums and have been listening to his music for 52 years....since a freshman English Comp professor by the name of Clarence Ikerd introduced our class to Dylan's music during a class in the fall of 1964. I understand Bob Dylan. You, however, evidently do not understand this election...or the reason why a loudmouth like Trump has been able to become the unlikely GOP nominee for president. Yes, something is happening here, and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones?

I fart in your general direction while listening to Dylan albums, sir.
I got high with Rick Danko. Does that make me an expert on The Band?
A band I was managing/producing was opening for Danko and Paul Butterfield in Philly. We went out to his tour bus and got high.
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He doesn't support Trump. Settle the fuck down. Or go back to the fucking scout board.

what are you talking about? he isn't back here now, is he? because that would make him a liar.
A band I was managing/producing was opening for Danko and Paul Butterfield in Philly. We went out to his tour bus and got high.

Whered the rest of the post - the part about the harpist - go?
AP just called it for Clinton. Time for BernieBros to retreat to their safe spaces.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hoping that Sanders will be able to do to Clinton in 2016 what Kennedy did to Carter in 1980 and Buchanan did to Bush in 1992.....though the changed demographics have made it much more difficult this time.


"So what has Bernie wrought? Some of Clinton’s supporters fear that she’s been so weakened by Sanders that we’re on the path to President Trump. They’re angry. Some of Bernie’s supporters agree. But they don’t really care, because they’re angry, too. “I believe in a way [Clinton] is more dangerous [than Trump],” said Bernie supporter Susan Sarandon over the weekend."

A lot of this fight is really about risk—specifically about how much of it is acceptable in the face of Donald Trump. Many Democrats are terrified of him, and anything that even minutely increases the odds of getting him elected is, in their eyes, unacceptable. Many Bernie supporters are also terrified of Trump—but not so terrified that they’re willing to postpone their dreams for another four or eight years or more. They know they’re gambling a little more boldly, but they’re willing to risk it. Bernie has been with these gamblers. We can debate about whether that’s acceptable—and do so with plenty of misspellings and capitalizations and exclamation points!

But before we get into that, here, I expect, have been Bernie’s rationalizations.

Long, close competitions are excruciating to lose, so some of Sanders’s thinking has to do with the simple pain of giving up. The split of pledged delegates is only 56 percent to 44 percent in Clinton’s favor, roughly. To make it worse, Sanders undoubtedly feels—legitimately—that the race was slanted against him. No, it wasn’t “rigged” in the sense of stuffed ballot boxes. But the Democratic National Committee scheduled only a small number of primary debates at odd times, preventing other candidates from breaking through.

It also made a cozy fundraising agreement with Clinton that has tilted eyebrows. And the super-delegates long ago lined up with the candidate, too. Sanders supporters must wonder where things would be if the D.N.C. thumb hadn’t been so heavily on the scale.

Whether Sanders is acting in good faith with such a choice or merely stirring up more bitterness is a legitimate question. But Bernie only got to do it because he had stuck around long enough to be able to demand it.

This year's twist is that Trump is widely viewed as a threat so severe that many Democrats and non-Democrats view any level of risk-taking as completely irresponsible. That’s why the anger at Sanders has run so high, and it’s why Jay Carson, Hillary’s press secretary in 2008, took to The New York Times yesterday to plead with Sanders supporters to let go of their anger. “The consequences of doing anything that will help Donald Trump win are catastrophic,” he wrote.

This has created a curious state of play in which more centrist Hillary supporters seem to fear Trump a good deal more than the more leftist Bernie supporters do. Some of them probably feel like Susan Sarandon—that the status quo is so unacceptable that a Trump blowup has its merits. Others just resent having Trump held over the head like a stick, threatening to beat them into pro-Clinton solidarity."
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Hoping that Sanders will be able to do to Clinton in 2016 what Kennedy did to Carter in 1980 and Buchanan did to Bush in 1992.....though the changed demographics have made it much more difficult this time.


"So what has Bernie wrought? Some of Clinton’s supporters fear that she’s been so weakened by Sanders that we’re on the path to President Trump. They’re angry. Some of Bernie’s supporters agree. But they don’t really care, because they’re angry, too. “I believe in a way [Clinton] is more dangerous [than Trump],” said Bernie supporter Susan Sarandon over the weekend."

A lot of this fight is really about risk—specifically about how much of it is acceptable in the face of Donald Trump. Many Democrats are terrified of him, and anything that even minutely increases the odds of getting him elected is, in their eyes, unacceptable. Many Bernie supporters are also terrified of Trump—but not so terrified that they’re willing to postpone their dreams for another four or eight years or more. They know they’re gambling a little more boldly, but they’re willing to risk it. Bernie has been with these gamblers. We can debate about whether that’s acceptable—and do so with plenty of misspellings and capitalizations and exclamation points!

But before we get into that, here, I expect, have been Bernie’s rationalizations.

Long, close competitions are excruciating to lose, so some of Sanders’s thinking has to do with the simple pain of giving up. The split of pledged delegates is only 56 percent to 44 percent in Clinton’s favor, roughly. To make it worse, Sanders undoubtedly feels—legitimately—that the race was slanted against him. No, it wasn’t “rigged” in the sense of stuffed ballot boxes. But the Democratic National Committee scheduled only a small number of primary debates at odd times, preventing other candidates from breaking through.

It also made a cozy fundraising agreement with Clinton that has tilted eyebrows. And the super-delegates long ago lined up with the candidate, too. Sanders supporters must wonder where things would be if the D.N.C. thumb hadn’t been so heavily on the scale.

Whether Sanders is acting in good faith with such a choice or merely stirring up more bitterness is a legitimate question. But Bernie only got to do it because he had stuck around long enough to be able to demand it.

This whole Republican vs. Democrat is funny to an extent, but at some point we all need to look at who Donald Trump is and realise it's not funny. Sure it's fun to troll people on a message board and laugh at millennials, but there is a sexist, xenophobic, (either racist or bigoted), sociopath running for the POTUS, and people are acting like its either completely normal, or pretending he will change once its Trump vs Hillary.

Get your heads out of the damn sand. This guy is dangerous. I can't believe he made it this far. It's not about change, its about an egotistical narcissistic who wants to "make America great again". That's terrifying to me.
Conspiracists gonna conspiracy theory. There have been dirty tricks and back room deals in politics since the beginning of civilization. Bernie has spent his career as a back bench Senator from a backwater state, Hilary and Bill have spent theirs building nationwide relationships and doing favors for other Democratic politicians. Bernie bros are bitching that the Clintons are now benefiting from a network built over a lifetime of hard work in the political trenches. Bernie has spent his political life tilting at utopian socialist windmills and doesn't have the chips to call in, end of story. None of that has anything to do with their respective policy positions or the relative worth or morality or honesty of either candidate, it's the just the reality of how politics works. It's a near-miracle that Bernie got as far as he has against the Clinton machine. His whole campaign has been about trying to overturn the establishment, so it's kind of disingenuous to flip that around and bitch that the establishment treated him unfairly.