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DNC Live Commentary

I believe he actually views it as a real problem. I don't think Obama cares at all about it, and is hoping that can tumbles down the road, so long as the government (and his legacy) grows.

this is your answer? Romney thinks its a real problem and Obama doesn't? hackneyed. You don't believe this shit and you know it.
this is your answer? Romney thinks its a real problem and Obama doesn't? hackneyed. You don't believe this shit and you know it.

If Obama thought the deficit was a real problem, why didn't he act on either Simpson-Bowles or a competing plan? You can't vote "present" and still get away with it at re-election.
Clinton is a pimp in almost every sense of the word. I have no idea whether anybody paid attention or not, but "we believe 'we're all in this together' is a far better philosophy than 'you're on your own'" is pure genius.

That was a little bit of brilliance.
It's astonishing that anyone with a brain actually thinks Foster or Brown were murdered. Even thinking about either being true shows a woeful disconnect with reality and ingrained level of irrational hatred that is difficult to comprehend.
This is kinda fun. From Vanity Fair, Clinton's Top 10 ad libs from his text last night:

10. “Are you listening Ohio and Michigan?”
9. “This Republican narrative, this alternate universe. . .”
8. “It passes the arithmetic test and more important, it passes the values test.”
7. “We gotta deal with this before it deals with us.”
6. “Democracy does not have to be a blood sport.”
5. “The old economy is not coming back.”
4. “Now you’re having a good time but this is getting serious and I want you to listen.”
3. “This is personal to me.”
2. George Washington was accused of being a “surveyor with a bad set of wooden false teeth.”
1. “You got to admit, it takes some brass to attack a guy for what you did.”
If Obama thought the deficit was a real problem, why didn't he act on either Simpson-Bowles or a competing plan? You can't vote "present" and still get away with it at re-election.

So to you someone can't think something is a real problem and at the same time reject unfair solutions and compromises to fix said problem. I see
One of the biggest...and most amusing...misconceptions about this election is that the Republicans have somehow convinced themselves that Joe Biden is this dodo who can't walk & chew gum at the same time. Joe Biden is a sharp, experienced and very knowledgeable person. He will tie Ryan in knots. Joe Biden's performance in his debate is something that I am not worried about in the least.

He only worked for 3 years after law school before going into politics. He's been in politics for 40 years. He's a career politician if there ever was one.

I never understand how it's a compliment when people say this guy is "knowledgeable" when they've been doing something for that long. And, that goes for anything. I dont care what it is...if you've been doing something for 40 years exclusively and you're not knowledgeable, then there's something seriously wrong with you. I agree Biden is experienced and knowledgeable. That's for sure. "Sharp" or "bright"...not so much. I knew kids who cheated in law school. Many of them had personalities that would do great in politics. Never considered any of them "sharp", though.
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So to you someone can't think something is a real problem and at the same time reject unfair solutions and compromises to fix said problem. I see

If they do nothing about problem A (other than exascerbate it) and spend their entire time on problem B, then I am well within my rights to conclude they care much more about problem B than problem A.
If they do nothing about problem A (other than exascerbate it) and spend their entire time on problem B, then I am well within my rights to conclude they care much more about problem B than problem A.

you are certainly within your rights to think anything you want. This isn't Russia. Is this Russia, Danny?

It doesn't mean what you think is valid, or correct, or well though-out.
I believe he actually views it as a real problem. I don't think Obama cares at all about it, and is hoping that can tumbles down the road, so long as the government (and his legacy) grows.

Republicans care about the national debt from the minute they lose office right up until the minute they regain office, at which time they spend like drunken sailors on the things they like, while cutting taxes for the wealthy. See every republican administration in the last 30 years. Stop acting like the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility, when they are only the party of paying-lip-service-to-fiscal-responsibility during the periods they can't spend on themselves.

Both parties spend too much. The difference is the Dems spend it on our domestic poor while the GOP funnels it to our super-wealthy and private corporate interests. In a devil's choice, I'll spend on the least fortunate.
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He only worked for 3 years after law school before going into politics. He's been in politics for 40 years. He's a career politician if there ever was one.

See Ryan, Paul.

At least Biden got out into the working world. Ryan, not so much, unless you count driving his wiener around working.
Republicans care about the national debt from the minute they lose office right up until the minute they regain office, at which time they spend like drunken sailors on the things they like, while cutting taxes for the wealthy. See every republican administration in the last 30 years. Stop acting like the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility, when they are only the party of paying lip service to fiscal responsibility during the periods they can't spend on themselves.

Both parties spend too much. The difference is the Dems sp[end it on our domestic poor while the GOP funnels it to our super-wealthy and private corporate interests. In a devil's false choice, I'll spend on the least fortunate.

There, that's better.
you are certainly within your rights to think anything you want. This isn't Russia. Is this Russia, Danny?

It doesn't mean what you think is valid, or correct, or well though-out.

According to the W&B "actions don't matter, but empty promises do" rubric, Chris Christie cares deeply and passionately about his health. Personal fitness is the most important agenda item on his calendar. He only cares a little bit about getting in front of television cameras.
According to the W&B "actions don't matter, but empty promises do" rubric, Chris Christie cares deeply and passionately about his health. Personal fitness is the most important agenda item on his calendar. He only cares a little bit about getting in front of television cameras.

ah, but your rubric of "the sky is falling and I must carelessly and blindly panic and commit to any plan in front of me - the rest of the economy be damned" - is solid and insightful.
My point is Biden had a job. Are you dense?

No, I got your point. Biden had a job outside of politics and Ryan never did. What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said? I wasnt talking about Ryan, nor do I care about Ryan. My critique for him would be the same as it was for Biden if someone complimented him by saying, "he's knowledgeable." The guy's been in and around politics his whole adult life. It's 20 years now. Again, I think that's more that enough time to become "knowledgeable" about a topic.
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