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ESPN what are you doing?

Christ dude, just change the fucking channel and watch sports on ANOTHER CHANNEL.
I kind of thought the point of the 30 at 30 series was to highlight and examine stories which occurried during ESPN's existence. The important parts of her story all happened in the 70's before ESPN came into existence. And it's not like ESPN was at all relevant in its early days.
I kind of thought the point of the 30 at 30 series was to highlight and examine stories which occurried during ESPN's existence. The important parts of her story all happened in the 70's before ESPN came into existence. And it's not like ESPN was at all relevant in its early days.

It's ESPN Films now. Not 30 for 30.
I read an article about this woman a few weeks ago, and it was actually a really interesting story. I think what she did was also an amazing thing for the transgender community, it really brought awareness to the issue. I believe Renee was also older so she wasnt quite good enough to knock of the top women so it wasnt as bad. In this day and age they are much stricter about women's sports, but I think that is more about doping than it is about being transgender.

Also, if any of you watched Katelynn on the Real World/Road Rules challenge you would realize that its not that big of an advantage to formerly be a man. She was by far the worst female contestant.
I saw some of the Crossfit Championships to determine "the worlds most fit person" on espn2 last night. Holy shit those chicks were IN SHAPE. And one or two even looked kind of hot, but maybe that was the magic of tv...might be a different story in person.
The 30 for 30s were excellent across the board. There were some that weren't as good as others like Evert/Navratilova that were basically kissing up to athletes, but even those were interesting in their own right.
I saw some of the Crossfit Championships to determine "the worlds most fit person" on espn2 last night. Holy shit those chicks were IN SHAPE. And one or two even looked kind of hot, but maybe that was the magic of tv...might be a different story in person.

Haha, that's pretty much my exact reaction to it when I caught that on as well.
watched the last half. It was interesting. My takeaway was transgendered people are dealt a really, really shitty hand in life and I hope my kids never have to go through that. Nobody wakes up one day and says "hey I want to try out life as the opposite sex", you have to be deeply, mentally convinced that you were born in the wrong body, and that has got to be enormously difficult to live with.
We had a lady come in and talk to our class in college who went through a sex change. Was a married father of two with a moustache, then finally had the balls to confront himself and go through with it. Now she's a confident woman and was very open to talk to us about everything.

It was fascinating.
watched the last half. It was interesting. My takeaway was transgendered people are dealt a really, really shitty hand in life and I hope my kids never have to go through that. Nobody wakes up one day and says "hey I want to try out life as the opposite sex", you have to be deeply, mentally convinced that you were born in the wrong body, and that has got to be enormously difficult to live with.

What I don't understand when people say things like this is why does the degree to which they are convinced of the idea change whether or not it is a good or bad idea? Many humans have been convinced, at a deep deep level, of any number of things that are terrible ideas.

We are talking about physical self-mutilation here. The altering of the body at a fundamental level. What is it about sexuality that makes people think that we have to be hands off and say it makes sense?

If someone told me that they were deeply convinced that they should have been born a lizard (this person exists, and really did this) and they subsequently get intense body altering surgery to be physiologically closer to being a lizard, why is that any different? Perhaps the most ironic is when people cite it as some kind of "accepting who you are" change when you are effectively rejecting the body you were born with.

Why are we not pressing these people to deal with the idea that their mental compulsion may be completely wrongheaded? It's akin to the people who alter their intestinal structure to lose weight rather than work on the idea that maybe their deep mental compulsion to eat is actually the problem.

It's definitely an interesting and loaded topic.
What I don't understand when people say things like this is why does the degree to which they are convinced of the idea change whether or not it is a good or bad idea? Many humans have been convinced, at a deep deep level, of any number of things that are terrible ideas.

We are talking about physical self-mutilation here. The altering of the body at a fundamental level. What is it about sexuality that makes people think that we have to be hands off and say it makes sense?

If someone told me that they were deeply convinced that they should have been born a lizard (this person exists, and really did this) and they subsequently get intense body altering surgery to be physiologically closer to being a lizard, why is that any different? Perhaps the most ironic is when people cite it as some kind of "accepting who you are" change when you are effectively rejecting the body you were born with.

Why are we not pressing these people to deal with the idea that their mental compulsion may be completely wrongheaded? It's akin to the people who alter their intestinal structure to lose weight rather than work on the idea that maybe their deep mental compulsion to eat is actually the problem.

It's definitely an interesting and loaded topic.

From my understanding, all transgender people go through lots and lots of counseling and it's a very difficult decision to do the surgery. It's not like someone comes up to a doctor and says, "Hey I want to do this surgery" and it's done the next week. It's a very difficult situation that is being understood much more only recently by professionals in the psychological and medical fields. I think in the next few years more will be discovered and explained and the traditional attitudes toward transgenders are going to be very outdated and we will see the judging of these people will be unwarranted (for those that don't see it already).
Also, if any of you watched Katelynn on the Real World/Road Rules challenge you would realize that its not that big of an advantage to formerly be a man. She was by far the worst female contestant.

I was actually going to post the same thing. She was the worst athlete on the show.
I think she was the worst athlete in the history of the show
Let's not go crazy now:
