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First Charges Filed in Mueller Investigation

AOC's line of questioning about pursuing ad valorem property tax relief versus estimated value on the Trump balance sheet is silly.
AOC's line of questioning about pursuing ad valorem property tax relief versus estimated value on the Trump balance sheet is silly.

Beyond silly

But the press fawned all over her


Fucking idiots
Also, yesterday I learned that Trump told a bank that his assets were worth a lot of money and that's very suspicious.
You know what would be really cool ? If banks didn't have credit departments and they just lent you a shit ton of money when you told them your assets are worth 48.657 billion dollars.
You know what would be really cool ? If banks didn't have credit departments and they just lent you a shit ton of money when you told them your assets are worth 48.657 billion dollars.

i dunno, seems more possible than not to con people out of large sums of money when you front an image of wealth. Read this story:

Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It Somebody had to foot the bill for Anna Delvey’s fabulous new life. The city was full of marks.
i dunno, seems more possible than not to con people out of large sums of money when you front an image of wealth. Read this story:

Maybe She Had So Much Money She Just Lost Track of It Somebody had to foot the bill for Anna Delvey’s fabulous new life. The city was full of marks.

Yeah, a con artist can run up a big bill for a couple of years that gets written off when they go to prison, just like you could get ten credit cards and max them out with no means to pay. When she goes to an actual bank they limit exposure until they verify assets.

As it turned out, Anna’s hotel bills were merely the first loose threads in a web of fraudulent activity, one that began to unravel in November 2016, after she submitted documents claiming a net worth of €60 million in Swiss accounts to City National Bank in pursuit of a $22 million dollar loan. The following month, she submitted the same documents to Fortress in an attempt to secure a $25 million to $35 million loan. After that bank asked her for $100,000 to perform due diligence, she convinced a representative at City National to extend her a $100,000 line of credit, which she then wired to Fortress. Then, apparently spooked by Fortress’s decision to send representatives to Switzerland to personally check her assets, she withdrew herself from the process halfway through, wiring the remaining $55,000 to a Citibank account that she used for “personal expenses … shopping at Forward by Elyse Walker, Apple, and Net-a-Porter,” according to the New York District Attorney’s office.
You all should be concerned by people shedding light on sketchy practices that are legal.
Yeah, a con artist can run up a big bill for a couple of years that gets written off when they go to prison, just like you could get ten credit cards and max them out with no means to pay. When she goes to an actual bank they limit exposure until they verify assets.

Absolutely. If banks have proven anything it’s that they are great at limiting exposure.
It's not fraud.

If the county says my house is worth $1 million and I appeal, saying it's worth 75 cents, I haven't committed a crime.
It's not fraud.

If the county says my house is worth $1 million and I appeal, saying it's worth 75 cents, I haven't committed a crime.

But wasn't he arguing one way for taxes and another way for insurance?
Absolutely. If banks have proven anything it’s that they are great at limiting exposure.

When a bank makes a bad loan, based on it's own underwriting standards, it's almost always due to its poor underwriting. Any idiot can ask for more money than they could hope to pay back based on their current assets or the projected assets of an investment. It's the bank's responsibility to do the analysis to make sure they're making a good loan.

Please don't turn this into a discussion about how to run a bank, because you won't be able to finish it before you're banned in two weeks.
It's not fraud.

If the county says my house is worth $1 million and I appeal, saying it's worth 75 cents, I haven't committed a crime.

But what if the point isn’t that there was a crime? Everyone bemoans “paying a fair share” and a majority of Americans agree that there are far too many rich people who do not. Now most of the mechanisms that allow the rich to pay less than what they should aren’t illegal, but they are generally ethically and morally ambiguous at best. And the mechanics such as properly devaluation and pass throughs generally aren’t available to the vast majority of the population. So, by highlighting this issue in a widely viewed hearing about Trump and showing that on top of all his actual crimes and piece of shit nature he also exploited pretty obvious loopholes in tax law, those loopholes are brought to the awareness of the American people.

Just spitballing here.