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First Charges Filed in Mueller Investigation

Former national security adviser Mike Flynn embarked on an effort to find Hillary Clinton's deleted emails at Donald Trump's direction in the summer of 2016, enlisting the help of a Senate staffer and a longtime GOP donor, according to the special counsel's report.

Mr. Trump "asked individuals affiliated with his campaign to find the deleted Clinton emails," according the special counsel report. Mr. Flynn "recalled that Trump made this request repeatedly, and Flynn subsequently contacted multiple people in an effort to obtain the emails."

One of those people was Barbara Ledeen, a longtime Senate staffer who worked for Sen. Chuck Grassley, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Another was Peter Smith, a veteran GOP donor and political operative based in Illinois.

The Wall Street Journal has reported extensively on Mr. Smith's campaign to find Mrs. Clinton's emails. He was found dead in May 2017 at 81. His death was ruled a suicide.

The Judiciary Committee, under Mr. Grassley's leadership, was one of several panels on Capitol Hill probing Mrs. Clinton's email arrangement. But Ms.Ledeen's efforts were not part of any congressional investigation effort and were undertaken on personal time, said a spokesman for Mr. Grassley.

While she was Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton deleted roughly 33,000 emails from her personal server which her lawyers deemed personal. Many Republicans believe that those emails were improperly deleted and should have been disclosed to the public.

Mr. Smith and Ms. Ledeen had been in touch about collaborating as early as 2015 on a project to find Mrs. Clinton's emails — before Mr. Trump asked his associates to find them. They decided against working together, but continued on parallel efforts to find the deleted emails that lasted well into 2016.

Ms. Ledeen at one point obtained a cache of emails from the "dark web" that were purportedly from Mrs. Clinton's server. With the assistance of Erik Prince, a defense contractor and Trump supporter, it was determined that they were not authentic.

Mr. Smith kept at least one Trump campaign figure apprised of his efforts. He sent an email to Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis about his efforts, claiming to be meeting in D.C. with groups that could assist on his email question. In other emails, he claimed to be in touch with hackers.

"The investigation did not establish that Smith was in contact with Russian hackers or that Smith, Ledeen or other individuals in touch with the Trump campaign ultimately obtained the deleted Clinton emails," the special counsel concluded.

"Ledeen’s inquiry was not authorized by the Judiciary Committee. In fact the Committee staff didn’t learn of her involvement until after it had been completed. She was instructed not to do any further follow-up once the committee learned of her involvement," said the spokesman.
also a pretty fucking big deal and revelation.

Nedick was against the ropes, but a quick Doritos infusion and he’s back to floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee

Even Ranger has the dignity to recognize he got it wrong

Apparently, not a crime.

Please get your affairs in order and report to the GULAG.

Just as I predicted, once the report hit the light of day, Mueller would have laid our plenty of evidence that Trump committed crimes but will stop short of indictment.

Apparently, there is nothing he could have found which would have led to a trump indictment.

Moonz, deep in his anti-media sheep mode, tried vainly to control the narrative by being himself.
Not grouchy

Tired of the trump derangement on these boards

Well he’s not a very good president. His policies are half baked and awful, he is not a leader, he lies, he says dumb things that show he hasn’t tried to learn things. Should I go on?

And that’s before you get to his mueller activities and whatever else has been farmed out to other investigations.

What’s deranged is pretending the emperor has clothes.
He is an asshole in many ways

But this investigation was a hoax

I am not a lawyer but, is there a difference between conduct not rising to the level of actionable criminal activity and a completely fabricated hoax investigation?
Just as I predicted

Go on...
