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Game of Thrones Book-Spoiler Thread

I just kind of stared at teh page in shock for a good 5 minutes. WTF Martin.

Also, does anyone else get really angry at fictional characters when reading stuff like this? Because I srsly hate that Frey dude right now.
Finished book 2 yesterday so I'm getting book 3 tonight. Don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not based on the WTFs on this thread. :)

(Not true. I'm very much looking forward to it. I think.)
took a mental health day to pick up aDwD today. store opens at 10. i am such a dork but i have been waiting since 2001 to find out what happens with several of my favorite characters.
I assume this thread is going to be filled with spoilers from ADwD? guess I will need to stay away for a few weeks (I'm saving it until I go to the beach in August)
I started reading as soon as it showed up on my Kindle this morning. First page I'm like "who the fuck is XXXXXXX?" I think I should have reread book 4.
My copy of the hardcover showed up on Tuesday. Beautiful book. Now I just need to finish the last half of Feast.
I just kind of stared at teh page in shock for a good 5 minutes. WTF Martin.

Also, does anyone else get really angry at fictional characters when reading stuff like this? Because I srsly hate that Frey dude right now.

Just read that a couple of nights ago - I was in the same boat, like no f'in way, also, this isn't really a spoiler, but i guess it could be if you aren't on the 3rd book:

Dany - ugh, after reading great Jon, Tyrion and Jamie chapters, I have to read a 15 page inner monologue chapter of Dany thinking about slaves and doing stupid things
I read Dance. Good, not as good as the first 3, better than Feast.

I still feel like the stories are too tangential, too individualized. The first three books had an epic scope, and even though the characters have expanded in the last two, I don't feel like that same scope is there quite yet because they are all still doing different things.
Finished book 3 last night. Now comes time for disappointment.
I read Dance. Good, not as good as the first 3, better than Feast.

I still feel like the stories are too tangential, too individualized. The first three books had an epic scope, and even though the characters have expanded in the last two, I don't feel like that same scope is there quite yet because they are all still doing different things.

Yeah I have similar feelings. Will probably write a more specific reaction later.
Don't read if you're not done with all of aDwD...and if you have anything better to do since it's pretty long

Jon- Great ending. Dealing with all of the wildlings was tedious at times. The whole sortie to Hardhome was definitely going to be a mistake, and the stuff with the Karstark girl was rather anticlimactic. That said the Slynt execution was awesome so was the last chapter leaves us with a lot to talk about. Hard to tell what was real in the letter and what was fake. Also, 4 knife wounds means Jon is probably dead but I expect either him warging into Ghost (or something similar like Varamyr talks about in the prologue) or Melisandre goes Thoros on us. There needs to be a perspective at the Wall, so I am confident that Jon will be around in some capacity, even if its undead (and it might be cool to see the perspective of someone coming back).

Davos- Really liked his chapters. Was a little pissed that he had a great cliffhanger and there were still about 500 pages left and he didn't show up. Still him trying to find Rickon on Skagos could be interesting. Also, Manderly is freaking awesome, in these chapters and especially later with the "meat pies".

Theon - Probably my favorite overall arc of the book. Obviously don't like his character based on Clash and a lot of unpleasant stuff happened to him, but it was really interesting to see his transformation in and out of the Reek character and regain a little of his real self. I also just like the characters of the North.

Quentyn - Overall a pretty useless character. I guess his presence was necessary in that Dorne should have tried to get to Dany in some way. Didn't care for his early chapters but he did die an interesting death so I'll give him that.

Arya- My favorite character so I really liked her two chapters. At least she is making plot progress which is more than could be said for many of the characters.

Bran- Definitely interesting but not a ton going on. Will not become a huge factor until the end of the next book or the last one.

Connington- Good back story. I don't know what to think about this other Targaryen. Could throw a very interesting wrinkle into everything as we've assumed it would just be Dany coming to Westeros to versus the Lannisters and the Others (or something close to that).

Barristan - A lot of interesting history with him as a POV, but more about the overall arc later.

Jaime - Nice that we had a chapter from him but it pretty much took his story where most expected it would go with no resolution.

Cersei - I liked her chapters ok as well. Definitely some catharsis in seeing her suffer, but nothing that was too unexpected and didn't get to her trial so didn't serve too much purpose. Also, how is anyone fooled by Un-Gregor?

Tyrion- Another of my favorite characters but I found his chapters rather tedious. I understand the literary need for him to slowly introduce the idea of Aegon and for him personally to reach rock bottom, but there was too much cyvasse, sitting on boats and dwarf jousting. And by the end he still hasn't even met up with Dany.

Dany- Her story needed to develop slowly also as she supposedly learns how to rule but the whole east storylines were a disappointment to me. What was this Mereenese knot that GRRM was so worried about? Tyrion barely even got to Mereen and Victarion didn't. Also, how retarded was Dany to not have seen through Hizdhar? I mean all of a sudden he comes along and the murders stop immediately? Clearly something is up. The chapter where she finally flew Drogon was cool, but for the most part her chapters were slow and there were too many. No one cares about Mereen but I was ok with letting this book be about getting the pieces in place to get her the hell out of there. Instead, the only piece that got there was Quentyn, and all he added to the story was dying. It looks like we have at least another half of a book for them to really get moving. Not only that, but in the end I'm not really sure what experience or wisdom she supposedly gained by this meandering journey. She clearly still isn't very good at ruling a city.

I don't want to sound too harsh though. Overall I liked the book a little bit better than Feast (mainly because I really didn't like the Iron born or Brienne chapters of Feast) There were some other great moments not mentioned (the epilogue and Barristan fighting the gladiator who had no idea how to attack armor for example) Martin is a great writer and honestly it is his style and writing that have helped get through the past two books where the plot has really dragged. I hope the next books come easier for him and we don't have the wait we have had for these two.

I really agree with basically everything you said there.

I found myself surprised at how much I was enjoying Davos chapters, and disappointed by how little I was enjoying Tyrion's. He and Dany made the story drag a tad. I just can't get into the Meeren storyline at all. The entire north storyline was far more interesting. I also find it unlikley Jon is 'dead'. I think he will likely be AA reborn as the foreshadowing was heavy with that, though I was taken aback at first when he killed.
Just read that a couple of nights ago - I was in the same boat, like no f'in way, also, this isn't really a spoiler, but i guess it could be if you aren't on the 3rd book:

Dany - ugh, after reading great Jon, Tyrion and Jamie chapters, I have to read a 15 page inner monologue chapter of Dany thinking about slaves and doing stupid things

I always think those are the worst chapters. I hate the character, hate what they're doing, and am tired of reading about it when everything else is going on.
Just finished book 3 and started book 4. Man, the first couple of chapters of book 4 are rough. Wasn't expecting to be introduced to new characters / storylines this far in.

I have started to enjoy Sansa's chapters. For some reason, Littlefinger is one of the main guys in the books that I hate because he is smarmy, but he is constantly surprising me and he keeps me intrigued. The whole Cat coming back to life, but not able to talk seems weird, but I guess we will see where this goes.

Book 3 was good, but I thought books 1 & 2 were just as good. Book 3 clearly had the best last few chapters with everything that happened, though.
Just finished book 3 and started book 4. Man, the first couple of chapters of book 4 are rough. Wasn't expecting to be introduced to new characters / storylines this far in.

Book 3 was good, but I thought books 1 & 2 were just as good. Book 3 clearly had the best last few chapters with everything that happened, though.

Haha yeah I just started Book 4 yesterday. Had the same reaction. It was such a relief when I finally got to Arya's chapter. FINALLY someone I liked/had interest in story-wise.
Haha yeah I just started Book 4 yesterday. Had the same reaction. It was such a relief when I finally got to Arya's chapter. FINALLY someone I liked/had interest in story-wise.

That's the main issue with book 4 really. I appreciate world building, but he introduces so many characters and plotlines that aren't as interesting. I admire the effort, but it is difficult to deal with when you're waiting for a Jaime/Cersei/Arya chapter constantly.