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Game of thrones season 5 (NO BOOK SPOILERS)

Cersei is cruisin for a brusin. If queen ginger's grams comes back and Jamie is still away, she better WTFO.

Lil king needs to get his bitches in order or he ain't gonna be king for long.

Also, if she was crusin for a brusin before, she is asking for a Ramsey rodgering at this point. Her last few decisions have been epically bad, even for this show.
I'm getting tired of GoT taking sympathetic characters and figuratively or literally raping them with pure evil. From reviews I get that we're starting to veer from the source material, and while shit like the Red Wedding or Ned Stark's death was great for shock value and made sense narrative wise... now it seems like they're just doing shit to do it with inferior writers.
The Sansa stuff was pretty rough, and its not like we needed more proof that the Boltons were excrement, but its going to be a lot more powerful now when she offs Ramsey.
Sansa's rape was definitely unnecessary, and two reviews I've read have pointed out that zooming in on Theon's face as it happened essentially emphasized his suffering over hers.

It was all thoroughly fucked up. My wife definitely gave me a "Why the fuck are you watching this show?" look as it happened.
I'm probably going to get crushed for this, but was that really a rape? We're talking about a time/culture that arranges marriages left and right and which does not fully recognize them fully until they are consummated. Don't you think the majority of wedding nights went something like that (not including the weird Theon stuff)?

As I was watching, it didn't even faze me in the least.
Sansa's rape was definitely unnecessary, and two reviews I've read have pointed out that zooming in on Theon's face as it happened essentially emphasized his suffering over hers.

It was all thoroughly fucked up. My wife definitely gave me a "Why the fuck are you watching this show?" look as it happened.

Good grief. The number retarded psuedo intellectual feminist hottakes on the internet is really starting to reach a critical mass.

Yeah, I mean, it was rough to watch, but I mean she married the dude, not sure what she expected to happen. The point is that the show is about a merciless fucked up world. To criticize it for actually showing the characters' reactions / and or suffering to that world is a little silly.
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Where the hell is Theon's family at this point? I guess the last we saw of them is when his sister tried to rescue him?
I sense that Theon may get a bit of redemption, but he won't get out of Winterfell alive. He pissed off the locals, not to mention betrayed the Starks.
I'm probably going to get crushed for this, but was that really a rape? We're talking about a time/culture that arranges marriages left and right and which does not fully recognize them fully until they are consummated. Don't you think the majority of wedding nights went something like that (not including the weird Theon stuff)?

As I was watching, it didn't even faze me in the least.

It was uncomfortable sex because she's a virgin and obviously has no love for him. He probably did put it in her pooper, but I never heard her say no.
I'm probably going to get crushed for this, but was that really a rape? We're talking about a time/culture that arranges marriages left and right and which does not fully recognize them fully until they are consummated. Don't you think the majority of wedding nights went something like that (not including the weird Theon stuff)?

As I was watching, it didn't even faze me in the least.

Good grief. The number retarded psuedo intellectual feminist hottakes on the internet is really starting to reach a critical mass.

Yeah, I mean, it was rough to watch, but I mean she married the dude, not sure what she expected to happen. The point is that the show is about a merciless fucked up world. To criticize it for actually showing the characters' reactions / and or suffering to that world is a little silly.



i kinda get it. Theon kills two kids and burns them up, no biggie. Some guy forces another guy to watch him have forced sex with his wife on his wedding night, people get up in arms. either way, its a tv show.
If you don't classify that scene as rape, you are clown shoes.
The show is about a fake/fantasy medieval realm where dragons, slavery and magic exist. WTF cares how women are portrayed?
Thought exercise: new Star Wars has a bumbling, white raciost moron who speaks in a Southern accent. WHO CARES, JUST MOVIE, right!
i don't know why but the onscreen rape always seems much worse to me than killing/maiming/whatever. i find it far more objectionable, and unless it actually advances the story i don't condone it. it's why i stopped watching sons of anarchy. i guess that makes me a retarded pseudo intellectual feminist.
actually it could be categorized as violence on women by men more so than rape.