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Indiana Gov. Pence is VP for the Donald

Pence has until noon today to withdraw from his re-election bid. Trump summoned Pence to NYC yesterday, but theoretically could still say thanks but no thanks and have Pence slink back to IN. Pence's political career is over if he loses as Governor.
I could not be happier about the state of Donald's VP picks. Pence has a strong name and stronger convictions. Voted for Obama twice and was on the fence about trump, can't wait to help put Pence in the White House.

Confusing post.
Is "strong name" about how "Trump/Pence" sounds together or supposed to indicate name recognition? I don't think Pence has a lot of name recognition nationally and to the extent that people know who he is, it's likely tied into "oh the Indiana governor who signed the anti-LGBT law last year." I don't think he's exactly an everyday name.
Pence has tons of name recognition with the bigot vote. Although they were solidly Trump anyway.
Pence has until noon today to withdraw from his re-election bid. Trump summoned Pence to NYC yesterday, but theoretically could still say thanks but no thanks and have Pence slink back to IN. Pence's political career is over if he loses as Governor.

Trump has put him in an interesting position by delaying the announcement of his VP pick.
Saw Pence give in interview in 2008. Had never heard of him and he was defending his vote against TARP. Pence claimed that following the vote, a stranger stopped him in the street and told him he recently lost his job, but thanked Pence for his no vote because he could always find another job but not another country. May well have happened, but seemed like completely contrived BS. Had the exact same feeling when Bachmann claimed she'd met a woman whose adolescent daughter suddenly became "retarded" after receiving the HPV vaccine. Particularly clever BS from alleged evangelical social warriors since sniper fire on the tarnac or sub-3 hour marathons can be disproven conclusively.
And right on cue, he grabs the spotlight back by demanding a religious test and deportation of US citizens.

In the spirit of modest proposals, I heard a tongue-in-cheek suggestion that other day that says instead of mass deportation, we should just return the favor. Every time we catch a violent felon who is here illegally, we send a convicted American criminal to his country of origin. An idiot for an idiot.
Trump has put him in an interesting position by delaying the announcement of his VP pick.

As tragic as the events in Nice are, I feel like Trump blew an opportunity to show some leadership. Express sympathy for the victims then resolve to fix the problem and display strength by moving forward with the VP selection. I never thought I would say that Trump needs to show less sympathy, but you can't just put American politics on hold every time something bad happens in the world. True leadership is handling both at the same time with tact and efficiency. In contrast, the only time Trump ever seems to shut up is after a tragedy.

Also, isn't it a well known political trick to announce bad news on a Friday? Seems like an odd time to make your VP decision in the first place. I assume he was only doing so because of the before mentioned deadline Pence is facing, and now that is gone.
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As tragic as the events in Nice are, I feel like Trump blew an opportunity to show some leadership. Express sympathy for the victims, resolve to fix the problem and strength by moving forward with the VP selection. I never thought I would say that Trump needs to show less sympathy, but you can't just put American politics on hold every time something bad happens in the world. True leadership is handling both at the same time with tact and efficiency. In contrast, the only time Trump ever seems to shut up is after a tragedy.

He's just impulsive. CNN is reporting that he'll announce the pick later today. I suspect the back and forth has more to do with annoyance that the pick was leaked than the attack in France.

Edit: oh hey, there it is, thanks HTTD!
Friday tweet and Saturday morning press conference. They're are burying the announcement.
So Pence is way into conversion therapy for gay folks (worked for him!). Has anyone floated conversion therapy for Muslims? I'd like to see Trumpence lead that charge! Trumpence '16. Conversion Therapy for America!
Of the potentials, this was the best 1, IMHO. It helps shore up Trump's standing with religious conservatives, and it makes the establishment feel better about Donald's ability to govern if he wins. Gingrinch had been out of govt for too long and had a terrible marriage history. Christie offered zero and is hated by religious conservatives and tea baggers. New names like Ernst were too potentially scary - see Sarah Palin. Pence doesn't help bring new folks in the tent at all, but I don't think any of his potential veeps were going to do that. So better to retrench and get a religious conservative with significant govt experience. And this will set Pence up as the religious right alternative to Ted Cruz in 2020.

Better choices (Kasich, Little Marco, Haley, Gates, Condi) were never available, so Trump made the best pick from a crappy Celebrity Apprentice field. Christie and Newt would have been better brawlers, Pence will be more an annoying yappy cankle biter. Trump will have to embrace the Cruz/Pence social conservative party platform or Dems will try and splinter the Trump/Pence alliance. Differentiates Trump from HRC and Johnson. Hillary now has to go after Johnson on defense issues to compete for disaffected 'Pub moderates and centrist independents.

Works for Pence too. He thought religious freedom would be his 2016 ticket and it exploded on him. Far from a slam dunk that he would have won again in IN. If not, he was done. Would have been easier to run in 2020 as a two term Governor, but that wasn't assured. Best case scenario is he's VP. Worst case is he's the 2020 social conservative leader over Cruz. If things look crappy in October, he'll have to go rogue on Trump to prep for 2020.

Wow -- what a POS. TP - What You Wipe Your Ass With, '16