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Mad Men Season 6 returns April 7

I am wondering when I shall like Don Draper again, if ever. The dude is walking a mine field. His frustration with loss of direction puts everybody in the line of fire, and he's capable of firing a shot in any direction. He and Pete take a covert meeting with Heinz ketchup, bring in bearded wonder Stan to help work up a presentation, then get challenged by Peggy and Ted (to whom Stan had "spilled the beans" about ketchup's availability!) The SCDP crew fails to connect with Tim Ketchup; the bad taste left in Don's mouth is visible when, in the bar, they discover they've been bested. [I recognized the name J. Walter Thompson as that of a real advertising agency, one of the best known.]
Smarting from this failure, and letting it feed his uncertainty about Megan's new soap opera assignment, Don visits the set, witnesses Megan's love scene, and promptly lets her have it with both barrels. Even this petulant display of junior-high-like jealousy doesn't deter Don from seeking another assignation with Sylvia, his current squeeze. The guy just shows no awareness of the double standard he is continuing to practice. Megan, as far as we know, is innocent of any straying from the marriage. This situation is gonna blow sky high.

Are Bert, Roger, and Don actually doing anything for the agency these days? Don's reduced to listening at keyholes in order to keep up with the competition, and still gets smoked. Most everybody at SCDP seems to be walking around in a fog. The one character who seems actually to be seeing things as they are is Dawn. And she's vulnerable, too.

Even as a partner Joan often acts like a piss ant. Witness the way she tried to fire Scarlett over the time card caper. Joan got thwarted in the attempt, but, determined to get somebody's head, passed the keys to the supply closet and the clock to poor Dawn, so she can be the piss ant for a while and get everybody mad at her. Joan must find a way to augment her position.

I didn't recognize Joanna Going as Arlene. The credits roll by so fast on this series. She was gorgeous as Kevin Costner's mistress/wife in Wyatt Earp.

Project K? A secret? They might as well have put up a neon sign outside that tin-foiled secret room.

Jon Hamm is just so damned cool!
It's really hard to like Don this year. He's gone full hypocrite/asshole.

Fortunately for him, Pete Campbell is a character on this show.
When Peggy was pitching Heinz she said, "If you don't like what people are saying, change the conversation." From Don's reaction I gathered that he had probably used that line before and now his protege/competition was using it against him.
Oh he definitely has said that before.
I love that they're using Pete's former fuck shack to court Ketchup
Right. It use to just be his bang palace. Now he lives there.

I also like how he offers it to don.

"Bro, I'm nailin my downstairs neighbor and haven't gotten caught yet."
i have alwyas liked Don but this season he is just a dick. Before you could understand why he would cheat on Betty. Even if he was just cheating on Megan itd be whatever, but to be such a dick to her making out with a guy while acting and then shack up with the biddy downstairs is sad. He has never been less likable in the series.
Yeah I feel like Don is following the Walter White path of unlikability. I find myself reaching with both charaters ("At least they like their kids??"), and I feel dirty for rooting for them. I was definitely rooting for Peggy over Don with the Heinz pitch.
Don's pitch was better of the two...but seemed a little too ahead of its time...like Got Milk or something. curious to see what won. maybe they'll give a quick shot of an ad in a magazine or something.
Yeah I feel like Don is following the Walter White path of unlikability. I find myself reaching with both charaters ("At least they like their kids??"), and I feel dirty for rooting for them. I was definitely rooting for Peggy over Don with the Heinz pitch.

I mean, who can have an existential crisis in friggin' Hawaii? tool.
How long before Don wants to bring back Peggy? Or will he never do that because he doesn't ever want to be a second fiddle?

OR is he going to be like Roger bringing in Don? OR am I just an idiot
I know they both lost, I mean I'm curious to see what it is they picked.