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Meatless Mondays


Stegosaurus are bush league
Mar 16, 2011
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In a nation that is completely in the clutches of an obesity epidemic, it is sad to me people (politicians) can't support meatless mondays. Not mandate them, just SUPPORT them. It's undeniable the health benefits that could come from most people subbing veggies or something else for one meal where they currently eat meat. I am so frustrated at the complete power of corporations and large interest groups in controlling what ultimately comes out of politicians'/figure heads' mouths... everything has become a political statement.

I bring this up because Rep. Renee Ellmers (who likely represents more than a few of you) has made a post about "More Meat Mondays" in response to meatless mondays. Bear in mind her background is as an RN. Unfortunately she can't see past a party stance to recognize the health and environmental benefits of this non-profit initiative; it has to be a political affront to the meat industry. Never mind that I think she's ridiculous anyway, but whatever.

This post isn't very coherent, I know that. Basically, I am annoyed that our country has devolved into taking everything beyond the good it could be and turning it into petty political fodder.
We are so screwed.
So do farmers.
jawe;lrkajwel;kr NOT the point.

I'm mostly coming on here to vent because the Ellmers are close personal friends and I can't say shit on facebook.
I could never go a day without meat. Without protein in a meal I am hungry 1 hour later. No I am not substituting tofu or beancakes. I have just taken the baby step of eating less red meat.
What exactly does Meatless Monday actually accomplish? If you really want to tackle obesity I'd advocate a Breadless Monday. Our over consumption of white carbs is a much larger enemy in the fight against obesity.

Grilled chicken/pork/etc. and other "liter" forms of protein are essential to a healthy diet.
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as a nation, we consume WAY too much meat. the idea is to get people to eat differently for one meal where you'd normally eat meat.
yes, carbs are an issue, but meat is as problematic w/ heart health and environmental concerns.
we consume too much period... and on that note, there are absolutely benefits to eliminating one meal's worth of meat from our diets.
They should have instituted Meatless Fridays so Catholics would remember to not eat meat that day.
We'd be far better off if people laid off soda/sugary beverages and useless carbs than if we reduced our meat intake.
They should have instituted Meatless Fridays so Catholics would remember to not eat meat that day.

They tried it but some priests objected since that would mean only 6 days of alter boys.
its the carbs and refined sugar that are making Americans fat. But i dig the sentiment of your post.

Something has got to change in this country. I had to go to Hanes Mall the other day, against my better judgment, and goddamn the fatties were out in full force. huge people walking along eating and shopping. This was during work hours. I had no idea there was this bizarro world of big fat white people who come out during the day and shuffle around the mall chomping on Cinnabon and corn dogs and looking at crappy products. It was disgusting. I was just trying to get some suit pants altered for a wedding. They can't stop eating carby crap and then walking 4 abreast really slowly so I can't get around them.
Please, this thread makes me laugh. I live in Mississippi.

/end thread.
W&B: you need to check out a Six Flags some time. It's like someone wrapped funky, sweaty bacon in a stained t-shirt with "The South's Gonna Rise Again" on the front, and put it on a roller coaster.