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Ok thanks for the science, but how different should we expect the subjective feelings to be? I mean, to hear people describe the differet highs, it's as if they are describing different drugs completely. It's a weed high. It's still a combination of THC and the cannibinoids. Ok, the ratios vary which produces subtle differences, but they are all within a narrow range of highs that are hardly different, as deacphan conceded. In combination with the user's influence (fatigue, stress, mood, etc), and placebo - wouldnt you agree we are talking about very minor variances?
Ok thanks for the science, but how different should we expect the subjective feelings to be? I mean, to hear people describe the differet highs, it's as if they are describing different drugs completely. It's a weed high. It's still a combination of THC and the cannibinoids. Ok, the ratios vary which produces subtle differences, but they are all within a narrow range of highs that are hardly different, as deacphan conceded. In combination with the user's influence (fatigue, stress, mood, etc), and placebo - wouldnt you agree we are talking about very minor variances?

Can you honestly not tell the difference? This strikes me as an important distinction regardless of scientific or cultural classification.
When I smoke weed it goes like this:

About 10 seconds after the first hit I start to feel high
I finish smoking and am completely high 5 min later at the latest
For the next half hour or so I'm racing high, feel slight anxiety, a little tweaked
I settle in and for the next hour or two I'm comfortably stoned. I'm creative, ponderous, lighthearted, philosophical, adventurous. I can write or play music or shoot hoops or fuck, I think, better than when I'm not stoned.
About three hours in its wearing off and I'm tired, heavy eyes, calm mind.

This is the cycle no matter what weed I smoke. Sometimes I'm a little more up or a little more down, but it's always within a pretty tight range. So as I said, my physical or psychological state influences it some and I might be up or down, but it is very subtle.
It occurred to me on the drive in what I think the discrepancy is. I think we are talking about what I have always considered potency. Sometimes I buy weed and it is just not that "strong." I never considered it a different buzz or a mellow buzz, I just considered it weak weed.

So when you guys smoke some swag and you don't really get that racing high and you aren't that euphoric - but you are just kinda sitting there lazy - you are considering that a "body high?" And you give that high equal value to to the other, more euphoric high, just considering it different?

I always just considered that weak weed and felt underwhelmed and disappointed. No matter how much more you smoked, you never really go that high or only for 10 or fifteen minutes. But it sounds like nowadays people actually seek that high whereas I always avoided it because I figured I was wasting my money and time on shit weed. So all this time when I was smoking the "body high" weed I was thinking it was poor quality- not because it was poor quality, but because I just didn't like that type of mellow buzz, it didn't make me feel high enough.

wow man, heavy.
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There's weed where you can be 100% functional and just enjoy yourself and it makes everything better and then there's weed where you just sink into the couch and can't move.
Weed is weed. Some gets you higher because the THC % is higher than others. Besides that you all are buying into some "hip" marketing trends aimed and getting you to pay more for the same thing.

I don't really think this is a strictly a millennial thing though, people have been falling for stupid marketing tricks and jumping on bandwagons forever.

If you think that Sativa is going to help you crush some spreadsheets then by all means have at it. Also keep eating organic food it is so much more healthy.
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There's weed where you can be 100% functional and just enjoy yourself and it makes everything better and then there's weed where you just sink into the couch and can't move.
No there's not, it's all in your head.
"A sucker is born every minute." - Someone, about a millennial, probably.
Weed is weed. Some gets you higher because the THC % is higher than others. Besides that you all are buying into some "hip" marketing trends aimed and getting you to pay more for the same thing.

I don't really think this is a strictly a millennial thing though, people have been falling for stupid marketing tricks and jumping on bandwagons forever.

If you think that Sativa is going to help you crush some spreadsheets then by all means have at it. Also keep eating organic food it is so much more healthy.

This is how I feel, but I am trying not to be such a dickhead to these guys so they'll stop hurting my feelings about my bald head and my occasional inability to take a good shit - and give the new weed science some respect. They have taken a once sacred and mysterious substance and analyzed it to death and attempted to organize it into lists and categories. That's what millennials do. That's how they enjoy things. Fine.

It appears that what we call swag, they have determined has a lower ratio of THC to the cannibinoids that make you lethargic and mellow. So thats all you get, lazy mellow. They call this "body buzz."

It appears what we call kind, they have determined has a higher ratio of THC to these cannibinoids, resulting in more euphoria and a high intensity buzz that overrides the lazy mellow of the cannibanoids. They call this "head buzz."
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I'm not talking about schwag vs KB/Headies. I'm talking about two kinds of kb. You can tell the difference between schwag and KB by looking at it, smelling it, etc. You can't distinguish between the types of KB (except maybe by taste) that I'm talking about here. Anyway, weird thing to get worked up about on either end, no?
what i've learned from this thread: Gen X'ers are butthurt over the fact that marketing people ignore their cohort
the weird thing is if you're choosing between 2 kinds of great bud, with 2 different "aims," that are the same price how is that a marketing trick?

and COME ON. like i smoke anything below the finest KB.
i wasn't trying to be funny; i was serious about gen xers being butthurt over being overlooked as a cohort
it's a good thing you're keeping it light and hilarious, wakebake