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NFL preseason thread

Fucking Dez Bryant. He could be so good, but he just does not have his head in the right place.

New rules for him from the Cowboys organization.

No alcohol.
No strip clubs and he can only go to approved nightclubs and it has to be with a security detail.
Midnight curfew.

I'm sure that will go well. Is he living in Johnson Residence Hall?
Vince Young cut.....Tavares Jackson over Vince Young.....talk about how the mighty have fallen....
Wasn't there a chance he would bolt to the MLB/NFL if TOB didn't let him transfer?

He pulled a Favre and couldn't decide what to do. When he did, TOB had already moved on.

I like Russell. I'm glad he's getting his shot. Dude is just a gamer. #AllRussellWilsonEverything is in full effect today.
Kevin Barnes traded to Detroit. Not sure for what. Hopefully a pick.
Fucking Dez Bryant. He could be so good, but he just does not have his head in the right place.

New rules for him from the Cowboys organization.

No alcohol.
No strip clubs and he can only go to approved nightclubs and it has to be with a security detail.
Midnight curfew.

Vince Young cut.....Tavares Jackson over Vince Young.....talk about how the mighty have fallen....

Speaking of what happens to people who can't handle alcohol and strip clubs....
Dez Bryant.... you could be so good if you weren't such a fucking moron.
No it wasn't. He traded a potential ACC championship season (we were one game away with Wilson, and he went and won the Big 10) to in return get a delay in a quarterback mess (more interceptions than touchdowns at Colorado State Pete Thomas or never taken a snap Stocker will start next season) and a mediocre season and probably one above average one this season. But I digress, this is the NFL preseason thread

Disagree entirely.

First, Wilson was pulling a Favre. TOB had rules and Wilson did not respect them.

Second, TOB didn't kick Wilson off the team, he just demoted him to #2. Wilson would have had the chance to win the job.

Third, Wilson had only one year of eligibility and Glennon had two years, so TOB got better QB play in 2012 than he was otherwise going to get.

Finally, I am not entirely convinced that having Wilson would have resulted in substantially better on-the-field play than what NCSU got last year. Wilson averaged 31 ppg as QB in 2010 for Pack and Glennon came in at a respectable 28 ppg as QB in 2011 for Pack.
On a related note.... We don't care that much about Russell Wilson
Dez Bryant.... you could be so good if you weren't such a fucking moron.

he's living up to the cowboys #88 just fine if you ask me.

the low point for that number is stabbing someone in the neck with scissors, so he still could do better.
he's living up to the cowboys #88 just fine if you ask me.

the low point for that number is stabbing someone in the neck with scissors, so he still could do better.

That dude was asking for it by not allowing Playmaker to get his haircut first. RUDE.
That dude was asking for it by not allowing Playmaker to get his haircut first. RUDE.

boys will be boys is probably my favorite sports book of all time. CHARLES HALEY WILL PEE IN YOUR CAR IF YOU TRIFLE.
boys will be boys is probably my favorite sports book of all time. CHARLES HALEY WILL PEE IN YOUR CAR IF YOU TRIFLE.

Have you read Loose Balls about the ABA? I push it all the time but only because it's the best, funniest sports book of all time


2. They don't even like the Patriots. I have a dirty little secret, and that is that I spent more time in my life living in New England—13 years—than living anywhere else. I went to prep school in New Hampshire (I know, I know, I'm a dipshit). I went to college in Maine. My parents have lived in northern Connecticut for over two decades. I hung out with a lot of New England sports fans before 2001, and I'm going to tell you something: Before 2001, Boston sports fans HATED the Patriots. It's not that they ignored the Patriots; it's that they absolutely loathed them. The Patriots didn't have the championship tradition of the Celtics, nor did they have the compelling (to Boston people, at least) sob story of the Red Sox, nor the Bawbby fackin' Orr scrappitude of the Bruins. The Patriots were given all the love and support of a Russian foster child.

And now Pats fans are the most insufferable species of human being. They ALWAYS want you to think that they're smarter than you because their coach is smarter than anyone else. Meanwhile, you couldn't get these people to watch a Pats game in September and October if you offered them a thousand bucks and a Kate Upton rimjob. Secretly, they can't wait to go back to hating the Pats and having more free time to dote on their precious, dipshit Red Sox. They're the worst.

4. Fucking cheaters. There's a whole book out now about just how greatly the Patriots benefited from stealing defensive signals during games. The spying was so extensive, according to one of author Bryan O'Leary's sources, that Tom Brady might've known the defensive calls ahead of time on over 70 percent of his snaps. That's fucking CHEATING. No wonder the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since 2004. No wonder supposed offensive genuises like Charlie Weis and Josh McDaniels turned to sandy diarrhea after striking out on their own. It's all so obvious in retrospect. You cheated, and now you suck because you can't cheat. TEAR DOWN THE BELICHICK STATUE.
Bastards cheated us out of a Lombardi Trophy. Cheating was the only way to stop RICKY. MANNING. JR.