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Non-Political Coronavirus Thread

yeah, like everyone I know is coming down with this ish.
yeah, like everyone I know is coming down with this ish.

We’re all going to get it unless you completely isolate yourself. The good news is that maybe vaccine+booster+omicron breakthrough = super immunity?
if you're "actively" vaccinated, you're basically immune from developing symptoms (the "breakthrough" cases in my life seem to have a confounding factor that impaired the ability of the vaccine to work, e.g. a compromised immune system or a number of months since being fully vaccinated).

Depends on what you mean by “a number of months,” but if you mean 4 (April to August) this is wrong, anecdotally.
I’m trying to think of a more fitting double definition of First World Problems than, “I don’t get to go to Turks and Caicos - and I can’t run my half marathon, to boot!”
I’m trying to think of a more fitting double definition of First World Problems than, “I don’t get to go to Turks and Caicos - and I can’t run my half marathon, to boot!”

but he still gets to go to Turks and Caicos, he just can't party the week before!
My fully vaccinated mom is now also positive. My kids' fully vaccinated great grandparents are almost certain to follow. I've got my own little super spreader.
My brother's super spreader Christmas event has now given Covid to his wife, two of his kids, one nephew, and our parents. One DIL and grandbaby so far unaffected or just asymptomatic. All are vaccinated and boosted. All have experienced mild symptoms and most are already over it.
My brother's super spreader Christmas event has now given Covid to his wife, two of his kids, one nephew, and our parents. One DIL and grandbaby so far unaffected or just asymptomatic. All are vaccinated and boosted. All have experienced mild symptoms and most are already over it.

Shocking. Even the most staunch of the WFHElite must now admit that we're in full-on milkwich status. We're continuing to materially impact society for something akin to brief seasonal allergies for the vast, vast majority of people. Instead of celebrating the #science that helped defeat the situation, we're continuing to promote fear of meaningless numbers.

I also find it amusing that, since the conversation has switched greatly to the immunocomprimised, we're now 2 years into this and there is still ZERO emphasis on anyone actually attempting to improve their health and immune system by any means other than the shot. Had we actually put any focus on that from the outset as I suggested 2 years ago, we could have helped solve a much larger national problem than this sideshow. Obviously some situations are unavoidable, but how about do your best to not be immunocompromised? But lardasses gonna lardass.
Right. A group of people that won't mask, won't get vaccinated, is already not going to take care of their own health, and you think your idea about fatties being less fat is in any way a viable option for fighting this pandemic.
Right. A group of people that won't mask, won't get vaccinated, is already not going to take care of their own health, and you think your idea about fatties being less fat is in any way a viable option for fighting this pandemic.

I think his idea is protect those most vulnerable (olds and fatties, etc), and let everybody else live their lives. Some have been saying that all along and I think that as more time goes on, and especially as it becomes established that Omicron may be exactly what we want/need, this is going to be the course of action for the future.

This has always been a tug of war between those debating how deadly does a disease need to be to (significantly) alter the course of our daily lives.
I think his idea is protect those most vulnerable (olds and fatties, etc), and let everybody else live their lives. Some have been saying that all along and I think that as more time goes on, and especially as it becomes established that Omicron may be exactly what we want/need, this is going to be the course of action for the future.

This has always been a tug of war between those debating how deadly does a disease need to be to (significantly) alter the course of our daily lives.

Hospitalization and death both significantly alter the course of daily lives for more than those immediately affected.
He doesn't care about olds and fatties. They are on their own because they should have taken better care of themselves. Also, if they are compromised they can be shut ins and the rest of the world can move on without them.

His life should not be impacted. That's it. That's his point. It's also why we're two years in. People that could not be bothered to be inconvenienced in the beginning of all this for the good of society at large.
He doesn't care about olds and fatties. They are on their own because they should have taken better care of themselves. Also, if they are compromised they can be shut ins and the rest of the world can move on without them.

His life should not be impacted. That's it. That's his point. It's also why we're two years in. People that could not be bothered to be inconvenienced in the beginning of all this for the good of society at large.

The fatty has had 2 years to get off his ass and not be a fatty. If, in the face of a global health crisis specifically targeting people in poor health, he can't be bothered to give enough shits to help himself avoid the situation, why the fuck should I be worried about him?
He doesn't care about olds and fatties. They are on their own because they should have taken better care of themselves. Also, if they are compromised they can be shut ins and the rest of the world can move on without them.

His life should not be impacted. That's it. That's his point. It's also why we're two years in. People that could not be bothered to be inconvenienced in the beginning of all this for the good of society at large.

You really think that we are two years in because of people who never wanted to sacrifice anything on Day One? That's a stretch to say the least. It was apparently very early on, and probably from Day One, that aspiring to a Zero Covid mentality was a fool's errand. That hope disappeared when the Chinese were negligent from the outset, and probably didn't exist in the first place. It had nothing to do with a couple of obstinate Bubbas in the US.
All the women now have it.

My brother went to DC with his wife and three daughters. There he met his BIL, SIL and their two kids, along with my brother's wife's parents.
Of that group, my brother's wife, her mother, all four of the BIL's family members have now tested positive.

On the day after Christmas day, they left DC for WV to meet my family of six, who was gathered in WV with about 12 other people.

Now my grandmother and grandfather both have it. My mom has it. My daughter. Wife and I are worn out, but keep testing negative (maybe a cold from all the little kids?)

Grandma and grandpa are pushing 90. They are both handling it better than the rest of us. Those two are tough as shit.