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Official Election Month Thread: COUP falls short, nothing to see here

Republican politicians have been more than happy to feed these nut jobs for their own interests. I appreciate seeing them reaping what they have sown.

As has been said before, they've become a party where the tail wags the dog. They developed a highly successful formula for keeping their base stirred up and ready to vote, and had the illusion that they were in control. The truth is they have lost control and are now terrified of their own base, Donald Trump, and a growing number of other GOP pols and media talking heads who shamelessly suck up to their base and play to its ignorance, resentments and grievances, and wishes. And it's getting worse, not better, although some Republicans keep deluding themselves that when Trump finally leaves office somehow this will all go away. It's not, plain and simple. It's who they are now.
This has probably been covered somewhere - but what happens if Pence fails to confirm Biden as the winner. I'm not talking about him claiming that Trump is really the winner. But if he tries to pull some stunt where he claims there needs to be more investigation before a winner is announced.
Pretty good tweet:

Doesn't seem like any of y'all are saying whats going on. They're just trying to make as big of a mess as possible so that in a year or two they can say "We obviously need all these new Voter ID laws to avoid having such a mess"

If they stop making a mess, they won't get the support for the new restrictive laws they want to put in place.
Sure. They’ve been doing that though. They’ve actually hurt themselves by going 1-60 in the courts.
Sure. They’ve been doing that though. They’ve actually hurt themselves by going 1-60 in the courts.

Yeah, most southern states already have id laws. This is about Trump, not some 4d chess strategy to impose federal voter Id laws.
I disagree. This is about starting a full scale assault on mail in voting.
Well that would be dumb. Republicans typically have an edge in mail in voting when there’s not a pandemic.
A tweet for every occasion right down to the end.

They’re looking to change the laws in the swing states

I don’t know why people keep giving the GOP credit for having any real policy preferences or some sort of core plan other than all Trump all the time.
Hasn't this charade done more harm than good to the whole voter fraud argument? Now we have a shit ton of data proving it's all been been a, well, hoax...
Yeah, most southern states already have id laws. This is about Trump, not some 4d chess strategy to impose federal voter Id laws.

This. It's not like it was all that long ago that Republican-dominated states were passing laws allowing absentee ballots without a reason given - it benefited them at the time. Picking on imaginary voter fraud is the tactic, the strategy will always be to cater to the rubes who live on conspiracy theories and left-wing demonization. Benghazi, Muslim fear-mongering, private servers, birtherism, deep state - it'll just be a different topic next time around.

As long as Trump retains his near-magical control of that group, which just happens to be the Republican base that votes against their own best interests to keep wealthy conservatism alive despite a dwindling public minority, politicians will lick those boots right up to the point of outright treason. Challenging the electoral vote count is a perfect opportunity since it's doomed to fail.

Anyone who thinks the momentary controversy of the day is actually meaningful, that it's a real problem or will shape future anything, is lost in a shell game. That goes for politicians, federal/state servants, and voters.
Well that would be dumb. Republicans typically have an edge in mail in voting when there’s not a pandemic.

Historically yes, but this year they saw that its a clear roadmap that eludes their attempts to disenfranchise inner city voters. The panic is explicitly because they know they can't win elections if mail in voting becomes standard.
I'm not sure which song is more appropriate for Trump's actions:

A former GOP county chairman in Wisconsin who has turned against Trump and spoken out against him took a surprise half-hour phone call from Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, and was so troubled by it that he wrote an article about their conversation on The Bulwark website. A quick summary of the article is that "Senator Johnson knows that Joe Biden won a free and fair election. He is refusing to admit it publicly and stoking conspiracies that undermine our democracy solely because it would be “political suicide” to oppose Trump. I find this unconscionable."

"Senator Johnson then asked me if I had ever been to a Trump rally. I chuckled and responded that I had not. He said that I should have gone because if I did, I would have seen that the one constant throughout all his rallies was, “the people there absolutely love America.” I reminded him that in every speech I gave as a Republican county chairman, I asked those in attendance to stop calling Democrats the “enemy.” I would say, “Democrats aren’t the enemy. We both love our country and want to make it a better place. We just have different ways to achieve that goal.” And I told him that “I would be willing to bet that at any rally Bernie Sanders or AOC held, you would see a crowd who loved America just as much.” Johnson scoffed and said, “Absolutely not. Bernie Sanders and AOC want to fundamentally change our country. And you can’t love something you want to fundamentally change.” I disagreed and believe this is a toxic way to look at our politics."

"Senator Johnson said that he knew and accepted the fact that Joe Biden had won. I asked why he wouldn’t say so at a moment when Trump was taking a sledgehammer to the very foundation of our democracy. Senator Johnson replied that the institutions of our democracy are strong enough to withstand what is going on. This response shocked me, since it suggested that the truth was ultimately unimportant and that Sen. Johnson viewed what the president was doing as someone else’s problem. Here’s the thing. Ron Johnson knows that this is BS. Because five years ago he said so. In 2015 he introduced legislation streamlining the transition process, saying “the peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. It is also an enormous undertaking requiring months of planning in order to be successful.” Here he was five years later on the phone with me saying that he knows Biden won. But simultaneously refusing to publicly congratulate Biden and standing in the way of his transition."

"After dismissing the notion that being honest with his constituents about election integrity was important, Sen. Johnson said that although Biden had won, he was, “the worst candidate for president in the history of the country.” He said that Biden won strictly because of all the hatred for Trump that was advanced by the media every single day. We spoke of organizations such as the Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump. Johnson said that he loathed these organizations because “they are money-grubbing pieces of shit.” He said that these organizations and the media refused to accept all the good things Trump has done, “even though he [Trump] is an asshole, he was right on so many things.”

"The senator talked about Trump being right on the First Step Act, right on China, and right on the economy. He said that Trump had so many accomplishments but that nobody wants to talk about them because everyone hates his guts. He said that with him, “it’s really about what’s right and what’s wrong,” and in his mind Trump was right on so many things. I asked him that if it truly is about right versus wrong, why doesn’t he call out what Trump does wrong? His answer: In essence, that it would be political suicide."

"Our discussion was mostly based in reality. (With the one exception being Johnson’s assertion to me that Joe Biden “has Lewy body dementia.”) The senator understands Joe Biden’s victory. The problem is he refuses to live in that reality publicly, because of political considerations."

But remember folks, as soon as Trump leaves office everything will go back to normal and his influence over the GOP will end.

Link: https://thebulwark.com/my-call-with-ron-johnson-he-knows-biden-won-but-wont-admit-it/