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OFFICIAL Elizabeth Warren is awesome thread

But what financial institution is making anything remotely like those representations? Every financial product is covered in disclaimers and waivers about how nothing is guaranteed and you can lose your ass.
Financial institutions aren't exactly putting the disclaimer that everything they're telling you is possibly BS though. They are using regulatory practices and accounting firms to convince people that isn't the case.
But what financial institution is making anything remotely like those representations? Every financial product is covered in disclaimers and waivers about how nothing is guaranteed and you can lose your ass.

So nothing should have happened to Bernie Maddoff then right, and everyone who invested with him got what they deserved?

And Enron cooking the books was ok?

The financial system only works if people have confidence in it. People need to believe that if Wall Street does bad things there will be punishment.
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But what financial institution is making anything remotely like those representations? Every financial product is covered in disclaimers and waivers about how nothing is guaranteed and you can lose your ass.

you are trolling or just stupid.

considering your eli love... i know which way im leaning.
Warren is against the Bigs due to their lying, cheating ways. Cruz is against the Bigs due to their support of the "radical gay agenda."

Honestly, it was annoying how she kept interrupting, especially since she may have prevented them from digging themselves deeper in a hole.

I'm not sure how Congress could legislate people into acting out of their own self-interests in order to help others and distinguish bad advice to further one's own interest from honest bad advice. That doesn't seem like a workable solution to the problem of people getting sucked into poor investments.
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Elizabeth Warren just gave the speech that Black Lives Matter activists have been waiting for

In the address, a copy of which was provided to The Washington Post prior to her delivery, Warren draws direct parallels between the civil rights movement and the current anti-police-brutality movement, and it sought to link issues on economic inequality with systemic racism. She traces racial economic inequality, citing inequities in the housing system, as well as decrying restrictions to voting rights.

"Economic justice is not — and has never been — sufficient to ensure racial justice. Owning a home won’t stop someone from burning a cross on the front lawn. Admission to a school won’t prevent a beating on the sidewalk outside," Warren declared. "The tools of oppression were woven together, and the civil rights struggle was fought against that oppression wherever it was found — against violence, against the denial of voting rights and against economic injustice."

"We’ve seen sickening videos of unarmed, black Americans cut down by bullets, choked to death while gasping for air — their lives ended by those who are sworn to protect them. Peaceful, unarmed protesters have been beaten. Journalists have been jailed. And, in some cities, white vigilantes with weapons freely walk the streets," Warren said. "And it’s not just about law enforcement either. Just look to the terrorism this summer at Emanuel AME Church [in Charleston, S.C.]. We must be honest: 50 years after John Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out, violence against African Americans has not disappeared."
The more I see HRC screw up explanations about the private server the more unelectable she looks. Not sure Bernie can win either. Biden is seen as a savior to some, but if Hillary is damaged enough that Biden gets in, why wouldn't Warren? Like all the other major Dems (HRC, Biden, Bernie), 2016 is Warren's last best chance. Can't see Trump, Carson, Carly, or Jeb winning either. Both parties are seriously hurting for solid candidates.
Sounds better than "the next President will be a moron, elected with a minority of the popular vote and 5 of 9 SCOTUS justices"