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OFFICIAL Elizabeth Warren is awesome thread

I don't think we get a good secretary of HUD with Trump. I also don't think Elizabeth Warren should confirm his nomination.

I don't understand why those aren't compatible views. I mean, does everyone support the nomination of deVos? It could be worse than her. And so on for everyone asshole nominated for cabinet positions.

Does anyone on here support the nomination of DeVos?
Does anyone on here support the nomination of DeVos?

Of course not because she's awful. Likewise, Carson is awful.

Don't feed me some bullshit about 2018 elections or compromise. This is about not supporting the nomination of a dude that oversees a $60+ billion (for now) department who is going to support the destruction of affordable housing and community development.
I don't think we get a good secretary of HUD with Trump. I also don't think Elizabeth Warren should confirm his nomination.

I don't understand why those aren't compatible views. I mean, does everyone support the nomination of deVos? It could be worse than her. And so on for everyone asshole nominated for cabinet positions.

I guess DeVos has the potential to fuck up a lot more shit than Carson does. I actually disagree with you about DeVos. It really couldn't be worse at this present moment. Education policy has been a complete disaster under W and Obama, but what DeVos stands for has the potential to destroy public education as we know it in this country.

IMO, HUD Sec doesn't do much because so many of the policies are path dependent and contingent on a lot of local factors that HUD Sec doesn't have much control over. Warren's letter insinuated that Carson at least understands the breadth of the job description. I just think there are better battles to fight than HUD Sec, but maybe that's me.

The politics of coming after Carson aren't really good for winning over moderates. More can be accomplished from winning seats in 2018 and winning back the WH in 2020 than winning a showdown over the leadership of HUD.

I'd add that this is part of it for me, too, but I stand by my hottake that HUD Sec just doesn't matter in the scheme of things. Again and without Googling, what did Castro do that you liked or disliked?

Here is Warren's defense, btw:

OK, let’s talk about Dr. Ben Carson.

Yes, I have serious, deep, profound concerns about Dr. Carson’s inexperience to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Yes, I adamantly disagree with many of the outrageous things that Dr. Carson said during his presidential campaign. Yes, he is not the nominee I wanted.

But “the nominee I wanted” is not the test.

Millions of American families depend on HUD programs, including tens of thousands of families in Massachusetts. For many of them, HUD assistance is the difference between a safe, stable home and life on the street. As someone who has spent a lot of time working on housing policy in this country, my focus is on helping these families – and the countless others who could benefit from a stronger agency.

During the nomination process, I sent Dr. Carson a nine-page letter with detailed questions on a whole range of issues: Section 8 housing assistance; lead exposure in public housing; programs to prevent and end homelessness; programs to help victims of domestic violence; fighting housing discrimination; HUD’s role in preparing for and recovering from natural disasters; and, more broadly, the standards he will use for managing the department, including the steps he will take to protect the rights of LGBT Americans.

Dr. Carson’s answers weren’t perfect. But at his hearing, he committed to track and report on conflicts of interest at the agency. In his written responses to me, he made good, detailed promises, on everything from protecting anti-homelessness programs to enforcing fair housing laws. Promises that – if they’re honored – would help a lot of working families.

Can we count on Dr. Carson to keep those promises? I don’t know. People are right to be skeptical; I am. But a man who makes written promises gives us a toehold on accountability. If President Trump goes to his second choice, I don’t think we will get another HUD nominee who will even make these promises – much less follow through on them.

If Dr. Carson doesn’t follow through on his commitments, I will be the very first person he hears from – loudly and clearly and frequently. I didn’t hesitate to criticize past HUD Secretaries when they fell short, and I won’t hesitate with Dr. Carson – not for one minute.

I understand that some people might have made the call differently. I appreciate your making your thoughts heard. Unlike the new Administration, I don’t believe in ignoring or silencing people who disagree with the choices I make or the votes I take.

We’ve got a lot of nominees to consider, and a lot of places where we need to turn up the heat under the Senate Republicans. (Yes, Betsy DeVos, I’m looking at you. And Pruitt, Mnuchin, Puzder, Price, Tillerson – it’s a long list.) Either way, we need all of us in this fight. Your voices are powerfully important, and I hope you’ll keep speaking up for what you believe in.

Hate on Warren because she's an uncritical Zionist, has lousy and lazy foreign policy positions, and played politics instead of staying true to her convictions during the 2016 election, but this just seems silly.
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DeVos is definitely more dangerous than Carson because she has invested a ton of resources in trying burn the system down. She will actively try to advance her agenda. Carson will probably just forward emails about leadership tips to all department employees and send out Christmas cards.
DeVos is definitely more dangerous than Carson because she has invested a ton of resources in trying burn the system down. She will actively try to advance her agenda. Carson will probably just forward emails about leadership tips to all department employees and send out Christmas cards.

That's fine, but there is also a difference in backing a nominee and voting against the nominee.

And no chance Carson is running any day-to-day operations.
That's fine, but there is also a difference in backing a nominee and voting against the nominee.

And no chance Carson is running any day-to-day operations.

Exactly. So why risk getting someone who could?
Because now someone who wasn't nominated or questioned by the Senate is running day to day ops anyway?
Based on the precedent set by Donald Trump and his cabinet, Warren taking shrewd advantage of loopholes should help with her presidential campaign.
That article is retarded. It claims she used some "loophole" to avoid listing that line of credit as a liability on her 2014 form, conveniently linked in the article.

Section 7 asks if she had any liabilities worth more than $10,000 at any time - answered no.

What "loophole" did she use? The article says she didn't borrow against the line. So it's not a liability you dumb UVA mother fucker.

Fake news
An unutilized line of credit..........isn't a liability!

Not really a loophole, but more a fact fact.
sailor should be thankful for simos' endowment post on the sports board. That's going to be the dumbest post by a board conservative for a long time.

This article accuses Warren of doing something shady then explains why it's not shady. Then it accuses Warren of being a hypocrite after already explaining why she's not. Just another dumb conservative attempt at false equivalency.
you must be embarrassed for posting and believing that article
Republicans vote to rebuke Elizabeth Warren for impugning Sessions’s character


Snowflake safe space Pubs won't even let Warren quote a former senator.

Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), a freshman, issued a warning to Warren at that point, singling out Kennedy’s “disgrace” comment, and 25 minutes later McConnell came to the floor and set in motion the battle, citing the comments in the King letter as crossing the line.
Elizabeth Warren is nothing but a shrill, attention-seeking ideologue. People like Warren and Bernie Sanders are a big reason why you have Donald Trump in the White House today. They are marching the Democratic Party right over the cliff with their far left rhetoric.