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Ongoing gun violence/injury thread

Any reliable statistics demonstrating the ratio at which gun owners protect themselves vs harm themselves with their firearm? I am meaning handguns, not guns that are appropriate for hunting.
so, i am a gun owner and usually a supporter. i am starting to think that the easing of regulations to get, carry and use weapons is a big problem.

in Tenn, and other states::

1. no longer need a background check.

2. no longer need a licence to conceal / carry

3. the act that people can bring automatic firearms onto government grounds (twice now about confederate monuments - what would happen if there was a conflict?)

4. road rage incidents including guns lately

5. felons have easy access to guns


i am starting to cross over to needed increased regulations. unfortunately, i can not longer trust Americans with firearms. SAD...
Well in NY my GUESS is this loser didn't legally own a gun. However I agree with you on Increased regulations.

if background checks are not longer being done, these guys can just wonder into the gun store and get one. it is terrifying that violent criminals have increased access to guns.

"When it comes to domestic terrorism in America, the numbers don’t lie: Far-right extremists are behind far more plots and attacks than Islamist extremists.

There were almost twice as many terrorist incidents by right-wing extremists as by Islamist extremists in the U.S. from 2008 to 2016, according to a new report from The Nation Institute’s Investigative Fund and The Center for Investigative Reporting’s Reveal.

Looking at both plots and attacks carried out, the group tracked 201 terrorist incidents on U.S. soil from January 2008 to the end of 2016. The database shows 115 cases by right-wing extremists ― from white supremacists to militias to “sovereign citizens” ― compared to 63 cases by Islamist extremists. Incidents from left-wing extremists, which include ecoterrorists and animal rights militants, were comparatively rare, with 19 incidents. "

but liberals are violent and evil...America is fucked!
Well in NY my GUESS is this loser didn't legally own a gun. However I agree with you on Increased regulations.
risc, you realize that all guns enter the market as legal, right? Glock, Kimber, Smith & Wesson - none of those manufacturers supply the illegal market. America has an illegal firearm problem because we have an overabundance of legal firearms and an extremely weak national regulation policy. The only way to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms is to limit and regulate legal firearms.
Exactly. I don't know how the killer got ahold of his gun. We aren't rootin tootin shooting folks round here. Guns laws are solid. Doesn't stop illegal weapons crossing state lines. Don't know if he had a legal fire arm.

However, I think he had a criminal record for using BRASS KNUCKLES to give a beat down. You know a tough kind of coward. We also have to do something about Machetes, knives, baseball bats, trucks, pressure cookers, chemicals, just to mention a few. Killers all of them

By the way, she's black hispanic and a mother. But a low down dirty cop. That's all you folks see here.

This is incredibly obnoxious.

And this man should never have been able to get a gun.

Report Highlights How Guns Flow Into New York From States With Weaker Gun Laws

Another bystander was also shot.
I see. However, the Islamic population is small and 63 may represent a large number of Muslim terrorists compared to the 115 RW extremists. I don't have the numbers off hand but I know from OG the entire South and all Repulicanz are RW extremists so I'm guessing Islamic terror may be more of a threat as we move forward.

A police officer is assassinated sitting in her vehicle and we are talking gun control and RW extremists.

The silence around here is predictable.

I think you may be correct. The political tension, hate mongering and labeling Muslims as evil will exacerbate the situation IMO. It is an example of you reap what you sow...the US provided weapons (one way or another) and they use them against us.

go team!
I don't believe it is obnoxious. Not after what I've read here about how people feel about law enforcement. This is nothing compared to the anti-cop rhetoric.

I don't believe the rhetoric is anti-cop here. just like everyone else, there is room for improvement!
I don't believe it is obnoxious. Not after what I've read here about how people feel about law enforcement. This is nothing compared to the anti-cop rhetoric.

I think you mean the pro-citizens shouldn't be brutalized by cops rhetoric.

Your rhetoric is dangerous because it presents arguments that police should be responsible in their interactions with citizens as "anti-cop."
I don't believe it is obnoxious. Not after what I've read here about how people feel about law enforcement. This is nothing compared to the anti-cop rhetoric.

Not a single person on these boards on the non-crazy side of RJKarl are anti-cop. I will guarantee that.
I don't believe it is obnoxious. Not after what I've read here about how people feel about law enforcement. This is nothing compared to the anti-cop rhetoric.

Please site your sources.

The VAST majority of folks on this thread are anti-bad cop. We love and appreciate the work good cops do. We would like bad cops to be held accountable for their bad actions.
The whole "anti-cop" logic is like saying the BuzzOUT crowd was anti-coach.

I'm still curious about riscdeac's point. A man shot a cop and shortly thereafter he was killed by cops. risc, what do you think should happen to someone who shoots a cop?
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Not a single person on these boards on the non-crazy side of RJKarl are anti-cop. I will guarantee that.
As one of the most vocal on here, my problem is mostly with the law enforcement system and justice system. Abusice policing is mostly a product of a system that encourages and demands abuse.
I see. However, the Islamic population is small and 63 may represent a large number of Muslim terrorists compared to the 115 RW extremists. I don't have the numbers off hand but I know from OG the entire South and all Repulicanz are RW extremists so I'm guessing Islamic terror may be more of a threat as we move forward.

A police officer is assassinated sitting in her vehicle and we are talking gun control and RW extremists.

The silence around here is predictable.

So the absolute fact that white supremacists have carried out nearly twice as many terrorist acts in the US is irrelevant to you.

You post about the dead cop is way over the top, obnoxious, ignorant and obscene. It's below contempt. The fact you have doubled down on it makes your stance even worse.
I see. However, the Islamic population is small and 63 may represent a large number of Muslim terrorists compared to the 115 RW extremists. I don't have the numbers off hand but I know from OG the entire South and all Repulicanz are RW extremists so I'm guessing Islamic terror may be more of a threat as we move forward.

A police officer is assassinated sitting in her vehicle and we are talking gun control and RW extremists.

The silence around here is predictable.

I will give you the right-wing extremists (though denying that they are the cause of more domestic terrorism is fact), but talking gun control when an officer was shot and killed during an unprovoked attack is exactly the situation that calls for discussion of gun control. We claim that there is nothing to be done about gun violence, except for giving people MOAR GUNZ, but the fact of the matter is that these attacks don't happen in the rest of the world. It is a direct result of the wide availability of guns with next to no regulation in how to obtain them in a number of areas of the country.

The first step to getting rid of gun violence is to admit there is a problem. Many Americans are already there. But a large, backward-thinking area of the country is not ready to admit that simple fact yet. Thus, the discussion continues, unabated.