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Ongoing US GOP Debacle Thread: Seditious Republicans march toward authoritarianism

That’s a good take, Junebug.

The only thing I’d disagree with is the Native American elder just standing there after the kid didn’t move doesn’t make him a dick. I guess he could’ve walked around the kid but that’s giving in to the MAGA crowd.
It’s unclear if they surrounded him but they were definitely on one or two sides mocking him (unless I’ve missed a video of them encircling him).
At the end of the day, some chaperones at least deserve their hands getting slapped.
It’s unclear if they surrounded him but they were definitely on one or two sides mocking him (unless I’ve missed a video of them encircling him).

They clearly didn't have him completely surrounded, but they also were definitely on at least of couple of sides, and given their behavior I could see where an individual person might have felt surrounded, or at least crowded, although it's a trivial point. At any rate, some public apologies all around would have cut this story short. As it is, the kid said on the Today Show this morning that he doesn't feel the need to apologize to anybody (nor, apparently, do the chaperones, parents, or other kids), Phillips appears to be unwilling to say that maybe his move, for whatever motivations, was a mistake, and the black Hebrews haven't been heard from, even though they instigated much of what happened. The wonderful world of social media and never saying you're sorry.
And there were many fine people in Charlottesville screaming "white Power", "Jews will not replace us", "Blood and soil"., etc.

What do the two incidents have to do with one another? Why confuse and conflate?
Watch the full, unedited video and get back to me on who was really at fault for the whole situation. Sure, the kids could have reacted a little better - they shouldn't have done the tomahawk chop, etc. - but they ARE kids and to kids on a field trip everything tends to be a joke. I do wonder where the chaperones were.
What do the two incidents have to do with one another? Why confuse and conflate?
Watch the full, unedited video and get back to me on who was really at fault for the whole situation. Sure, the kids could have reacted a little better - they shouldn't have done the tomahawk chop, etc. - but they ARE kids and to kids on a field trip everything tends to be a joke. I do wonder where the chaperones were.

technically the kids were pawns for the Catholic Church protesting abortion
At the end of the day, some chaperones at least deserve their hands getting slapped.

I keep saying this. Where are the chaperones? These kids were on a school field trip in the big city. If I were a parent I’d be livid with the school and the trip organizers that my kid ended up in the middle of this fiasco on national television. If you are going to dox anyone dox the people who failed to keep these kids out of a verbal spat with the black Hebrews and the indigenous people marchers.
It’s unclear if they surrounded him but they were definitely on one or two sides mocking him (unless I’ve missed a video of them encircling him).

It appears he walked into their midst of his own accord.
In rather more important news, Marco Rubio has proposed federal legislation that would override state laws protecting consumer privacy.

According to the article, "the bill text says it "shall supersede" any provision of a state law that pertains to the same consumer data governed by Rubio's proposed federal law. That includes names, Social Security numbers, other government ID numbers, financial transactions, medical histories, criminal histories, employment histories, user-generated content, "unique biometric data, such as fingerprint, voice print, retina or iris image, or other unique physical representation," and other personal data collected by companies.

California last year imposed a privacy law that gives consumers more control over how their personal data is collected, used, and sold by corporations.

"We oppose any attempt to preempt California's privacy laws," Sarah Lovenheim, communications advisor to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, wrote on Twitter yesterday."

I thought Republicans were the states rights party. Link: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy...-ban-states-from-protecting-consumer-privacy/
Only when Democrats are in the White House. Rubio is worried his corporate overlords won’t be able to get hold of your social security number and fingerprints.
For Christ sakes, it is painfully clear from all the videos that these kids went out there with that stupid fucking MAGA shit on, not even old enough to vote, to provoke. They walked onto the mall where adults were protesting, got fucked with by some of the adults, and instead of getting the hell out of there after having their little prank or instigation, they stuck around and the one little pussy got his balls out and stood up to an old man and then when he got in over his head his redneck parents and his backward-ass church bailed him out with a PR firm.

In my day our dad’s would have kicked our asses for that shit. Stop defending them because they are kids, they wore adult clothes meant to provoke and strolled into the adult arena. Fuck off
For Christ sakes, it is painfully clear from all the videos that these kids went out there with that stupid fucking MAGA shit on, not even old enough to vote, to provoke. They walked onto the mall where adults were protesting, got fucked with by some of the adults, and instead of getting the hell out of there after having their little prank or instigation, they stuck around and the one little pussy got his balls out and stood up to an old man and then when he got in over his head his redneck parents and his backward-ass church bailed him out with a PR firm.

In my day our dad’s would have kicked our asses for that shit. Stop defending them because they are kids, they wore adult clothes meant to provoke and strolled into the adult arena. Fuck off

For Christ sakes, it is painfully clear from all the videos that these kids went out there with that stupid fucking MAGA shit on, not even old enough to vote, to provoke. They walked onto the mall where adults were protesting, got fucked with by some of the adults, and instead of getting the hell out of there after having their little prank or instigation, they stuck around and the one little pussy got his balls out and stood up to an old man and then when he got in over his head his redneck parents and his backward-ass church bailed him out with a PR firm.

In my day our dad’s would have kicked our asses for that shit. Stop defending them because they are kids, they wore adult clothes meant to provoke and strolled into the adult arena. Fuck off

You don't know a damn thing about their intentions but go on with your bad self!
You don't know a damn thing about their intentions but go on with your bad self!

Lol, I can look at all the actors in all the videos and know their intentions in moments. We all can, don’t be a tool. The Muslim guys were provocative assholes, the catholic boys were puppets of their parents and church elders, and the Native Americans were a little too proud. The kid had his balls on his shoulders because he had 50 dipshit punks giggling and cheering him on.