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Ongoing US GOP Debacle Thread: Seditious Republicans march toward authoritarianism

Tell us about the times you and your skinny-armed punk 11th grade buddies went out in your Palin gear and raised some hell, scooter

Awesome. I’ll take it. Toxic bourbon-drinking pot-smoking gun-owning non-racist non-sexist bank-hating progressive-taxation property-owning white male who welcomes all immigrants and cultures with a joint and a drink with Jerry playing in the background after a hard days work. Yep
Tell us about the times you and your skinny-armed punk 11th grade buddies went out in your Palin gear and raised some hell, scooter

Yes, this kids being kids excuse is a load of shit. These are indoctrinated little cretins who are well aware of what they are doing and what it means because they hear it from their dipshit maga parents every day. Love to hear from anyone here who was wearing overtly political clothing as a teen and mixing it up with adult protestors... You know, kid stuff.
Lol, I can look at all the actors in all the videos and know their intentions in moments. We all can, don’t be a tool. The Muslim guys were provocative assholes, the catholic boys were puppets of their parents and church elders, and the Native Americans were a little too proud. The kid had his balls on his shoulders because he had 50 dipshit punks giggling and cheering him on.

That is an amazing skill - perhaps you could monetize it somehow?
Yes, this kids being kids excuse is a load of shit. These are indoctrinated little cretins who are well aware of what they are doing and what it means because they hear it from their dipshit maga parents every day. Love to hear from anyone here who was wearing overtly political clothing as a teen and mixing it up with adult protestors... You know, kid stuff.


A local Republican candidate in Winston-Salem handed out inflammatory t-shirts to College Republicans in my day. The t-shirt had a picture of a bomb and text that read “If I were a terrorist, you’d be dead.” Those who wore the shirt thought it was hilarious and wanted to provoke people.

There are a lot of political symbols and taglines that aim to inspire the best in us. And then there are t-shirts with bombs on them. The MAGA hat falls into the second category. You’re free to wear one...but don’t act surprised when people call you out for being an asshole.
I had an Abolish Apartheid/Divest from South Africa t-shirt back in the high school that really rubbed my friends' parents the wrong way.
I had an Abolish Apartheid/Divest from South Africa t-shirt back in the high school that really rubbed my friends' parents the wrong way.

You grow up in Jo-burg, Clark?
An editorial from yesterday in The Atlantic: Link.

At 8:30 yesterday morning, as I was typing this essay, The New York Times emailed me. The subject line was “Ethics Reminders for Freelance Journalists.” (I have occasionally published essays and reviews in the Times). It informed me, inter alia, that the Times expected all of its journalists, both freelance and staff, “to protect the integrity and credibility of Times journalism.” This meant, in part, safeguarding the Times’ “reputation for fairness and impartiality.”

I am prompted to issue my own ethics reminders for The New York Times. Here they are: You were partly responsible for the election of Trump because you are the most influential newspaper in the country, and you are not fair or impartial. Millions of Americans believe you hate them and that you will causally harm them. Two years ago, they fought back against you, and they won. If Trump wins again, you will once again have played a small but important role in that victory.


When The Atlantic dunks on the media and the lefties who look like complete idiots after this incident, it might be time to rethink the "shoot first and ask questions later" philosophy of the social justice warriors.

But who are we kidding... this will never happen. See the Tunnels' Left for illustrations A to infinity.

When The Atlantic dunks on the media and the lefties who look like complete idiots after this incident, it might be time to rethink the "shoot first and ask questions later" philosophy of the social justice warriors.

But who are we kidding... this will never happen. See the Tunnels' Left for illustrations A to infinity.

The far left has heavily criticized the NYT for its coverage of Hillary in the 2016 election. Only to the far right is the NYT some liberal bastion of fake news where a "dunk" from the Atlantic implicates "social justice warriors" like the New York Times.

When The Atlantic dunks on the media and the lefties who look like complete idiots after this incident, it might be time to rethink the "shoot first and ask questions later" philosophy of the social justice warriors.

But who are we kidding... this will never happen. See the Tunnels' Left for illustrations A to infinity.

Why do they believe the New York Times hates them and wants to harm them?