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nothing is important but my cause is an indication of losing touch with reality

Yes, this is accurate. Since the 2000 election, US is so polarized it does not matter what happens - you either agree as a liberal or you agree as a conservative, but there is no longer a middle ground for common sense and reality.

As for Isis, we passed on doing anything substantial for so long, what makes you think the US will step in now? I mean they beheaded a young girl recently, or was that a hoax?

Perhaps send 50 soldiers instead of 40?
Yes, this is accurate. Since the 2000 election, US is so polarized it does not matter what happens - you either agree as a liberal or you agree as a conservative, but there is no longer a middle ground for common sense and reality.

As for Isis, we passed on doing anything substantial for so long, what makes you think the US will step in now? I mean they beheaded a young girl recently, or was that a hoax?

Perhaps send 50 soldiers instead of 40?

They stepped out of the sand box and attacked a major world city. That's a game changer.

A co-founder of the Free Gaza movement, Mary Hughes-Thompson, raised the possibility that Israel was behind the deadly attacks that hit Paris on Friday night and killed 120 people.

"I haven't accused Israel of involvement. Still, Bibi [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] is upset about the European settlement boycott. So who knows," Hughes-Thompson tweeted following the attacks on Saturday morning.

A co-founder of the Free Gaza movement, Mary Hughes-Thompson, raised the possibility that Israel was behind the deadly attacks that hit Paris on Friday night and killed 120 people.

"I haven't accused Israel of involvement. Still, Bibi [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] is upset about the European settlement boycott. So who knows," Hughes-Thompson tweeted following the attacks on Saturday morning.

Bibi is a war criminal...

but Hughes-Thompson's statement is ludicrous.
They stepped out of the sand box and attacked a major world city. That's a game changer.

But what's going to be "changed"? We're all going to bomb Syria/Iraq further into the stone age than we already have? At some point this entire mess isn't "fixable" without long term (multi-generational) structural changes that can't be accomplished with drones and bombs.
I thought these extremists don't actually represent this religion...

They don't represent more than a billion people any more than the "Protestants" and "Catholics" in Ireland in the 20th century represented "Christianity". You are aware that there is room within massive world spanning religions for differences and you are allowed to use a slightly narrower brush, right?
They don't represent more than a billion people any more than the "Protestants" and "Catholics" in Ireland in the 20th century represented "Christianity". You are aware that there is room within massive world spanning religions for differences and you are allowed to use a slightly narrower brush, right?


I was responding to this post:

Religion is dumb

Who has the broad brush, again?
On Paris for a moment - this struck really close to home for me. I love Oberkampf and 10e and 11e. The last time I was in Paris, my hotel was on Boulevard Voiltaire, one block away from the Bataclan. I love that part of Paris because it's a global melting pot, a place where African and Arab restaurants and a place like Les Nicois are basically side by side. It's not touristy really, it's just ... Paris. If I ever move to Paris, I'd immediately start looking in 10e or 11e above anywhere else.

It was targeted not because it has monuments and tourists, but because it's where Parisians actually live. It was targeted because it sends a message that nowhere in the city is safe, that your local bars and brasseries and theaters can be targets. Places that someone like me would be at regularly. And that only happens when it's someone with a very good working knowledge of the city and it's psyche planned it. This was an "inside" job ... a message that ISIL isn't just in Syria or Iraq and only viewable on a TV, but a real thing that is within France itself.

I was responding to this post:

Who has the broad brush, again?

honey, religion is dumb.

simpleton explanations to encourage more simpletons to follow, all of it fiction.
honey, religion is dumb.

simpleton explanations to encourage more simpletons to follow, all of it fiction.

The principles of religion (whether you believe the literal story of ancient texts or not) feed hungry people, treat the sick and do millions of unreported acts of charity a day. I don't think that's dumb.
Bombing the shit out of foreign countries isn't going to stop this. It didn't work with the Taliban, it didn't work with Al Qaeda, and it won't work with ISIS. Time for a new approach.
Bombing the shit out of foreign countries isn't going to stop this. It didn't work with the Taliban, it didn't work with Al Qaeda, and it won't work with ISIS. Time for a new approach.

What approach would that be? Curious.
We need to go in and shoot each ISIS fighter one by one in the head - albeit probably their least vulnerable spot. Since they are not going to go away, there is probably no other way.