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Recommend good stuff you've seen on Netflix streaming

Does Bojack get better after the first 2-3 episodes? The show just didn't connect with me in those first eps but I'll give it another chance if I just happened to catch it at its worst.
Does Bojack get better after the first 2-3 episodes? The show just didn't connect with me in those first eps but I'll give it another chance if I just happened to catch it at its worst.

Yes. But if you didn't connect with the style, characters, and overall world building, you may not like it anymore after more episodes. I guess it depends on what you didn't like. Most sitcoms need a few episodes to figure it all out. Very few have great pilot episodes.

I really liked the continuity in Bojack. What would be throwaway gags or terminal plot lines in most sitcoms carried over and sometimes didn't even pay off until several episodes later.

Watched Aziz Ansari's Live from Madison Square Garden a few nights ago. Very funny stuff.

timdunk, definitely post your thoughts on Sense8. I'm intrigued, but there are sure things I need to catch up on or rewatch instead of investing in a wild goose chase.
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Just started watching Trailer Park Boys while working out. Pretty funny and good for something to pass the time on the elliptical or something
5 episodes in. Not as good as the first two seasons. Piper and that 70's show girl story bores me and I despise them, but the other characters are interesting.
Wanted to go back and get caught up on Orange but then I saw that Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 are on netflix now. So yeah, I won't be getting caught up for a while.
OITNB is the most overrated show anyway. Basically Sex In The City Goes To Prison. It has its moments, but I get tired of blondie looking flummoxed all the time. Plus she only showed her tits in the first episode and then never again.
One of the best horror movies of the last 10 years. The Guest is an equally impressive genre flick. Hopefully Wingard/Barrett continue to churn out these type of movies.

I was reading that Wingard made his first feature length flick (Home Sick) at age 19, and he was only 28-29 when he made You're Next. Apparently he's working on an American remake of Death Note, which if done correctly will be awesome. Sounds like he's got a long career ahead of him.
Just saw Into the White on Netflix. Low budget but well acted movie. Not a combat flick; the film summary basically is the story but a well written screenplay.
Just saw mortified on Netflix and it was great. Some really funny and some really painful stuff