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Republicans for POTUS, 2016 Edition

Your niece would have made a great run stopper for Sparty. Shame.

I love the fact that jhmd apparently never even considered that Townie's cousin that had the ride to Mich St was a male that didn't go to school in order to get a paying job to take care of his child.

Instead, jhmd makes a snarky comment about how the niece would have been a great lineman -- LOL, FAT JOKE OF SOMEBODY I DON'T KNOW AND ISN'T EVEN POSTING ON THE BOARDS! Good one, jhmd. You're so clever. Where do you come up with such fresh material? Bravo!

Hence my post that the ownership class is not interested in putting an end to the dole. The dole is their friend.

The dole is their sugar daddy.
Maybe teenage birth rates are dropping because the teenagers are doing the responsible thing and having abortions so that they don't raise a child in a one parent household just like jhmd supports

[h=3]Why Poor Women with Unintended Pregnancies Are Less Likely to Get Abortions[/h]
In a study released this month investigating the source of class gaps in unintended births, Brookings Institution researchers found that low-income women are more likely to experience an unintended pregnancy because not only are they less likely to use contraception—they are also less likely to get an abortion.

The study used data from the National Survey of Family Growth to look at 3,885 single women between the ages of 15 and 44 who said they were not trying to get pregnant. Among women who experienced unplanned pregnancies, 31.9 percent of those in the most affluent group had abortions, versus only 8.6 percent of women in the poorest group. The authors attribute this class gap in abortion rates to problems of knowledge and accessibility, citing prohibitive costs for poor women who must pay out of pocket, regulations on abortion providers that have reduced the number of providers, and required waiting periods.
Trumpapolooza is even more entertaining than anticipated. May not even be able to participate in any debates unless he files formal financial disclosures. Keeps yammering about his net worth, but no accounting firm is even mentioned on the alleged financial info he's circulating. Already he's totally trashed both Jeb and Rubio. Said he gave up on Rubio after he took a drink of water during a speech. That's a bigger deal killer than going on about Obama's birth certificate for months?!? Knew that Walker had a lot of credit card debt, but allegedly Walker's net worth is negative. Can't see Trump letting that slide. Jeb, Rubio, Walker, and perhaps Rand and maybe Kasich can win. What happens to Trump if he trashes every single one of those and doesn't even formally run?
The best part of it all is that Trump is still a potential huge donor, so the candidates have to kiss his ass.
Trump really should stay away from talking about the personal financial debt of others.
Trump really should stay away from talking about the personal financial debt of others.

Trump either (a) has no self-awareness of how ridiculous he is, or (b) is 100% aware of how he comes across and the rich irony/hypocrisy in everything he says and does, and is playing it up for maximum fame/attention. Personally my bet is on (b).
Trump either (a) has no self-awareness of how ridiculous he is, or (b) is 100% aware of how he comes across and the rich irony/hypocrisy in everything he says and does, and is playing it up for maximum fame/attention. Personally my bet is on (b).

Lean toward b as well, but could never figure out Trump's birther angle. Don't see a lot of upside in Trump destroying Jeb, Rubio, or Walker and enabling a Hillary win. Nobody left of center is ever going to forget the birther stuff and alienating everyone right of center isn't in Trump's best interest either.
Trump either (a) has no self-awareness of how ridiculous he is, or (b) is 100% aware of how he comes across and the rich irony/hypocrisy in everything he says and does, and is playing it up for maximum fame/attention. Personally my bet is on (b).

He could have a and b at the same time. Being delusional, obnoxious , narcissistic, and not giving a fuck are fairly similar and not mutually exclusive.
Latest GOP polling had a top five of Jeb, Walker, Rubio, Carson, and Huckabee. Rand was sixth, Christie ninth, and Fiorina tenth. Don't like Walker, but can understand the top three. Carson and Huckabee, not so much. They can limit the number of debates and participants, but they'll still have too many clowns in too many debates for too long.
Jindal announcing today and Christie may announce next week. That would make 14 with Walker and Kasich both almost certainly to get in too.
Jindal announcing today and Christie may announce next week. That would make 14 with Walker and Kasich both almost certainly to get in too.

Christie should drop truth bombs that would make Trump blush.
I hope Christie comes out swinging. If he tries to be a technical fighter he will get rolled. Needs to start throwing haymakers right out of the gate in order to generate excitement.
Both Jindal and Christie are in their final terms and their in-state approval ratings are in the low 30s. Neither's going to be VP or a Senator, so this will be their last rodeo. Curious how they play it.
I want an uncensored, HBO debate between Christie and Trump with the biggest troll moderator available to ask questions about their perceived flaws.
I want an uncensored, HBO debate between Christie and Trump with the biggest troll moderator available to ask questions about their perceived flaws.

Christie would kiss so much ass. He needs that Trump $$$.