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Romney campaign admits it - They're in big trouble

He's doing it again....with healthcare this time. Romney has a different position on every issue, depending upon where he is and who he is talking to. Does he not understand that everything he says is being recorded? The guy is a total joke. This election is going to wind up being almost as bad as the McCain landslide.....in spite of the ongoing economic problems (which most voters realize that the Bush/Cheney policies created and the GOP House obstruction has perpetuated).

Parts of Obamacare are good? Facepalm
Also newsflash to Dems...there was an election in 2010, you know two years after the Coronation of 2008 and that one went pretty badly for your party. Granted the GOP nominated a couple of real duds (esp in NV and DE) but at least Romney can speak in full sentences.
As I said dozens of times in 2009/10, Obama's PR and communications team failed miserably. They made Spiro Agnew look like a PR genius. That's why they lost as badly as they did in 2010.
The Romney campaign never ran any positive image ads about Mitt, and like Palin in 2008, let others define their candidate before they did themselves. Kerry was defined as a flip flopper in March and Mitt was defined as out of touch during the Summer. Romney needs to win the undecideds in the swing states better that 3 to 1 to get to 270. He may have tons of money, but it wasn't spent on the right things at the right time and the electoral map doesn't favor him.
Spot during those two years Obama:

Signed equal pay for equal work meaningless
Signed the Stimulus that created or saved over 3M jobs (ask governors) Abject failure and mostly pork
Saved GM -stopped a depression GM is still a failing company, see Volt numbers
Passed healthcare- had been tried over 100 years starting with Teddy Roosevelt Still polling as unpopular
Expanded Pell Grants Good stuff but not a huge voter issue
ended the War in Iraq Great but Afghanistan and Gitmo are still around
Closed black sites I don't know what this is, black sites as in bet.com ?
ended ban on stem cell research Wahoo! Lets spend money on a failed opportunity!

I'm sure there are a lot more, but those are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.

I added my snarky comments
1) Would like to know your source for the campaigns internal polling data.
2) Of course, just like everything information related. Not sure what your point is though.
3) Obama's margin of 7.6 at this time in 2008 is compared to approximately 1.5% today. If the "composite polling data" is close or accurate, this race is much closer and very winnable for Romney. Your turn.
4) Romney is well positioned financially, and voter enthusiasm on Republican side is much higher than Democrat side and has been all year. Romney is winning independents, married female voters, large margin on white males (white voters are still 77-80% of likely voters), black voter turnout will be much less than the record turnout of 2008 and will return to more traditional #s see 2004; Hispanic voter registration is down compared to 2008; Dem registration in 10 battlegrounds down 1 million compared to 2008 and Republicans are even now in battlegrounds. There's a few for starters.

I'll give you a 10% discount if you pay off the bet this week. :)
Obama's slowly pulling campaign ad money out of NC, fyi.
Never expected him to win NC or IN. That would still leave him with about 330 EVs from 2008. Even if Obama lost Ohio and Florida as well, he'd still be over 280.
Romney's at 191 w/out NC (including IN). Add NC's 15 and Romney is at 206. Meantime with PA and MI, Obama is at 237.

That's probably the new starting point.
Add FL and it's 266......

Romney's gonna win FL.

In fact, on election night you only have to look at 3 States. VA, FL, OH. If Obama wins any of them, good night irene. But if Obama is truly gonna lose, he won't win any of them. We won't know till 11pmish on Nov 6th I guess.
I'll take the bet that he doesn't lose all three.....how much?
I'll take the bet that he doesn't lose all three.....how much?

I am a poor student but I'll do a funny bet with you if you want. Or I can just promise to buy the first two rounds when we finally meet up
It's hilarious how you're just repeating talking points from the other side of the aisle.

So how do you distinguish between facts and talking points? Is the fact that we beat UNC just a WFU talking point? I don't see how that is hilarious from the UNC side.