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Sarah Westwood: Advice From a Lonely College Republican

I'm not sure you know what "selfish" means.

And WFFaithful, she's calling for more than makeup. She's calling for the model to have a heart transplant.

Oh and Go, as to your larger point, if I was a law prof, I might agree with you.

I dont know what you call it, but I really believe it involves a new third party. I'm quite confident there are many republicans who are pro-choice and pro gay marriage. There's also a good number of fiscally conservative dems. People just dont forget about issues like abortion and gay marriage. These are deeply imbedded beliefs that people are incredibly passionate about. They're probably numbers 1 and 2 on issues people will be "one issue" voters about. So, it's easy to say, if the republicans just forgot about those two things they'd get tons of voters. And, quite frankly, I agree with that statement. But, it would probably be easier for the socially liberal sect of the republican party to branch off and start a more "libertarian" third party, then it would be to change the hearts and minds of their base to forget about abortion and gay marriage.
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Where do you go to school?

As PH pointed out your post also makes no sense. Young people are selfish....by caring about other people. Interesting take.

No, they think selfishly think it will affect their lives but they are stupid in the fact that it will never affect their lives.
No, they think selfishly think it will affect their lives but they are stupid in the fact that it will never affect their lives.

Really you want to play this game as a supporter of the republican party? Lets see gay marriage, it is going to break up happy homes we can't let the homosexuals marry it will destroy real marriages we better make constitutional amendments and laws against it might be the definition of what you just said. Sprinkle a little woman's rights in there, and a dash of abortion and we have quiet the mix.
I actually support and am for gay marriage but that's not going to convince me to vote for tax and spend, gov't first Democrats.

My fiscal beliefs and vote trump my social beliefs and vote.
That came off like it was written by a spoiled little rich girl who mainly hangs out with other spoiled little rich kids. She basically thinks fellow young people are sheep who only care about social issues.

Lol. You hate rich people. I never thought being successful was a bad thing until I started reading these boards.
Not everybody who is rich is successful.

Not everybody who is successful is rich.
Not everybody who is rich is successful.

Not everybody who is successful is rich.

Actually everyone who is rich is successful. There isn't a field that rewards mediocrity.

And if you were successful enough in any field you'd be rich. Ask Obama's hero Warren Buffet, he has a theory about it.
Lol. You hate rich people. I never thought being successful was a bad thing until I started reading these boards.

There is nothing worse than Republican rich kids. All entitlement with no experience of the world to balance out the drivel they have been fed their entire life about how the poor are lazy, minorities are dangerous, and how they are special and unique snowflakes. Waker undergrad is full of these types.
There is nothing worse than Republican rich kids. All entitlement with no experience of the world to balance out the drivel they have been fed their entire life about how the poor are lazy, minorities are dangerous, and how they are special and unique snowflakes. Waker undergrad is full of these types.

Yea, that describes me exactly. No adversity, no intelligence or risk taking.
There is nothing worse than Republican rich kids. All entitlement with no experience of the world to balance out the drivel they have been fed their entire life about how the poor are lazy, minorities are dangerous, and how they are special and unique snowflakes. Waker undergrad is full of these types.

Oh man, you nailed us to a tee. Why don't you come work with me on the truck this week, P4nthers11? Don't forget the steel toed boots.
Lot of animosity and ignorant generalizations on this thread. Why don't you all stop trying to read each other palms? Surely there is something more to post about.
Yea, that describes me exactly. No adversity, no intelligence or risk taking.

His is no more of a blanket statement than yours four posts earlier. Note, there are a lot of rich people who inherited their money who are losers. I once worked for a rich guy who inherited all he had. He spent $500 on coke every night. Rich does not automatically equal successful.
His is no more of a blanket statement than yours four posts earlier. Note, there are a lot of rich people who inherited their money who are losers. I once worked for a rich guy who inherited all he had. He spent $500 on coke every night. Rich does not automatically equal successful.

Where do you live, Colombia? Otherwise, that seems like a dumb investment. Isn't it pretty much baking soda and sugar by the time it gets to America?
His is no more of a blanket statement than yours four posts earlier. Note, there are a lot of rich people who inherited their money who are losers. I once worked for a rich guy who inherited all he had. He spent $500 on coke every night. Rich does not automatically equal successful.

There really aren't that many people who inherited their wealth. It's a much, much lower percentage than you'd like to believe.
Oh man, you nailed us to a tee. Why don't you come work with me on the truck this week, P4nthers11? Don't forget the steel toed boots.

Your post makes no sense. My post makes perfect sense. I am in fact "nailing to a tee" the rich kids at Wake who prance around in their fratty vests and Brooks Brother attire while writing poli sci papers on Ayn Raynd, hosting Fox News circlejerks, and bitching about how lazy and stupid the Pit workers are. These kinds of kids are just as "selfish" and "stupid" as the college dems being ridiculed on this thread who *gasp* are concerned about social issues. Double taxation and entitlement reform....haha yea right. I've been to quite a few College Republican meetings in my younger days at Wake. It was usually a whole lot of...Reagan is awesome! The poor are moochers! Don't penalize success! So excuse me if I don't feel that one side or the other has a monopoly on idiotic discourse among their young party adherents.
Who's talking about inheritance?

A college kid with rich parents is rich probably without doing a thing to earn it. A good number of Wake kids I met fit that category.
Who's talking about inheritance?

A college kid with rich parents is rich probably without doing a thing to earn it. A good number of Wake kids I met fit that category.

Skydog brought it up but anecdotal evidence always has its place! Maybe I could talk about how many guys on Wall Street I know that came from shitty backgrounds.
Your post makes no sense. My post makes perfect sense. I am in fact "nailing to a tee" the rich kids at Wake who prance around in their fratty vests and Brooks Brother attire while writing poli sci papers on Ayn Raynd, hosting Fox News circlejerks, and bitching about how lazy and stupid the Pit workers are. These kinds of kids are just as "selfish" and "stupid" as the college dems being ridiculed on this thread who *gasp* are concerned about social issues. Double taxation and entitlement reform....haha yea right. I've been to quite a few College Republican meetings in my younger days at Wake. It was usually a whole lot of...Reagan is awesome! The poor are moochers! Don't penalize success! So excuse me if I don't feel that one side or the other has a monopoly on idiotic discourse among their young party adherents.

Okay, so you're complaining about a subset of students that attended WFU, not every child of people who were monetarily successful. Just making sure!

And I was referring to what I do. I might have this wrong, but you're in the military, right?
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