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Sons Of Anarchy - Season 7 [Final Season]

Hmm....not sure what I think.

I liked the closing out of all the storylines/killing all the enemies.

It felt really slow and really boring during some stretches...and proved that the Sheriff/Chibs storyline was just a load of bullshit thrown in to give another story to follow in the last season.

Sutter tried hard to be "deep" with his references and symbolism, but it came off way too forced. Same with Jax's speech to the rock...hearing Jax use 10 dollar words after all that was just dumb.

And Sutter obviously doesn't know how to write strong dialogue for scenes like "I'm going to kill myself" or "You need to vote to kill me"....every time a serious talk needed to be had, they cut away and came back to show the reactions....that was awful.

That said, great scenes between Nero/Jax, Jax/Chibs, Chibs/Tig....and the scene between Jax and his kids was the biggest gut punch of the finale...awful kid acting included.

Good episode, not great, but better than what I expected.
So, who the fuck was the homeless chick?

"Emily Putner appears several times in Sons of Anarchy. Always when Gemma or Jax are going through an emotional decision making process.

In the episode 'John 8:32' it was stated that she is Emily Putner, the mother of Brooke Putner. Emily was accidentally killed as a result of John Teller's collision with a semi-truck and trailer in 1993.

In the same episode, when Jax goes to talk to Gary Putner about his daughter's aggressive behavior, he sees a wedding photo of Emily with Gary. When Gary asks Jax why he's curious about it, he states that "She looks familiar". Gary then says that he has also often seen her. He also tells Jax that he has had other people come to him saying that they have seen her too."

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Good finale. Sutter went WAY over the top with the Christ symbolism (even having Chiklis actually SAY "Jesus" as he's about to plow into Jax), and had to have not one but two shots of his wife's dead character, but overall I thought it was a good ending to the show. The last song was very good. One thing that took me out of that last scene a little bit was you could tell all the cops following him were going like 10 mph.
Although if I am going to pick a nit it would be the Mayhem vote meeting was fairly unnecessary if they weren't actually going to kill Jax. I guess you could argue it put them in the frame of mind that Jax was going to have to die. But then shooting Happy as some kind of evidence that Jax escaped from the Mayhem kill was DEFINITELY unnecessary. If the other Club Presidents had a problem with it then SAMCRO could just say "Hey, we voted for Mayhem, but then Jax was too busy out murdering Marks and Robocop and committing suicide for us to be able to follow through with it"
That episode was better than most this season, but not as good as last week. The penultimate episode was the best episode of this year in my opinion. This one was not terrible, but I can't get over being beating over the head with the Christ symbolism. Come on Sutter, your audience is not that dumb.
The finale was really good. It allowed for a twist with the Irish, tied up all the loose ends with the club and the law. The goodbye to the kids was really difficult to watch. There were some high notes with Tig, Chibs, and Nero.

I loved that he acknowledged how his dad couldn't get him away from the mayhem and that Gemma was super destructive with her planning and his way to make it right for both his family and the club was truly to sacrifice himself.

Yes, the stupidity of the Christ imagery and inclusion of the sheriff were both too much, but overall, it was a very enjoyable and satisfying series finale, consistent with the show as a whole.
Special effects were terrible. From Chiklis' point of view, Jax nearly comes to a complete stop, and the truck Chiklis is driving isn't even moving. And the green screen from Jax's point of view was just horrible. That's the best they could do for special effects? Woof.

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The finale was really good. It allowed for a twist with the Irish, tied up all the loose ends with the club and the law. The goodbye to the kids was really difficult to watch. There were some high notes with Tig, Chibs, and Nero.

I loved that he acknowledged how his dad couldn't get him away from the mayhem and that Gemma was super destructive with her planning and his way to make it right for both his family and the club was truly to sacrifice himself.

Yes, the stupidity of the Christ imagery and inclusion of the sheriff were both too much, but overall, it was a very enjoyable and satisfying series finale, consistent with the show as a whole.

I thought the best part of the episode was when Jax was saying goodbye to the club and he just said, "I got this." Unless I'm wrong, I think that's what Opie said before he sacrificed himself in prison. That part was pretty cool.

I think Jax riding along and passing the crows on the highway was a callback to the pilot episode too, but I totally agree that the special effects from him running into the truck were like something a junior high A.V. club could produce these days.
The Christ symbolism reminded me of Platoon. Over the top in that regard
Good callout with the Opie/Jax "I got this".

Yea the cops following at 10mph and the shitty special effects were really bad, but whatever.

Also, if you're driving down the highway and see cops coming at you 3 wide, why would you wait until someone drove into your lane to brake?
Good callout with the Opie/Jax "I got this".

Yea the cops following at 10mph and the shitty special effects were really bad, but whatever.

Also, if you're driving down the highway and see cops coming at you 3 wide, why would you wait until someone drove into your lane to brake?

Logic be damned. That's what I was thinking too. It would be really funny if Jax had just bounced off the grill and been arrested.

The cops following him slowly didn't really bother me. Similar to the OJ thing.
The way they filmed the bike/truck crash actually made me think there might be one more twist, because it seemed so obvious that both parties were barely moving. So bad.
I wonder if they were over budget for the season and had to cheapen up the finale.
Yeah seems like they could have cut the police cars/motorcycles following him to like 5 total (instead of 20), and then maybe cut the actual collision in such a way that it may not have been clear to Chiklis what was going on (have Jax coming around a bend or something so the cops aren't visible at first).
glad it's over. it's been pretty painful at times trying to get through some of these episodes/seasons.

having said that the final season and finale, like most of the seasons, had some very good parts. sutter could really have benefited from someone reigning him in. he got way to busy with story lines at time. i ended up appreciating how many of them ended over the last few episodes. however, it was as if they had gone so far down the rabbit hole and then the did an abrupt 180 and ended each one. had they cut down on some of those story lines their endings would have felt a little more organic and less forced.

i very much agree that sutter does way too much stuff off camera. did anyone not realize jax was setting up himself to allow the mayhem vote? it was not some unexpected twist moment. they should have shown more of jax's workings behind the scenes rather than "i'm working on it. fill you in later."

jax goes out a "hero" saving the club and his boys from his mistakes. except that he leaves his kids and new mommy without a father/husband. he leaves his friend/surrogate father figure having to support them. like gemma jax won't just kill himself. he makes someone else do it for him endangering his life and the lives of the cops. i am really annoyed by that. sutter wants me to feel something for a character that made terrible awful decisions over and over that people kept dying from and his club would do anything for him? never rang true for me i guess.

i still think sutter missed a great opportunity to help find some actual redemption for the character and gemma. gemma asks for jax's gun. he trusts her enough to give it to her knowing she will off herself. now he does not have the "i killed my mom guilt" and she gives him closure on that. jax now has to work to save the club and and his boys. he has the club deliver the mayhem vote and he drives himself off the road in the mountains "on his way" to meet the club where they will deliver his justice (knowing he won't ever make it). even include the presidents as witnesses and jax never shows up. he could even go full circle like gemma and off himself in front of samcro.

the ending christ symbolism was over the top and made me laugh. sutter is capable of subtly and most of the best moments in the show had plenty of that and nuance. the last few years it got worse and worse. beating you over the head with whatever symbolism he was attempting to show.

also i was glad to see sutter was able to get in two car chases this time. usually he only shoe horned one in. i guess with double size episodes there is more room for that. also glad he was finally able to use a few nice montages this time around.

i know this reads as overly critical and "why did you keep wathing?" it really was because there were moments with acting and writing that were pretty great tv. especially the early stuff. season 2 was as good as anything on tv. i kept waiting for another season that lived up to that. it's like the show "AO" (after opie) was less consistent. at times fun tv. great moments. just more for me to gripe about.
The Christ symbolism was pretty laughable especially considering that Jax had almost no CHrist like qualities. Jax had plenty of Shakespearean like traits though and it seems it would have been much better for him to meet his death in a hamlet or Macbeth kind of way though since that was what the show was all about in the beginning. Still liked the finale, but just kind of shook my head when Jax spread out his arms like he was on the cross.
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Yea I didn't even think about the fact that Chiklis would be stuck with the guilt of that for the rest of his life.

And while I agree with almost everything deaconson said, Jax did note that he wanted Wendy to sell both houses and the garage and use the money to support the kids/family.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time we saw Chibs and Sheriff together they were doing it on the hood of the cop car, no?

And the next time they're together they both are dicks to each other?

Weird....that whole storyline was unneeded. I mean what actual value did the character provide?...she did nothing the whole season.
Can't wait for whatever Jimmy Smits is in next, he was great this season of mostly dog shit.