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the official new supreme court thread - Very political

I wonder if Crow ever butt dialed Thomas while he was in court.
The defense is in the article.

In response to questions from The Post, Leo issued a statement defending the Thomases. “It is no secret that Ginni Thomas has a long history of working on issues within the conservative movement, and part of that work has involved gauging public attitudes and sentiment. The work she did here did not involve anything connected with either the Court’s business or with other legal issues,” he wrote. “As an advisor to JEP I have long been supportive of its opinion research relating to limited government, and The Polling Company, along with Ginni Thomas’s help, has been an invaluable resource for gauging public attitudes.”
Of the effort to keep Thomas’s name off paperwork, Leo said: “Knowing how disrespectful, malicious and gossipy people can be, I have always tried to protect the privacy of Justice Thomas and Ginni.”
Seems like something that will stick. Your Republican neighbor will be spinning it like that by tomorrow afternoon.
While the last part is absolutely true, the first part is unlikely because old assholes don't usually know how to open a PDF on their phone let alone record video. They can make phone calls and open Pornhub, and that's about it.
lol during my time at T-Mobile when old men would come into our store to get help with their phones we used to take bets on whether or not it would be overloaded with porn.
"gauging public attitudes and sentiment"

I know the “hotdog costume asking who did this” meme is played out, but I am so damn exhausted hearing politicians and pundits express bullshit shock and surprise that none of this corruption is being seriously investigated. Our stupid fucking political system is designed so that these people are above the law and can’t be held accountable, and partisan power consolidation makes it so that parties require super majorities to hold each other accountable, and even then their corrupt-ass gentlemen’s agreement bullshit prevents even that. There’s nothing that can be done about any of this that doesn’t involve public uprisings and major threats of violence against these people and these institutions. Whatever good faith that the world had in the integrity of American Democracy is long dead.
This is all a goddamn sham and it probably always has been.
If any critical mass of Republican voters were against Republican corruption, Republican politicians would join Democrats in acting against it. But they aren't.
If any critical mass of Republican voters were against Republican corruption, Republican politicians would join Democrats in acting against it. But they aren't.
To them the bigger scandal is Hunter Biden and all these Thomas revelations do is give them a chance to whatabout.