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The Pit Parenting Thread

Chicdeac bat signal! And any other cloth diaper users:

What did you do for potty training? Squirrel is transitioning into the 2 year old room and they've requested he come in pull ups for "potty training purposes." Is that the norm? I wasn't necessarily planning on potty training him this early but I'd rather do that than pay for pull ups for a long time.
We did pull ups for a while, not too long actually, then regular underwear. Once he was in the room with other kids potty training and/or trained he picked it up pretty quick for the most part
Also not a cloth diaperer, but for us we went straight to undies and pull up only at night. That said, we also didn't do it at 2 y/o...and we have a girl. Most of what I've heard is about boys training later, so it sounds early to me to transition now. But maybe the peer pressure will do it!
First day of school today...quite a roller coaster. We had gotten some library and new books about going back to school we've been reading the last week or so, and she's been into it (new backpack, new nap mat, excited to meet her teacher, etc). Then all of a sudden last night at bedtime she starts getting upset "I'm scared and nervous to go to school because I've never been before" (wondering if the books backfired since a lot of them talked about being nervous and then everything being ok).

So this morning the first thing she says when she wakes up "I'm ready for school today!" But as soon as it's time to get dressed it's an absolute tantrum/hour-long crying fit about not wanting to put on the uniform. She's a freak who has boycotted wearing anything with buttons for the last year+, and of course the uniform is a polo shirt and skirt/pants. Luckily our teacher told us she could wear a tshirt if need be, and thankfully we had one in the right color on hand. But it was still a MAJOR struggle to get even that on - and a skirt with a zipper which was apparently also awful.

Finally managed to wrestle her into her clothes, eat breakfast, and get to school. The good news was drop-off was surprisingly easy with no tears and said goodbye without incident.



Just an FYI. My first daughter never had any problems with clothes at all. Daughter 2 was difficult to put in anything. Things weren't tight enough, she didn't like the texture, etc. She was diagnosed with a sensory disorder. We did some OT and she is great now. Probably not applicable to your daughter, but a lot of parents don't know it's a thing.
Just an FYI. My first daughter never had any problems with clothes at all. Daughter 2 was difficult to put in anything. Things weren't tight enough, she didn't like the texture, etc. She was diagnosed with a sensory disorder. We did some OT and she is great now. Probably not applicable to your daughter, but a lot of parents don't know it's a thing.

Thanks! We actually have a friend with a similar situation where we think her second daughter has some sensory processing issues. I'm inclined not to think ours has this (doesn't seem to have textural or other clothing sensitivities at this point...just literally does not like buttons. She's worn stuff with buttons she didn't realize had them, but if she notices them she freaks out. Seems like just a really weird phobia?)
Rambo is finally potty trained and he's 3.5. Took a minute. Birdie honestly did it over a weekend at 2.5.
I recommend a Mexican daycare. They are nice (super nice with the gringo kid(s), (mostly)) and train em pretty damn good.
We did pull ups for a while, not too long actually, then regular underwear. Once he was in the room with other kids potty training and/or trained he picked it up pretty quick for the most part

How old was he? I feel like maybe I was preg when be was born but they may be even farther apart.

Rambo is finally potty trained and he's 3.5. Took a minute. Birdie honestly did it over a weekend at 2.5.

He's 2y,1mo! I agree with LadyDeac and feel like it's early. I think they just don't want to deal with the cloth diapers anymore.
He's 2.5 now, started potty training at mex daycare at 2 or slightly before, in the sense that he would wear pull ups and they would take him to the bathroom etc
Gotta be tough getting potty trained eating all that Mexican food and drinking that Mexican water.
Chicdeac bat signal! And any other cloth diaper users:

What did you do for potty training? Squirrel is transitioning into the 2 year old room and they've requested he come in pull ups for "potty training purposes." Is that the norm? I wasn't necessarily planning on potty training him this early but I'd rather do that than pay for pull ups for a long time.
They never asked us to do pull-ups in the 2 year old room, S is starting to potty train and they just take his diapers on and off, but you could use cloth training pants (Friends have used flip trainers by BumGenius. I may even have 2 pair I could give you)
Rambo is finally potty trained and he's 3.5. Took a minute. Birdie honestly did it over a weekend at 2.5.

Both my daughters self trained in like a day and a half. Oldest wanted Bob the Builder underwear, which she couldn't have until she was trained. So she got it done. Had to buy her boy's underwear because the misogynist undergarment industry could not fathom girls liking Bob the Builder.
E trained fully by 26 months (largely thanks to daycare), S is 29 months and they just started having success with him going in the toilet (guess he doesn't give a shit what the other kids are doing).
Both my daughters self trained in like a day and a half. Oldest wanted Bob the Builder underwear, which she couldn't have until she was trained. So she got it done. Had to buy her boy's underwear because the misogynist undergarment industry could not fathom girls liking Bob the Builder.

I was pleasantly surprised when we were shopping for underwear that two of the girl options were superheros and TMNT (the Bug is wearing TMNT today actually that she picked out specifically because the teacher's aide in her class was wearing a TMNT shirt yesterday)

E trained fully by 26 months (largely thanks to daycare), S is 29 months and they just started having success with him going in the toilet (guess he doesn't give a shit what the other kids are doing).

Isn't that one of those parenting dichotomies? You want your kid to be independent and think for themselves, but you also kind of want them to be peer pressured into things like potty training and eating healthy foods, etc.
Isn't that one of those parenting dichotomies? You want your kid to be independent and think for themselves, but you also kind of want them to be peer pressured into things like potty training and eating healthy foods, etc.

There are certain social norms where independent thinking doesn't apply. Not shitting in your pants is one of them. Driving on the right hand side of the road is another.