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This Cat > This Dog


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
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Cat saves child from dog attack.


Fine, a more appropriate title. The original was just a jest.
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Whatever. Cats are awful. At least properly socialized dogs give a damn about their owners. Cats just want food and attention. Get murdered? They hop over your corpse and purr against the leg of the policeman while he draws a chalk line around your body.
Whenever somebody describes to me that they have a "cool" cat they always qualify it by saying "he's a cat, but he's awesome like he enjoys being around people and he lets you pet him and he'll cuddle up with you."

Right, you just described the average dog. If it takes an exceptional cat to be equivalent to an average anything else, which is your barometer for it being cool, then it's pretty clear which animal is better.
it's like saying "She's a carolina fan, but she's got big tatas so it's cool"

whenever you have that "comma but" you're conceding their inherent inferiority
Cats are awesome. Dogs are awesome. Having cats and a dog is high comedy.
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I had to give a speech in a business communications course on any topic of my choosing. The prof had mentioned her dog was the best thing ever, so naturally I went with Cats make better pets than Dogs. I'll see if I can locate my notes. It was quite humorous. IIRC, my main point was that cats do not smell like dog.
My cat is awesome. He's friendly, funny, and loves to snuggle. I like dogs lot and have had dogs, but I prefer having a cat, especially living in the city. He smells good, as opposed to smelling bad like every dog ever. I can leave him at home for days at a time unattended if need be and errything is peachy when I return. Picking up cat shit with a scoop out of a box that doesn't smell like shit is far preferable to picking up fresh steaming dog shit in a little baggie by hand. A cat just fits my lifestyle more than a dog.
My cat is awesome. He's friendly, funny, and loves to snuggle. I like dogs lot and have had dogs, but I prefer having a cat, especially living in the city. He smells good, as opposed to smelling bad like every dog ever. I can leave him at home for days at a time unattended if need be and errything is peachy when I return. Picking up cat shit with a scoop out of a box that doesn't smell like shit is far preferable to picking up fresh steaming dog shit in a little baggie by hand. A cat just fits my lifestyle more than a dog.

Your apartment smells like a litter box.
Your apartment smells like a litter box.

I live in a house and it doesn't. And when I lived in apartments they didn't either. I have friends who live in places that smell like litter boxes and I've never understood it. All you have to do is clean the litter once a day. It's not that hard.
This is my cat giving zero fucks about what she's supposed to eat. She also broke into my neighbor's car while they were unloading groceries in their house and proceeded to eat all their french fries from McDonalds.

My cat, doing what he loves:
Most cats are shitty pets, including most of the ones I ever had as a kid. The one awesome cat I ever owned was an american short hair named "Aggro" Aggro teased and played with both of my golden retrievers, and she was really friendly and playful with everyone, as in letting people pet her and letting little kids carry her around, she would also jump in your lap and curl up whenever you sat down. Aggro was a really energetic cat that you had to play with to get her energy out, so when I left home she became unintentionally destructive by running around my parents house and jumping on everything. My mom secretly got rid of her while I was in college because Aggro was jumping onto shelves and furniture and knocking breakable shit onto the floor. It still kind of pisses me off that my mom gave her away without telling me.
If it hasn't happened already, that dog needs to be put down immediately. As in, shot on sight.
TMZ says the dog is being put down.