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Totally Unofficial 2011/12 Premier League Thread (NWT)

I predict bish will fall in love and assume the arrival of at least 10 more Pool targets over the course of this summer. I predict vad will greatly overrate the quality of an assorted array of Tottenham players, and will be upset when Modric leaves for Man U for less than $Texas. I predict doofus will probably not know enough to back up a misplaced tantrum during the season. I predict dv7 will be deported to Mexico, after the rest of us write a strongly-worded letter to whomever is in charge of that type of thing. I predict we still won't have any Chelsea fans on the board. I predict the Pool fans will create their own Scouser Boom Bust Cycle chart that involves bombs, boobs and a bicycle, which will be much more entertaining than the stale one we have to witness frequently. I predict Everton will start poorly, and I predict Arsenal will start well. Completely different story for those two teams at the end of the season. I predict Robin van Persie will lead all scorers for the year. I predict Cuntarito will break his leg and the energy of my smile alone will power my computer for the rest of the season. I predict "hurrrr don't say Man U." I predict Arsene will not see a favorable call for Arsenal. I predict he'll make Tony Pulis angry. I predict Maradona, good; Pele, better; George, Munich. I predict I'll get neg repped for that last line, hoping the rest of you help me even things out.
Yo 09 how about this chart?

Adebayor raged last night: "This is very hurtful and insulting and says a lot about Manchester City.

"On the one hand they want to become the biggest, most successful club in the world, yet the people who run the club are not acting in that way at all.

"No one at City is man enough to speak to me face-to-face to explain.

"I just received an email from Brian Marwood's secretary, a lady at the club called Claire, telling me to report for training on July 9.

"But when I spoke to the other players, I found out the first team was leaving for the pre-season tour of the USA on July 8.

"So it's clear they don't want me here but no one even called. Brian Marwood just got his secretary to send me an email.

"And I heard this was the same with at least six other players."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...ury-as-City-freeze-him-out.html#ixzz1RU9wNfZm
And now Bellamy has a go:

"It was tough [when Hughes left], it felt like losing someone,'' he told the Daily Telegraph. ''It was probably as bad as losing a family member in some ways, I even struggled to eat for a few days.

"It was a totally different structure [under Mancini] which affected me completely. Mancini told me to stay with the team all the time. We had longer training sessions, but with no intensity whatsoever.

"He seemed to know my knee better than I knew it myself. He tried to explain why I had problems with it, and what I should do about it. When I told him that my knee was hurting, he tried to tell me it wasn't.

"Mancini wanted me to come in another day and do some work, but I told him that I'd finished my work that day, that I was keeping to my own schedule. That was when he started about my programme, that I couldn't follow my own schedule while he was the manager, and that I had to do what he was telling me.

"He said, 'If you don't, you can go back home now. And don't come back in again'. I replied, 'Okay, no problem, I'm going home then'. That was a week after he'd arrived, and then he never spoke to me again.

"When I went into pre-season, the physio, Jamie Murphy, spoke to Mancini and told him that I wasn't able to do a lot of the things that Mancini wanted, because it would cause a reaction to my knee. Mancini wants to have it all."

Bellamy, 31, who spent last season on loan at Cardiff City, has no intention of reducing his £80,000-per-week wages in order to engineer a move away from Eastlands, where his contract expires next summer.

"To be honest I don't want to go on loan again, because where would I go after that?" Bellamy added. "After another loan period my options would be probably reduced. A permanent move would be somewhere best, but it would have to be somewhere wealthy, so I can guarantee future earnings for my charity, but that would be difficult with my current wages.

"If they [City] pay me the final year of my wages, then I'm sure I can go wherever I want. In that case, my first option would be to Cardiff, to give it another go. But it has to be feasible, the financial health of the club is the most important thing.

"No chance [of reducing wages], that is impossible. I have my own academy [in Sierra Leone] where I have to take care of 13 children, day in, day out. My wages are more important to them than they are for me.

"City are the richest club in the world. They work to a budget that no-one else works to, so they can write their own rules. Right now the club has got itself in a situation where a lot of players have to go on loan.

"Obviously it all depends on Manchester City. At present, I expect to go back there and stay the whole year. And if Roberto Mancini is still there, I'll do probably very little, obviously I won't be involved with him and the first team."
Jody Morris tweets that Essien did his "cruciate" in during chelski's first training session:

morriskid jody morris
Sad news about michael essien...1st day full training aswell...

morriskid jody morris
Sorry tweeps...heard he done his knee..cruciate... #sadtimes
Whoa, that's a huge blow to Chelsea if true. Man he just can't stay healthy, his body is betraying him too early.
(discussing whether to build new stadium or expand Anfield)
John W. Henry
@ArberLFCFAN Anfield would certainly be our first choice. But realities may dictate otherwise. So many obstacles...
Smalling signs an improved contract that extends him for 5 more seasons at United.
And Liverpool extend Flannigan's contract as well. He looked decent at the end of last season.
Jody Morris tweets that Essien did his "cruciate" in during chelski's first training session:

morriskid jody morris
Sad news about michael essien...1st day full training aswell...

morriskid jody morris
Sorry tweeps...heard he done his knee..cruciate... #sadtimes


such a boss
Yeah, I despise Chelsea but it's impossible to not respect Essien. A healthy Essien was one of the most destructive center mids I've ever seen, but he somehow tied to it an elegance that guys in that role almost never have. Just a great, great player totally betrayed by his body.
One of the people that was in serious condition from Twente's stadium collapse has sadly passed away.
Kenny Dalglish says that Charlie Adam can have the same impact at Liverpool that he did at Blackpool.

Dalglish thinks Liverpool will get relegated?
Yeah, I despise Chelsea but it's impossible to not respect Essien. A healthy Essien was one of the most destructive center mids I've ever seen, but he somehow tied to it an elegance that guys in that role almost never have. Just a great, great player totally betrayed by his body.

He won be back until Jan at the earliest. ACON starts on the 21st of Jan. Is history going to repeat itself with him rushing back to play in ACON just to see him get hurt again? Hope not.
“The reasoning is that Kieran Gibbs at some stage has to get a chance to play. And Gael had only one year to go.
“I rate Gael very highly but I rate highly as well Kieran Gibbs, and he is now at an age where he has to play. And that’s the main reason behind that, to give Gibbs a chance”.

- Wenger

Sylvinho-Cashley-Clichy-Gibbs. Always hiring from within for LBs.
Saw that Barca were rumored to be considering offering Abidal or Maxwell in a part exchange for Cesc. Both could play LB if needed, but if Wenger wants Gibbs to be first choice LB them I'm not sure either would make a lot of sense.