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Trump’s Own Team Knows His Caravan Claims Are Bullshit

MDMH’s own team knows his claims are bullshit.
Fair enough. Missouri isn’t unique, it’s just like Oklahoma, Arkansas, etc. Dems can’t win there and I accept your assertion that mckaskill winning is bad for progress in the long run even if her losing causes us to lose some votes in the senate in the short run. (Btw, I wasn’t so much a fan of John Kerry, just hated GW Bush, I only mentioned the canvassing as evidence that I had a little more familiarity with MO than most.)
Her losing is bad for progress in the long run and in the short run and mdmh is an idiot.
Yeah this thread dedicated to debunking the caravan fear mongering bullshit, until a Democrat supports sending troops to the border, then its ok.

Except this little pissing matches never stay on topic. They always devolve into meta discussions of progressivism.
Her losing is bad for progress in the long run and in the short run and mdmh is an idiot.

It’s not crazy to believe that bills like the ACA actually impede substantial progress on real healthcare reform. And, on issues like environmental protection, endangered species, and climate change where we definitely can afford corporate appeasing half measures, McCasskill could actually be quite regressive.

If I was in Missouri I’d vote for her because I’d have not other rational choice and the stakes with President Trump are way too high. But I can’t deny the McKaskill is a the wrong kind of ‘Democrat’.
I can't wait to see what an existential threat these people are by early next week.

Will somebody anybody stop this barbarian horde sweeping across the land!

I can't wait to see what an existential threat these people are by early next week.

Anything bright and shiney for his peeps so they keep their eyes off of:

-Mail bombs sent to Democrat’s by his supporter
-a slaughter of Jews inspired by his rhetoric about the caravan
-his corrupt AF cabinet (Zinke)
-his tax fraud
-the Saudi Arabia disaster that fees like it was last year but was last week
-his blatant lying at rallies
-stagnant wages
-damages caused by his tariffs to his own Midwestern supporters
-tax cuts for the rich that have yet to trickle down
-lying about supporting pre existing conditions
-did I miss anything?
Just in: they've added a dragon to their horde:

Except this little pissing matches never stay on topic. They always devolve into meta discussions of progressivism.
You're right. I felt my post was on topic - a prominent Democrat publicly supporting Trumps militarized response to the "caravan". I admit that I shouldnt have taken the bait to derail the thread. Ready to get back to the topic.
The topic is i think this proves the point that a wall will certainly not be enough to stop these hordes we need more solutions and ideas. Maybe coming up with a system where the dishonorable, criminal and unwanted get sent down to the wall in lieu of other punishment, swear an oath to defend the wall and never leave, we can call it something like The Night’s Watch.
I refuse to buy into the Democrats framing every election cycle as if it were the first ever, or the "most important evar!!!!111" on their shallow reactionary bullshit. Let me know when Mike Pence and Trump start a war that lasts 17+ years and kills a million+ people. Your Claire McCaskills and Manchins didnt do shit about that, and holding your breath on progressives to beat incumbent Senators in primaries is suicide. My only leverage over the Democratic establishment is my vote, and I will withhold it when I feel its necessary.

Blood's on your hands, brah. Own it.
It’s not crazy to believe that bills like the ACA actually impede substantial progress on real healthcare reform. And, on issues like environmental protection, endangered species, and climate change where we definitely can afford corporate appeasing half measures, McCasskill could actually be quite regressive.

If I was in Missouri I’d vote for her because I’d have not other rational choice and the stakes with President Trump are way too high. But I can’t deny the McKaskill is a the wrong kind of ‘Democrat’.
In some fantasy world where a progressive will win a senate seat in WV or MO? Maybe