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Video Game Thread - The Last of Us = GOTY

Ok so why are different characters better for different parts of the map?

Man, I'm telling you, just uninstall right now. That game controlled me for about 2 years of my life that I will never get back. Games are too long, the community is too dumb, and you will spend 90% of your games complaining about 1 thing or another. Just do yourself a favor man, and pick up ANY other game. MOBAS are far too rage inducing.
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DotA >>>> LoL, anyway.

Well, older DotA at least. IceFrog fucked a lot of shit up around 6.20, and then in DotA2.
Man, I'm telling you, just uninstall right now. That game controlled me for about 2 years of my life that I will never get back. Games are too long, the community is too dumb, and you will spend 90% of your games complaining about 1 thing or another. Just do yourself a favor man, and pick up ANY other game. MOBAS are far too rage inducing.

I must say I have enjoyed it thus far :thumbsup:
New Wolfenstein announced. The trailer barely shows much of anything, but having Watchtower in there makes it pretty awesome.
Wolfenstein was the first game that made me slackjawed staring at a computer screen for hours at a time before realizing "oh crap, it's 1:30 am". Not to be the old man telling the kids to gather 'round, but I had to install this on my work computer, since PCs were for the leet back then, where I had to wait for everyone higher ranked than me (basically everybody) to leave before playing. I did get caught one time by a Jewish coworker who took offense to all the Nazi imagery. No, this was a woman.
I must say I have enjoyed it thus far :thumbsup:

It's fun until you realize what you're doing, and more importantly, what others aren't doing. There is a lot more strategy in that game than people realize (mainly because the majority of players are 10 - 15 year olds). By the time you realize that the climb to a rank where players are good isn't worth it, it will be too late. Like I said, I played it for over 2 years and got to a respectable ELO (which i guess is an old metric now with thew new ranking system), but ultimately, it took up too much time and the community is just too unskilled. My entire group of friends, all who were around 1500 elo, all quit playing Summoners Rift and now only play ARAM. I thought that was ok, but ultimately, lacked the strategy that I loved so much in Summoners Rift. Out of 7 friends I have that played SR, every single one of them has quit. I will PM you an interesting rant one of my friends wrote the day he quit LoL's.

With all that said, PM me when you hit 30 and I'll probably be down to duo >.<
It's fun until you realize what you're doing, and more importantly, what others aren't doing. There is a lot more strategy in that game than people realize (mainly because the majority of players are 10 - 15 year olds). By the time you realize that the climb to a rank where players are good isn't worth it, it will be too late. Like I said, I played it for over 2 years and got to a respectable ELO (which i guess is an old metric now with thew new ranking system), but ultimately, it took up too much time and the community is just too unskilled. My entire group of friends, all who were around 1500 elo, all quit playing Summoners Rift and now only play ARAM. I thought that was ok, but ultimately, lacked the strategy that I loved so much in Summoners Rift. Out of 7 friends I have that played SR, every single one of them has quit. I will PM you an interesting rant one of my friends wrote the day he quit LoL's.

With all that said, PM me when you hit 30 and I'll probably be down to duo >.<

Word. Thanks. Like I said, I only downloaded it because my brother and our core group of friends were all looking for a game to play together. I'd be interested in hearing a brief strategy lecture though :thumbsup:
Word. Thanks. Like I said, I only downloaded it because my brother and our core group of friends were all looking for a game to play together. I'd be interested in hearing a brief strategy lecture though :thumbsup:

I quit about 4 months ago, but assuming the meta is the same:

Don't worry too much about lane assignments while leveling, but here is a very brief the break down:

Bottom Lane: Support and Attack Damage Carry (ADC): This works out for 2 reasons. First, the ADC is usually very weak early game. Leaving them alone without a support is asking for the jungler to gank them to death. The ADC provides the "constant damage" aspect of the team composition and does the most late game damage (but is usually the most fragile). 2 people are usually sent bottom lane to help with Dragon control. If only one person was sent bottom lane, and 2 were sent top, then the other team would force a fight a dragon with their 2 bottom laners and the jungler and your team would only have your jungler and ADC. The support will make teh difference, and the other team will get dragon. This is a PERFECT example of something that the majority of players do not understand about the game, which is why you (especially while leveling, but sadly even after that) will have people taking all sorts of different champs to different lanes. They don't understand why lane assignments exist, and most of the time, neither will your team, so you won't be able to take advantage. Anywho, onward...

Top lane: Usually a beefy bruiser/dps type. This is because the top lane is easier to gank than the bottom lane due to the distance from the river to the tower. The bruiser is usually going to be responsible for taking out the Attack Damage Carry (ADC) in a team fight. I may have quit 4 months ago, but I'd be willing to bet Irelia is still OP.

Mid Lane: This was an item of contention when I left bc bruisers were so OP that some teams were sending them mid, but in general, the Mid Lane is for Ability Power champions. Ability Power champions are your team's primary source of burst damage. AP champs can be extremely deadly at or even before 6, but unless fed, are often overshadowed by ADC champs late game. Keep in mind, this is a general outlook. There are magic power champs like Ryze that are weak early game, but become extremely powerful mid - late game. But in general, AP carries are low health, high burst dmg champions. The middle lane can obviously be ganked from either side, so the short distance from river to tower compensates for this. Also, having your AP carry mid will allow for later strategies like ganking either top or bottom lane with tons of burst damage after 6, or simply getting blue buff so that you can spam spells without worrying about mana. But those aren't things you should be worrying about this early in your career.

Jungler: Usually what will define your team comp as tanky or damage based. Junglers are typically good at ganking other lanes either because they have Crowd Control (such as roots or stuns) or because they can travel the map/clear the jungle very quickly and be in any lane at any time. Jungling isn't something I would recommend concerning yourself with until you have a sturdy understanding of the lanes.

Recommending champs is very difficult considering personal preference, skill level, champ balance and play style. I would certainly recommend any champ that does not have skill shots. You may think you're doing well with skill shots, but honestly, this game doesn't reward you for playing more difficult champs. My friends recommended Ryze to begin with and I figured that since he was easy to play as, he must be worse. But this isn't the case at all.

Personally, my favorite champs were Teemo, Jarvan IV and Gangplank. Those are the only 3 champs that never got old to me. There are several threads on other boards that can probably give you hints on any particular lane or strategy, but I feel like I just gave you a pretty good overview. This is a really good site.. http://www.nerfplz.com/2013/04/2013-hero-tier-list-solo-queue-patch_24.html

Unfortunately, the best advice I can give you (and several pros agree) is to play overpowered (OP) champs. Yes the pros can play any champ and dominate, but for we common-folk, OP champs can, and often do, make all the difference in the world. Ok, well, that's about all I have to say as far as a general overview. Hope it helps!

Oh, I almost forgot! The entire purpose of the game is TO GET GOLD! NOT TO GET KILLS! While getting kills is a great source of gold, it oftentimes comes at a high risk. The entire game revolves around weighing this risk/reward properly. I can't remember the exact ratio, but killing a 0/0 champion is only worth about 8 minions or something. So being 4/0 but 80 minions behind means you're probably still losing. Also, a champion kill only means that you got the last hit. It is certainly not an indicator of who caused the kill. I will not go on a tirade about this, as you will experience several in your LoL career. Anway, last hit minions to get gold, and take kills only when they present themselves. Again, the game is about GOLD, NOT KILLS! I can't stress that enough, and it is something the general community simply cannot seem to wrap their heads around.
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Thanks, that's awesome. Do you have any examples of overpowered champions?
Thanks, that's awesome. Do you have any examples of overpowered champions?

Click on that link in the previous post and it will immediately take you to a "tier list." Tier 1 is the best, and it's even subdivided by tier. So Rumble is apparently the best at what he does in the game. I'm not sure if that is as a top laner or a mid laner. Rumble was initially designed to be a top lane bruiser, but people started taking him mid and just bullying AP champs. So I'm not sure. You'll have to read what he says about why he put them there. There are usually jungle tier lists too, since jungling is a much different aspect of the game. At a quick glance, it looks as though they think Rumble is the best top (and overall champ in the game at the moment), Twisted Fate is the best mid (though I would not recommend playing as him. He is very difficult to play), Hecarim is the best jungler (again, i can't be positive, but i would assume this is for his jungling and not his top lane), Miss Fortune is the best ADC (again, I know she does a TON of dmg, but i personally always struggled with ADC's that didn't have an escape, such as corki's jet away, or EZ's teleport), and Taric is the best support. I will say, just because those champs are tier 1 doesnt mean you can just faceroll as them. You need to learn WHY they're tier 1. That is, what makes that champ OP? Most of the time, and rumble could be a perfect example, it's because of a particular play style. It doesn't just mean that that champ can go in and 1v1 any champ in the game. In rumble's case (at least this was how you played him when i played) he doesn't just blow up any champ 1v1, but top lane, he can spam spells and harass over time, leaving the enemy top laner very vulnerable to ganks. Rumble also has slowing power that helps the jungler gank more successfully.
Rumble is a badddd choice for a beginner to start playing. Micromanaging his heat resource while still keeping out a ton of damage isn't that easy if you're not used to the champ. A lot of noobs playing rumble just end up constantly silencing themselves at the wrong time.

Sorry I just saw this thread - best advice is to play with 30s that can help you out with in game tips, item builds, etc. You learn/progress soooo much faster that way. I'll be happy to help, my summoner name is Kifo. I think I only ended up playing with 1 group of board people once.. but it was fun! And we won the ranked game. So there's that :p

Also, quick advice for item builds on a champion you've never played: www.solomid.net.
Oh, anyone that is on LoL, please add me! Always looking for cool bros to play with. Again, summoner name = Kifo
Also, for easy to play, "OP" champions... MF and Taric are definitely up there. Although you won't really "feel" OP on Taric.

Darius is free, definitely easy to play, definitely dunks on people. Figuratively and literally.

Garen does very well at early levels, and he's super easy to play. Same goes for Tryndamere.

For mids, Ryze and Annie are both pretty easy to play and when fed can be extremely strong.

Oh, and don't even bother jungling at this point. Too difficult without runes unless you're playing a select few champs (Warwick, Nunu, Fiddlesticks), and you won't have the map awareness or know how to gank properly to really take advantage of being in the jungle. Not to mention your laners will be oblivious to your ganks most of the time.
I bought Ashe last night. Extremely cheap and easy to play with. I had used her in the freebies last week and found her to be a good beginning champ. She levels up incredibly easy and he long range keeps me out of scrums which I'm terrible in. Her only skill shot is her special but I'm finding it pretty easy to get the hang of. I normally don't get any champion kills with her but I don't really die either. My stats are normally something like 0/1/5 or something with her.
So you didn't wait to see if something else opened up.
I've been messing around with that for a few days now. Kind of reminds me of Frog Fractions, but not nearly as entertaining and much slower paced.