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Wake - Virginia Tech Game Thread


Now that's some thuggery going on right there!
Exactly. They were complimentary players. Johnson, Teague, and Aminu were the engines on that team. Now, if you want to debate how Dino lost to Cleveland St. with those guys, go right ahead.

Johnson and Teague were the engines to a team when they were in the NBA? Interesting.

That team was essentially: Aminu, Ish, Stewart, LD Williams, CJ and Chas. It probably doesn't even make the NIT without their contributions.
Fuck you. I haven't ruined anything in this thread. You & DV7 are just pissed off because Wake Forest won the game last night and are looking for fights to pick.

Nope. United are signing Juan Mata. I'm a very, very happy boy today.
And sometimes when they beat up their baby's mother, break into dorm rooms and get accused of sexual assault they are called thugs, too.....

And BTW, DV7, you aren't going to play any guilt-trip on me, so you might as well stop trying. I've been supporting civil rights causes since long before you were born. When I voted for Dr Reginald Hawkins (whom I'm sure you've never heard of) in the 1968 NC Democratic Gubernatorial primary, it was the only vote he got in my precinct. If I was over on the politics board again, I would be blasted for supporting President Obama. However, if it walks like a duck & quacks like a duck, the chances are good that it's a duck. It's pretty simple, really. If people don't want to be called a thug, they should stop acting like a thug.

I'm sure we can all agree that any coach who allowed that stuff to go on during his watch, or who allowed those players to stay on the team should be fired immediately.

Also in case anyone was wondering I voted for CP3, Gordon Hayward, David Lee, Kevin Love, and Jeremy Lin on my Western-Conference all-star ballot so I'm definitely not a racist.
Funny how you never hear white people called a thug unless they are a Chas McFarland type. With black players, if they show-off, they are a thug. If they talk trash, they are a thug.

Thug is becoming an interesting word. I'm pretty sure I called Chas a thug and did the same with the likes of Sheehey, Meagher, Merrifield, Wojo, Fothergill and Veal back in the day when college basketball was not for the feint of heart. Historically, I believe the word was used a lot in reference to mob type guys. And I recall Truman calling J Edgar a jack booted thug (yet another reason to love Truman). But I think you are correct that the word is increasingly used just or mostly in reference to black guys these days. The Sherman situation highlighted this trend. I agree with Racer that it's prolly time to take this word out of the vocabulary and notice how others are using it when they do use it.
Watch out! Dude's about to throw a chair or choke someone!

Per Wiki: Thug, a common criminal, who treats others violently and roughly (examples such as throwing chairs and grabbing people by the throat)
The Bobby Knight Treatment: Choked Indiana University’s communications director after a negative press release; assaulted a Puerto Rican police officer while coaching Pan American Games in San Juan; threw a chair across the court to protest a referee’s call during game; told Connie Chung, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it”; choked, punched and mock-bullwhipped Indiana players Michael Prince, Neil Reed and Calbert Cheaney, respectively; threw a potted plant at a female secretary; attacked assistant coach Ron Felling by throwing him out of a chair after overhearing him criticizing the basketball program in a phone conversation; fired a shotgun in the direction of James Simpson after he asked Knight to stop hunting too close to his home; bid farewell to an Indiana University crowd by saying, “When my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass.”


And that handy little list leaves out his attack on the Shaw kid (or whatever his name was since Shaw was his step-dad).
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Thug is becoming an interesting word. I'm pretty sure I called Chas a thug and did the same with the likes of Sheehey, Meagher, Merrifield, Wojo, Fothergill and Veal back in the day when college basketball was not for the feint of heart. Historically, I believe the word was used a lot in reference to mob type guys. And I recall Truman calling J Edgar a jack booted thug (yet another reason to love Truman). But I think you are correct that the word is increasingly used just or mostly in reference to black guys these days. The Sherman situation highlighted this trend. I agree with Racer that it's prolly time to take this word out of the vocabulary and notice how others are using it when they do use it.

I remember Bill Lambier being called a thug long before it was cool to use the word thug.
Fuck you. I haven't ruined anything in this thread. You & DV7 are just pissed off because Wake Forest won the game last night and are looking for fights to pick.
Bobby's steaming!

The Bobby Knight Treatment: Choked Indiana University’s communications director after a negative press release; assaulted a Puerto Rican police officer while coaching Pan American Games in San Juan; threw a chair across the court to protest a referee’s call during game; told Connie Chung, “I think that if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it”; choked, punched and mock-bullwhipped Indiana players Michael Prince, Neil Reed and Calbert Cheaney, respectively; threw a potted plant at a female secretary; attacked assistant coach Ron Felling by throwing him out of a chair after overhearing him criticizing the basketball program in a phone conversation; fired a shotgun in the direction of James Simpson after he asked Knight to stop hunting too close to his home; bid farewell to an Indiana University crowd by saying, “When my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed, I want them to bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass.”


And that handy little list leaves out his attack on the Shaw kid.

That's just plain thug y'all!!!!!
I remember Bill Lambier being called a thug long before it was cool to use the word thug.

Yeah, I prolly called Laimbeer a thug back in the day. As well as other things. What's funny is he doesn't seem like a bad guy off the court but was probably the dirtiest NBA player in history on the court.
He did get a standing ovation for the critics can kiss my ass and most people thought it was referencing the media as well as Indiana naysayers. I thought that line was hilarious. I like Bob Knight but to use him as an idol while simultaneously criticizing anybody else for brash or "thuggish" behavior is hypocritical when viewed in the best light.
He did get a standing ovation for the critics can kiss my ass and most people thought it was referencing the media as well as Indiana naysayers. I thought that line was hilarious. I like Bob Knight but to use him as an idol while simultaneously criticizing anybody else for brash or "thuggish" behavior is hypocritical when viewed in the best light.

"The reason it bothers me is because it seems like it's an accepted way of calling somebody the N-word now," Sherman said. "It's like everybody else said the N-word and then they say 'thug' and that's fine. It kind of takes me aback and it's kind of disappointing because they know."

This is the problem with today's media. They take Richard Sherman's word for it and run with it.

One of the definitions of the word 'thug' is: a boorish ruffian

I'd say that Mr. Sherman's actions on the field tend to fall in that category. He's a great player and he may be a good guy off the field, but he certainly likes to act like a childish thug on it.
This is the problem with today's media. They take Richard Sherman's word for it and run with it.

One of the definitions of the word 'thug' is: a boorish ruffian

I'd say that Mr. Sherman's actions on the field tend to fall in that category. He's a great player and he may be a good guy off the field, but he certainly likes to act like a childish thug on it.

The definition of ruffian- a strong and violent person (especially a man) who threatens and hurts other people.

Honest question, have you ever called a white brash player a thug? I've never heard Larry Bird, JJ Redick, or Philip Rivers a thug.
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The definition of ruffian- a strong and violent person (especially a man) who threatens and hurts other people.

So if thug becomes the new N-word, we go to using the word ruffian until it becomes racist?
Ruffian is a pretty bitchin word.
I'm certainly not saying Sherman IS a thug and I don't really care one way or the other. But he acts like an asshole on the field with his taunting, shit-talking etc. You can certainly threaten and hurt people without using violence, but then again, football tends to be a violent game.

Anyway, the point is the media would like you to believe that now it is totally and absolutely true that anyone who has referred to someone as a 'thug' or thuggish is most certainly racist or bigoted.

If Mr. Sherman's feelings have been hurt by fellow players or fans who call him names, you reap what you sow generally. A little bit of humility goes a long way IMO.
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