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Now her story has changed. Alleged sexual assault thread.

didnt know woods would likely go to kentucky as per the espn article
Dan is understandably upset (comments from Katz column)

ncollins08 (5/18/2011 at 2:25 AM) Report Violation
In a world where local journalism is constantly seeing a decline in readership and support, it would be respectful of ESPN to give credit to the Winston-Salem journalist who provided much of the information in this article. Instead of simply stating the paper's name once, without providing any links or further acknowledgement.
I never saw any quotes from Mike Grace or info from a source with the team that night in the Journal. And Grace provided much of the information in the article. Sounds like Katz did his own legwork and doesn't owe the W-SJ a link. He attributed the information that he got from them correctly.
Not even sure what ESPN's policy is on linking to outside media outlets. This is a nonissue.
A) keeper you're a douchebag.

B) I just don't get how she took this long to make these claims. Seems more like buyers' remorse.

C) Of course they are going to mention WFU, that's where the settlement from the lawsuit pays, not Clark's assistant HS coaching job.

This. I think mom feels a bag of money is owed her/them
Too fat to fly? Yes, yes she is. I'm glad she's losing weight, but I mean, I don't see how you could fit in a seat.
Totally agree. I hope what doesn't get lost in this thread and the special on Thursday is that this issue is extremely prevalent on ALL college campuses (obviously including Wake). A great many college students are unaware of just how prevalent the issues of rape and sexual assault are on college campuses. Some part of that is due to the reluctance of many victims to come forward or their choice to deal with the issues privately. Most college students would be extremely surprised if they were aware of how many people they considered friends, or even close friends, have been affected by rape or sexual assault on a college campus. My hope is that the special on Thursday is more about bringing awareness to the issues, which might help open some eyes to their prevalence on college campuses rather than pointing fingers and blaming Wake (if my understanding of the facts and actions of WFU are correct). More education, which might lead to more people actively working to prevent rape and sexual assault is never a bad thing.

I don't know what exactly happened between WFU and this family in this particular instance, we might find out more on Thursday. I will say, I have full confidence in WFU dealing with serious issues like this on campus. Wake has many resources available to students, including both professional and student counselors dedicated to being victim advocates and a resource for victims. Not all students choose to utilize the resources at Wake, and that is absolutely their right as everyone deals with situations differently; however, if a student did need the resources, Wake has plenty of them available and makes an effort to be EXTREMELY proactive in helping victims begin a path toward recovery. I can speak from a decent amount of experience that Wake goes to great lengths to support victims and certainly has wider set of resources available to students than is often found on a college campus.

Very well stated. I would hope that the show would be focused on broadening awareness of sexual assault on college campuses as a whole & the resources available to all students, but my fear is that NCAVA's agenda is to paint all male athletes with a broad brush as being habitual thugs. Hopefully that is my innate cynicism working overtime...:squint:
Very well stated. I would hope that the show would be focused on broadening awareness of sexual assault on college campuses as a whole & the resources available to all students, but my fear is that NCAVA's agenda is to paint all male athletes with a broad brush as being habitual thugs. Hopefully that is my innate cynicism working overtime...:squint:

I agree with you. It bothers me that in the group's ad on their facebook page, they describe this as a moment they have been "aching" to arrive at and call it a "rape" by two WF basketball players. It really does seem like they have an agenda based on how their description does not jive with the official story from Wake.

I'm sure both sides are doing their best to paint themselves in the best light to get the most support, but the truth is not always somewhere in the middle. Its possible one side could be flat wrong.
I agree with you. It bothers me that in the group's ad on their facebook page, they describe this as a moment they have been "aching" to arrive at and call it a "rape" by two WF basketball players. It really does seem like they have an agenda based on how their description does not jive with the official story from Wake.

I'm sure both sides are doing their best to paint themselves in the best light to get the most support, but the truth is not always somewhere in the middle. Its possible one side could be flat wrong.

Agreed. I was ready to throw Wake under the bus after reading the mother's email yesterday and seeing the facebook page account. But now it just seems like the organization is promoting an agenda, inflating a story, and doing damage to their cause at the same time.
I was ready to as well and I am still withholding judgement on the motives and reasoning from the accuser because there is a chance I will know who they are (for those late to the party, I was in the band and on the trip where all this went down, but don't know the name of the accuser). Once I see who it was, I think I can make a better judgement about what is likely true.