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2014 Resolutions

Lose 80 lbs by football season.
Stop being so laid back all the time, aggressively pursue my goals.

Down 7 lbs already, just from eating a more healthy balanced diet.

Second goal, I'm also making moves. Hopefully a big announcement in a month or two.
Nice! Keep up the good work.

My resolutions -
run an official 5k
try and play tennis again (since the accident...)
work up to curling 30 lbs x 10 reps with my disfigured arm

land a part time job during school (check!)
land a summer internship
Nice! Keep up the good work.

My resolutions -
run an official 5k
try and play tennis again (since the accident...)
work up to curling 30 lbs x 10 reps with my disfigured arm

land a part time job during school (check!)
land a summer internship

Since it's made from robot parts, isn't this goal a little low?
Screw it, I wasn't going to do it but I can't think of anything better. I'm in one of those super social departments where everyone does everything together, so I am going to say hi to every member of my team at the start of every day. Yes I am making a checklist to make sure I say hi to everyone. LETS GO.

(Starting tomorrow.)

i want to hear how this is going cause while i'm fine saying hi to people every morning sometimes i just want to get to my office and get to f'ing work
I need to get back into tennis and golf. Those hobbies have been collecting dust since late Fall.
I have no idea what my startin weight was but I'm down a belt notch as of today after about three weeks of an actual routine.
How ya doing?

Lost 4lbs in January w00t

I'm still at my 7lb mark. A piece of metal through my foot put a stop to my working out, but thankfully its almost fully healed now. I'm surprised I didnt gain any weight after all the crap I ate and drank Sunday.
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With less than a month to go, how's everyone doing?

Get at least one first-author publication
Read at least 12 books including one of Gravity's Rainbow, House of Leaves, or Ulysses
Watch at least 25 films I've not yet seen from the IMDb Top 250 or similar Best Films lists
Attend at least four plays, two operas, two ballets, and two symphonies
Visit 5 out of state friends

I don't think I'm going to accomplish any of these. #crushingit
Nice! Keep up the good work.

My resolutions -
try and play tennis again (since the accident...) DONEZ, HAVE BEAT SCD AND DF09 NOW
work up to curling 30 lbs x 10 reps with my disfigured arm, probs not getting this one, i'm up to 25 lbs max for a few reps but that shit is hard

land a part time job during school (check!) GOT INTO WFU SO EVEN BETTER
land a summer internship ALSO PWNED THIS

4/5, not too bad. I'm coming for you next year 30 lb dumbbells!
Be more fiscally responsible
Take my training seriously and maximize my potential
Find something I can regularly participate in that meaningfully impacts other people

Kind of.
Whew. Looks like I never posted in this thread.
i asked dhtoy how i could be a better fiancee/wife, and that what he listed was going to be my resolution. so my resolution is to "love like i say it." we say it a lot, but actions speak louder than words, and i need to work on that.

another one i added was just to not let the stress of wedding planning take over our relationship, and to make sure we're not just planning a wedding, but also planning a marriage. those are the only real goals, but i also am working more on the whole fiscal responsibility thing, namely retirement planning.

i accomplished all my goals! i love like i mean it every single day, i also run like i mean it which wasn't even on my original intentions.

i definitely did not let the stress of wedding planning take over, and even if it did i definitely "de-stressed" on my honeymoon ;)

also, other things i accomplished were making a new friend that sat behind me at the homecoming game and spreading the good word on afternoon afternoon carrot snacks.
I think I did pretty well.

Lose 20 lbs over the year. I've lost about 5 and a pant size in the last two months. Kept it off and lost 5 more and another pant size. I'm in much better shape than a year ago.

Complete the aggressive research plan for my project. Not complete but headed in the right direction. I'm building a more sustainable research plan as well.

Meet family financial goals. Main goal was to buy a new house and rent the old one and we did it 6 months ago.

Do a better job keeping in touch with local friends particularly those with kids my kids' ages. For the most part. It's obviously tough, but we've hosted parties at our place and started establishing regular get togethers. We've met some new couple friends as well.

Do a better job keeping in touch with old friends out of town. Facebook makes this easier, but I'm not quite where I want to be. I always get together with friends when I can when I travel. The new coach is motivating me to do a family trip for a football game in 2014 to see Wake friends.