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Americans becoming less religious due to conservative politics

Why would a Sunday School teacher want to question the existence of God? That makes zero sense. You teach what you believe to be true. I have seen it all now. If a teacher doesn't teach his students to doubt what he knows to be true, then it is indoctrination. My math teachers were indoctrinating me this whole time. Who knew!?? Stupid Pythagorean theorem, I should have been looking for reasons to doubt you instead of being taught how you work.

I think you are projecting your view of religion on what Bible believing Sunday School teachers should teach. I dont doubt the existence of God, so why in the world would I teach my kids or any other kid that? If there is a cliff, and you are the hike leader you don't question the result of falling off of it. You alert your hiking crew to the danger on the left and tell them in no uncertain terms the consequences of jumping off the cliff. Or if you know for certain that drinking the water through your filtered bottle is both necessary enjoyable and good, then you advise your crew to drink and be satisfied. You don't advise or teach them to question things you know to be true. Unreal.

Good night sir. You made me literally chuckle out loud with this post. Sunday School teachers should teach their students to question the existence of God or they are simply indoctrinating them. woah boy.

If you feel that strongly about your beliefs then you shouldn't feel any guilt for evangelizing to children who are too young to differentiate between faith and knowledge. I'm not condemning you for that, not at all, i'm just labeling it in a way that you don't like, by calling it "indoctrination". I don't think any kid who still believes in Santa Claus is mentally mature enough to have chosen a religion.
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Fair enough. I certainly feel no guilt in teaching my children about what I feel to be true. But I certainly don't define that as indoctrination. As sailor pointed out, you can honestly define any type of teaching to children as indoctrination if you want to. I feel that word has a negative connotation and would only use it when I feel the teacher is knowingly duping his/her pupils. The word certainly doesn't HAVE to have a negative connotation as at its root I guess it just means to instill doctrine (which is neutral) but I have always used and heard the word used negatively.

Cheers. Have fun at church this morning. :cool:
Fair enough. I certainly feel no guilt in teaching my children about what I feel to be true. But I certainly don't define that as indoctrination. As sailor pointed out, you can honestly define any type of teaching to children as indoctrination if you want to. I feel that word has a negative connotation and would only use it when I feel the teacher is knowingly duping his/her pupils. The word certainly doesn't HAVE to have a negative connotation as at its root I guess it just means to instill doctrine (which is neutral) but I have always used and heard the word used negatively.

Cheers. Have fun at church this morning. :cool:

I don't think that indoctrination is every really knowingly duping anyone. At a certain point there are usually true believers doing the teaching. The actual definition of indoctrination is teaching a set of beliefs without questioning them.
Why would a Sunday School teacher want to question the existence of God? That makes zero sense. You teach what you believe to be true. I have seen it all now. If a teacher doesn't teach his students to doubt what he knows to be true, then it is indoctrination. My math teachers were indoctrinating me this whole time. Who knew!?? Stupid Pythagorean theorem, I should have been looking for reasons to doubt you instead of being taught how you work.

I think you are projecting your view of religion on what Bible believing Sunday School teachers should teach. I dont doubt the existence of God, so why in the world would I teach my kids or any other kid that? If there is a cliff, and you are the hike leader you don't question the result of falling off of it. You alert your hiking crew to the danger on the left and tell them in no uncertain terms the consequences of jumping off the cliff. Or if you know for certain that drinking the water through your filtered bottle is both necessary enjoyable and good, then you advise your crew to drink and be satisfied. You don't advise or teach them to question things you know to be true. Unreal.

Good night sir. You made me literally chuckle out loud with this post. Sunday School teachers should teach their students to question the existence of God or they are simply indoctrinating them. woah boy.

So presumably, given what we know about your beliefs; You or your children's Sunday School teachers are teaching them that the Earth is 6,000 years old. If that isn't indoctrination, I don't know what is.
So presumably, given what we know about your beliefs; You or your children's Sunday School teachers are teaching them that the Earth is 6,000 years old. If that isn't indoctrination, I don't know what is.

I don't believe that question has ever come up. It certainly isn't relevant to anything that would be important to impart to a 6 year old. It is a red herring that people with an axe to grind against the church use to say 'GOTCHA!'. My kids are learning that God made us, that he loves us, and that the Bible is the story about his Son Jesus who came t o. Dinosaurs don't ever really come up, but Jesus does look pretty killer riding one.
I don't believe that question has ever come up. It certainly isn't relevant to anything that would be important to impart to a 6 year old. It is a red herring that people with an axe to grind against the church use to say 'GOTCHA!'. My kids are learning that God made us, that he loves us, and that the Bible is the story about his Son Jesus who came t o. Dinosaurs don't ever really come up, but Jesus does look pretty killer riding one.

Helluva red herring.
I don't believe that question has ever come up. It certainly isn't relevant to anything that would be important to impart to a 6 year old. It is a red herring that people with an axe to grind against the church use to say 'GOTCHA!'. My kids are learning that God made us, that he loves us, and that the Bible is the story about his Son Jesus who came t o. Dinosaurs don't ever really come up, but Jesus does look pretty killer riding one.

again, common sense
Once people experience the simple pleasure of sleeping in and enjoying your Sunday, instead of rushing off to bore yourself to death at church, Jesus never stood a chance.
Once you get to college, Sunday's are for recovering from all the terrible things you did to your body on Saturday.
this is bullshit.

my parents left the church because they felt unwelcome. someone brought brought politics in to my mom's church small group, and she was outcast as a "baby killer" because she said she'd be voting for al gore over w. she responded to group political emails informing them about w's role as the executingist governor in american history and was lambasted. that certainly isn't the love of christ, and that's why my parents left the church. so they aren't in it for the right reasons because some assholes supposedly are?

I've left a church because of people bringing in politics. Even at the church I go to now, I have to ignore some of the politics, but it is mainly from the congregation saying "amen" at the wrong things.
Once people experience the simple pleasure of sleeping in and enjoying your Sunday, instead of rushing off to bore yourself to death at church, Jesus never stood a chance.

Once you get to college, Sunday's are for recovering from all the terrible things you did to your body on Saturday.

At least once a week you should concern yourself with something eternal that is not directly related to filthy lucre. Don't take the easy way out living a slothful life of heathen substance abuse. The inability of pierced and bearded hipsters to delay gratification is one reason this country is on the bannana peel.
At least once a week you should concern yourself with something eternal that is not directly related to filthy lucre. Don't take the easy way out living a slothful life of heathen substance abuse. The inability of pierced and bearded hipsters to delay gratification is one reason this country is on the bannana peel.

I'm capable of doing all of the above without wasting half my Sunday being told a myth.
I'm capable of doing all of the above without wasting half my Sunday being told a myth.

The only time I've doubted God was when Chris Paul missed that free throw. Could have changed your life.

this is funny.

on the previous page there was the discussion/question about the military using god to justify violence/war. i thought the original point about that was simply that "the right" use their religious beliefs to justify their support of violence/war. but as someone else said that has happened throughout human history and it's more an indictment of human's than religion.

speaking of indoctrination... i just learned recently this church is near my house and boy am i thrilled.

their easter literature they dropped off said "there is more evidence of the death and rebirth of jesus than any other event in human history."

