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Chat Thread 2021: huge historic day today ! you are living history congrats !

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I felt that way until my mother in law died at 57 of ALS...busted her ass to get to an early retirement and didn’t get to enjoy it. It really made me realize tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Not saying I’m a total nihilist or not planning for the future, but work-life balance is a lot more important to me and I try really hard to live in the moment.

Yeah. I definitely agree with this take. I’m trying to get to a point where I can mostly make my own schedule and make sure I don’t miss the school plays and ball games.
How necessary did you find the port wine?

Have never tried with and without, so hard to say. You could probably get away with a dry red and a sweet red. The amount of liquid certainly matters.
John Mulaney is in rehab. I find that surprising, although he has done some stand up about past drinking problems.
I could definitely work more and make more money, but I don't want to give up shutting things down at 5, not getting work emails to my phone, not working on the weekends
Yeah man, hit those bitches up with some scented oil every now and then. It's a game changer.

In college and shortly thereafter, I had enough free time to really have my shit together. My girlfriend at the time (now wife) was really impressed with my grooming and specifically mentioned the nice smell of my shoes at least once.

Now that I'm a fat fucking slob, she's tried to be nice and casually remind me that I was once attractive and smelled nice. I should key in and listen up to that.

She should not forget the has not always had access to that monster and count her blessings.

(Also, we should not forget to do more for our significant others)
I have some minnetonkas that are great to slip on at 3 AM to soothe the baby back to sleep

I’ve got a pair of Minnetonkas that have a low pile lining that are great year round. Granted, my feet are generally always cold so I wear them in the summer too. I love them, though. Always on inside the house.
John Mulaney is in rehab. I find that surprising, although he has done some stand up about past drinking problems.

Yeah his New in Town special touches on this a lot. Sounds like the pandemic exacerbated this.
John Mulaney is in rehab. I find that surprising, although he has done some stand up about past drinking problems.

Yeah, surprising. He’s such a great standup. Kills SNL. Hope he gets it together and it all turns out well.
I’ve got Ugg slippers that I wear every now and then. I recently saw some sweet Barbour slippers that I liked better but can’t justify purchasing as a replacement.
I’ve got Ugg slippers that I wear every now and then. I recently saw some sweet Barbour slippers that I liked better but can’t justify purchasing as a replacement.

Biff is the most basic of white girls.
Appreciate the conversation (and especially the PMs from DDD). Truth be told I never thought I had much of a work ethic. I think to intellectualize it I could root it in feeling a Marxist alienation of labor or a Nietzschean ressentiment. Even working a bunch of jobs to get through college and such things. All my best accomplishments have never really been intrinsically motivated. Now on top of a mortgage and a shifty economy I have a kid to support and loads of commitments. And I think I’m finally at the point where I feel like I’m driving in my career I’m taking some pride in the work I’m doing but it still doesn’t stack up to hanging out with the boy. I had someone explain to me that some people live to work and others work to live and I think I’ll always be the latter, and I hope that’s ok.

this is where i came out. I like my job, but i like doing what I want to a lot more. My job is a means to an end - getting to travel and having cool experiences. I'd much rather work a little more at the end of my career than trying to jam it all in to retire early. When we go to Tuscany, I have observed every time that Italians seem to retire every day, and I like that mindset. That's why I get up at 4 to work - it allows me to get work done at a time when my family doesn't miss me at all.
I felt that way until my mother in law died at 57 of ALS...busted her ass to get to an early retirement and didn’t get to enjoy it. It really made me realize tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Not saying I’m a total nihilist or not planning for the future, but work-life balance is a lot more important to me and I try really hard to live in the moment.

ALS is big gay. My grandfather was diagnosed with it. Afterward, he called a family meeting. He let everyone know that as soon as he felt like he wouldn't be able to cock his .357, was the day he was killing himself. Dude was the toughest guy I know.
i unloaded my .357 into your mom last night

but seriously, that sucks. ALS and Alzheimers are both really cruel.
i unloaded my .357 into your mom last night

but seriously, that sucks. ALS and Alzheimers are both really cruel.

Yeah man. I think a part of human nature is to fear dying in a cage. Those diseases make your own self the cage and that's fucking terrifying.
My pops is getting loose and telling old navy stories on the way down to Pine Needles this morning. His best friend was a dude named Grace but apparently everyone called him towel rack because he would walk around with a folded hand towel on his flagstaff. “I didn’t think it was physically possible to have something that big”. Gonna be an interesting day if these are the stories he’s telling at 9 am.
I hate playing catch-up on the CT... My work day is usually from like 645am-430pm and I try not to read the boards much after that. So when I read yesterday's stuff and want to opine, I'm late to the discussion and out of the flow.

Massage Guns: I am not a huge fan, but I will say that it is the type of product where you need to pay up to get something good. The cheap ones are pieces of shit and a waste of money.

Work/Life Balance: I love my current setup, but I definitely lucked into it. I was in an office in my various jobs until I hit about 34 years old, which was coincidentally around when I got married. When we moved from Tampa to Atlanta in 2013, I had more flexibility... Purposely bought a house close to my office in Buckhead (less than 10 minutes), but still did a fair amount of travel. Started having kids... It is weird, but I missed them more during the work day than when I was traveling. My trips are either fly out and home in the same day or 1-2 nighters, so not a big deal.

Anyway, I got let go in mid-2018 with baby #3 on the way. Was extremely fortunate to land a job where I work from home, but still travel. It is ideal. When I am home, I can eat lunch with my kids and make all of their school and extracurricular events. I still travel, but I can be pretty flexible with it. And during the pandemic there has been no travel, so I'm home everyday. I am extremely lucky. If I had to go back to an office job, I would hate it. Having said all that, my wife does not work so it is important for me to bring in enough income for us to live the way that we'd like (which is not extravagent, but we don't need anything we don't already have). As the kids get a little older (and are in school all day), I think it'll be less important for me to work from home. My wife also plans on returning to work at that point.

Rambling here, but I do feel stress about doing well enough at my job to be able to keep the setup I have for at least the next few years. It's an ideal mix of income and flexibility. We're also in the process of moving out to the middle of nowhere, which would be difficult if I had to work at an office in Atlanta.

DDD - I'd like that PM, as well. Would be interested to hear your thoughts.
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