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Current Wake Forest Course: Classics Beyond Whiteness

It’s a symbol of everything wrong stemming from victim themed academics. This board is a hive of 30 and 40 something trust fund liberals so I sincerely don’t give a fuck about your opinions. It just makes me sad this shit is happening at Wake.

You’re being ridiculous.

My trust fund ran out years ago.

But the idea that you’re unwilling to consider anybody else’s opinion that might differ from your own echo chamber seems par for the course.

Political debate and discourse used to be a staple of our democracy.
This shouldn't be surprising and glad Wake is addressing these topics. Then again, I'm pretty steeped in it in the PNW. Hell, my doctoral written exam has a question on decolonization and I'm a scientist.
It's a shame that non-woke Wake Forest kids are going to now get pushed into the 99% of other history/classics/philosophy classes that were written and taught primarily by white men.
It’s a symbol of everything wrong stemming from victim themed academics. This board is a hive of 30 and 40 something trust fund liberals so I sincerely don’t give a fuck about your opinions. It just makes me sad this shit is happening at Wake.
Whatever, I'll bite on this bullshit.

Neither of my parents are college educated. I'm far from being a trust fund kid. My family is also Italian, so the whole idea of Greco-Roman classics is wrapped up in my heritage or culture or whatever the hell that means.

We do a really shitty job of teaching people that there were African and Middle Eastern Romans. Hell, there were several African and Middle Eastern Caesars and a bunch of them ruled from Turkey and the Middle East. The classical concept of being Greek extended to anyone who spoke Greek.

It makes me proud that Roman culture and art came from a society that was a racial and ethnic crossroads of the world. It makes incredibly sad that these same works have, historically, been co-opted and perverted by fascists and white supremacists to create a false narrative of white cultural superiority when these cultures were far from white by modern standards. It makes me even sadder that there are dumbasses like you who think this is victim themed, but I also have no idea what that means. It does illustrate the point that these are things that need to be taught and discussed more.

Don't want to get in your way of playing victim though since it's obvious your feefees are hurt.

And now I'm mad at myself for even typing any of this out because it's a waste of my time. Just go back in your hole. Everyone will be here the next time you crawl out after being triggered by something.
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It’s a symbol of everything wrong stemming from victim themed academics. This board is a hive of 30 and 40 something trust fund liberals so I sincerely don’t give a fuck about your opinions. It just makes me sad this shit is happening at Wake.
a) you obviously care very much
b) most of the active posters did/do not have trust funds, myself included you deluded snowflake
Wait how many of y’all actually had trust funds?
Imagine being that upset about an optional class that isn’t forced on anyone.
Shouldn't we let the market decide whether this is a worthwhile course? If people do not take it, it will no longer be offered. I also continue to be mystified that people born on second base are complaining about people (they perceive were) born on third base pointing out the folks who can't get out of the dugout.
Why don’t I know brangus?
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Wait how many of y’all actually had trust funds?

90% but in actuality the trust fund thing is his own insecurity that he can’t afford to send his kid to Wake, but also he doesn’t even want to because Woke Forest.
90% but in actuality the trust fund thing is his own insecurity that he can’t afford to send his kid to Wake, but also he doesn’t even want to because Woke Forest.
Yeah I feel like if you were born white with a trust fund and have a Wake education and you can't afford to send your kids to Wake you're probably a complete failure at life.